Music Notation and Terminology Part 7

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_Con amore_--with tenderness.

_Colla voce_--with the voice.

_Come_--as, like. _Come primo_--as at first.

_Contra_--against. In compound words means "an octave below."

_Da_--from. _Da Capo_--from the head.

_Di_--by, with, of, for. _Di bravura_--with daring.

_Di molto_--exceedingly--very much. _Allegro di molto_--exceedingly rapid.

_Doppio_--double. _Doppio movimento_--double movement.

_E, ed, et_--and. _Cresc. et accel._--louder and faster.

_Ensemble_--together, the opposite of solo.

_Il, La, l', le_--the. _Il ba.s.so_--the ba.s.s. _L'istesso tempo_--the same speed.

_Il piu_--the most. _Il piu forte possible_--as loudly as possible.

_Issimo_--Italian superlative ending. _Forte_--_fortissimo_.

_Ino, etto_--Italian diminutive endings. _Andante_--_andantino_.


_Meno_--less. _Meno forte_--less loud.

_Mente_--the ending which changes a noun or adjective to an adverb.

_Largo largamente_.

_Mezzo_ or _mezza_--half, or medium. _Mezzo forte_--medium loud.

_Molto_--much, or very much. _Molto cresc._--very much louder.

_Nel, nella, etc._--in the, or at the. _Nel battere_--at the down beat.

_Non_--not. _Non tanto_--not too much.

_Ossia_--or else. _Ossia piu facile_--or else more easily.

_Per_--for. _Per il violino_--for the violin.

_Peu_--little. _Un peu cresc._--a little increase in tone.

_Piu_--more. _Piu forte_--more loudly.

_Poco_--little. _Poco a poco_--little by little.

_Poi_--then. _E poi la coda_--and then the coda.

_Possibile_--possible. _Forte possibile_--as loudly as possible.

[Transcriber's Note: Corrected error "possible" for Italian "possibile".]

_Quasi_--in the manner of. _Allegro quasi andante_--a fairly rapid movement, yet in the style of an andante; almost as slow as an andante.

_Sans_--without. _Sans pedales_--without pedals.

_Sempre_--always, or continually. _Sempre forte_--a long pa.s.sage to be played forte throughout its entirety.

_Senza_--without. _Senza accompagnamento_--without accompaniment.

_Sino, sin_--as far as. See p. 14, note.

_Solo_--alone. Opposite of ensemble.

_Sub_--under or lower. _Sub-dominant_--the under dominant.

_Tanto_--same as _troppo_, q.v.

_Tre_--three. _Tre corde_--three strings.

_Tres_--very. _Tres vivement_--very lively.

_Troppo_--too much. _Non tanto allegro_, or _non troppo allegro_--not too fast.

_Una, un, uno_--one, or a. _Una corda_--one string. _Un peu_--a little.

A working knowledge of these auxiliary terms will aid the student greatly in arriving at the meaning of hundreds of terms without stopping to look up each individual one.



97. From the standpoint of the eye, a _measure_ is that portion of the staff found between two bars, (in certain cases this s.p.a.ce may be less than a measure, as _e.g._, at the beginning and end of a movement); but from the standpoint of the ear a single, isolated measure is not possible, and the term must therefore be defined in the plural form.

_Measures_ are similarly accented groups of evenly-s.p.a.ced beats, each group having at least one accented and one non-accented beat. The strongest accent falls normally on the first beat in the measure.

Two essential characteristics are involved in the ordinary musical measure:

(1) A group of even beats (or pulses), always felt, though not always actually sounded, one or more of these beats being stronger than the rest;

(2) Certain rhythmic figures ([Ill.u.s.tration], etc.) which form the actual musical content of these groups.

Music Notation and Terminology Part 7

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