A Literary History of the Arabs Part 66
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65. _The Eclipse of the Abbasid Caliphate_, by H. F. Amedroz and D. S. Margoliouth, 7 vols. (Oxford, 1920-1).
Arabic texts and translations valuable for the history of the fourth century A.H.
66. _The life and times of 'Ali b. 'isa, the Good Vizier_, by H. Bowen (Cambridge, 1928).
67. _Geschichte der Fatimiden-Chalifen, nach arabischen Quellen_, by F. Wustenfeld (Gottingen, 1881).
68. _Prolegomenes d'Ibn Khaldoun_, a French translation of the _Muqaddima_ or Introduction prefixed by Ibn Khaldun to his Universal History, by Baron MacGuckin de Slane, 3 vols. (in _Notices et Extraits des Ma.n.u.scrits de la Bibliotheque Imperiale_, vols. xix-xxi, Paris, 1863-68).
69. _Culturgeschichte des Orients unter den Chalifen_, by A. von Kremer, 2 vols. (Vienna, 1875-77).
70. _Culturgeschichtliche Streifzuge auf dem Gebiete des Islams_, by A. von Kremer (Leipzig, 1873).
This work has been translated into English by S. Khuda Bukhsh in his _Contributions to the History of Islamic Civilization_ (Calcutta, 1905; 2nd ed., 1929).
71. _Geschichte der herrschenden Ideen des Islams_, by A. von Kremer (Leipzig, 1868).
A celebrated and most illuminating book.
72. _La civilisation des Arabes_, by G. Le Bon (Paris, 1884).
73. _Muhammedanische Studien_, by Ignaz Goldziher (Halle, 1888-90).
This book, which has frequently been cited in the foregoing pages, should be read by every serious student of Moslem civilisation.
74. _Islamstudien_, vol. i, by C. H. Becker (Leipzig, 1924).
75. _Umayyads and 'Abbasids_, being the Fourth Part of Jurji Zaydan's _History of Islamic Civilisation_, translated by D.
S. Margoliouth (E. J. W. Gibb Memorial, vol. iv, 1907).
76. _Die Renaissance des Islams_, by A. Mez (Heidelberg, 1922).
77. _Baghdad during the Abbasid Caliphate_, by G. le Strange (Oxford, 1900).
78. _A Baghdad Chronicle_, by R. Levy (Cambridge, 1929).
79. _The Lands of the Eastern Caliphate_, by G. le Strange (Cambridge, 1905).
80. _Palestine under the Moslems_, by G. le Strange (London, 1890).
81. _Painting in Islam_, by T. W. Arnold (Oxford, 1928).
82. _Moslem Architecture_, by G. T. Rivoira, translated by G. M.
Rushforth (Oxford, 1919).
83. _Arabian Society in the Middle Ages_, by E. W. Lane, edited by Stanley Lane-Poole (London, 1883).
84. _Die Araber im Mittelalter und ihr Einfluss auf die Cultur Europa's_, by G. Diercks (2nd ed., Leipzig, 1882).
85. _An account of the Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians_, by E. W. Lane (5th ed., London, 1871).
86. _Development of Muslim Theology, Jurisprudence, and Const.i.tutional Theory_, by Duncan B. Macdonald (London, 1903).
The best general sketch of the subject.
87. _Asch-Schahrastani's Religionspartheien und Philosophen-Schulen_, translated by T. Haarbrucker (Halle, 1850-51).
88. _The Traditions of Islam_, by A. Guillaume (Oxford, 1924).
See also No. 73, Pt. ii.
89. _Les traditions islamiques trad. de l'arabe_, by O. Houdas and W. Marcais (Paris, 1903-14).
A translation of the celebrated collection of Traditions by Bukhari.
90. _A Handbook of early Muhammadan Tradition_, by A. J.
Wensinck (Leyden, 1927).
91. _Mohammedanism_, by C. Snouck Hurgronje (American lectures on the history of religions, 1916).
92. _Vorlesungen uber den Islam_, by I. Goldziher (Heidelberg, 1910; 2nd ed., 1925).
93. _The Early Development of Mohammedanism_, by D. S. Margoliouth (London, 1914; re-issued, 1927).
94. _L'Islam, croyances et inst.i.tutions_, by H. Lammens (Beyrout, 1926); translation by E. Denison Ross (London, 1929).
95. _The Islamic Faith_, by T. W. Arnold (Benn's Sixpenny Library, No. 42).
96. _The History of Philosophy in Islam_, by T. J. de Boer, translated by E. R. Jones (London, 1903).
97. _Die Mutaziliten oder die Freidenker im Islam_, by H. Steiner (Leipzig, 1865).
98. _Die Philosophie der Araber im X. Jahrhundert n. Chr. aus den Schriften der lautern Bruder herausgegeben_, by F. Dieterici (Berlin and Leipzig, 1861-79).
99. _Averroes et l'Averroisme_, by E. Renan (Paris, 1861).
100. _Melanges de Philosophie Juive et Arabe_, by S. Munk (Paris, 1859).
101. _Fragments, relatifs a la doctrine des Ismaelis_, by S. Guyard (Paris, 1874).
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