European Fungus Flora: Agaricaceae Part 40

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=ulmarius=, Bull. P. 8-15 cm. convex then plane, glabrous, livid then pale, spotted; g. adnexed, broad, whitish; s. 1-3 cm. base thickened, tomentose; sp. 5-6, glob.

=tessulatus=, Bull. P. 7-10 cm. convex then plane or depr. behind, glabrous, tawny then paler and spotted; g. uncinato-adnate, white then yellowish; s. 1-3 cm. glabrous; sp. ----.

[=pardalis=, Schulz. Caespitose. P. fleshy, convex, subcentral, glabrous, chestnut then spotted; g. free, crowded, pallid; s. stout, solid, connate at base, white.

[=decorus=, Fr. Yellow. P. thin, convex then exp. obtuse, rough with adnate blackish scales; g. obtusely adnate, crowded; s. stuffed then hollow, fibrillose; sp. glob. 6.

[=ornatus=, Fr. P. convexo-plane, umb. with rusty floccose squamules that disappear; g. adnate, very broad, yellow; s. spongy, yellow; sp. 6 long.

[=properatus=, C. Mart. P. membranous, form various, always umbil.

central or excentric, yellowish white with concentric brown scales; g.

adnato-decur. tinged yellow, edge eroded; s. cylindric with concentric brown scales, ring membranaceous, fugacious.

=subpalmatus=, Fr. P. 7-12 cm. Caespitose. Convex then depr. rugulose, rufescent, cuticle gelatinous; g. adnate, connected behind, dingy; s.

3-4 cm. incurved; sp. ----.

Remarkable for the variegated flesh.

[=coripellis=, Fr. P. rigid, glabrous, moist, somewhat bay, thick pellicle separable, disc compact, umb.; g. arcuato-adnate, plane, crowded, white; s. excentric, vertical, rigid, fibrillosely striate, whitish.

P. almost black but fawn or yellow-brown when dry. Flesh tinged fuscous.

=craspedius=, Fr. Caespitose. P. 8-14 cm. thin, crenate or lobed, brick-red or paler, glabrous; g. adnate, narrow, crowded, white; s. 4-7 cm. solid, elastic, glabrous, pallid; sp. 5.

=fimbriatus=, Bolt. P. 4-7 cm. thin, plane then depr. margin sinuate or lobed, hygr. hyaline, whitish; g. adnate, closely crowded, white; s. 2-3 cm. firm, compr. downy; sp. ----.

=lignatilis=, Fr. Whitish. P. tough, convex then plane, umbil. irreg.

floccosely pruinose then glabrous; g. adnate, crowded, narrow, s.h.i.+ning white; s. irreg. rather downy; sp. 4 3.

var. _tephrocephalus_, Fr. P. more compact, disc black then grey, edge white.

=Ruthae=, B. and Br. P. 3-7 cm. more or less fan-shaped, whitish or yellowish-buff, cuticle gelatinous, rather hispid; g. anastomosing behind, white then reddish, veined; s. 1-3 cm. reddish, hispid; sp.

Differs from _P. pantoleucus_ in g. anastomosing behind, and not decurrent.

=circinatus=, Fr. White. P. 5-7 cm. plane, orbicular, silky-pruinose; g.

adnato-decur. crowded; s. 2-5 cm. equal, glabrous, rooting; sp. ----.

[=olearius=, D. C. Caespitose. P. subexcentric plane or umbil. dry, reddish tawny or deep brown; g. decur. narrow, yellow; s. solid, firm, reddish-brown; sp. 5 4.

Gills phosph.o.r.escent.

var. _carpini_ (= _P. carpini_, Fr.). P. convexo-exp. angular, rivulosely scaly when dry; s. slender, short, excentric or lateral; g.

adnexed, thin, rusty.

[=juglandinus=, Kalchbr. P. plano-convex, even, glabrous, dingy golden-yellow, rather lobed; g. decur. distant, ends narrowed; s.

excentric, solid, brown-pilose; sp. 5.5 2.5.

*** _Gills decurrent; stem almost vertical._

[=aquifolii=, Fr. P. rather wavy, soft, convex then plane, dusky tan; g.

thick, dusky, joined in a ring behind; s. stout, equal, white. Edible.

[=eryngii=, D. C. P. fleshy, tough, exp. depr. irreg. rufous-grey, scabrid-virgate; g. broad, tinged pink; s. naked, whitish, solid; sp.

7-9 3.5.

[=nebrodensis=, Inzeng. P. compact, convex then depr. even, glabrous, grey; g. decur. whitish; s. solid, excentric or lateral, short, ascending, whitish.

[=nauseosodulcis=, Karst. P. soft, irreg. unequal, exp. even, glabrous, entirely tan; g. decur. crowded, pallid; s. excentric, rarely central, solid, tomentose, whitish; sp. 7-8 5.

=sapidus=, Kalchbr. Caespitose. P. fleshy, deformed, centre depr.

glabrous, pallid; g. decur. whitish; several stems springing from a common base; sp. 11-12 4.

More or less trumpet-shaped. Edible.

[=cornucopoides=, Pers. P. very variable in form, convex, depr.

glabrous, white then livid yellow; g. decur. white; s. subexcentric to lateral, expanding into p.

[=lingulatus=, Paulet. P. dimidiate or entire, umbil. convex, deformed, even, pale ochre, edge incurved; g. subdecur. closely crowded, paler than p.; s. solid, long, subcompr. white; sp. 10-12 long.

[=melanopus=, Fr. P. excentric or dimidiate, deformed, somewhat lobed, glabrous pale rufous; g. decur. crowded, narrow, whitish red; s. solid, glabrous, ascending, black.

[=spodoleucus=, Fr. P. plane, orbicular, even, glabrous, greyish; g.

crowded, white, separate behind; s. solid, glabrous, paler than p.; sp.

5-6 2-3.

=pantoleucus=, Fr. White. P. 4-7 cm. even, glabrous, spathulate, depr.

behind, marginate; g. crowded, distinct at base; s. 1-2 cm. ascending, glabrous, not rooting; sp. 11-12 4.

Differs from _P. spodoleucus_ in pileus being white and depressed behind.

[=pometi=, Fr. White. P. fleshy, rather flaccid, convex, even, disc depr.; g. decur. crowded, not joined behind; s. elastic with a downy rooting base; sp. 6-9 3-4.

[=Battarrae=, Q. White. P. cyathiform, spotted with blackish brown squamules; g. milk-white; s. slender, attenuated; sp. 12 long.

[=lignicola=, Sacc. White. P. tough, irreg. exp. sub.u.mbil. floccosely pruinose; g. adnato-decur. crowded, s.h.i.+ning white; s. long, incurved, flocculose at first; sp. 14 4.

=mutilus=, Fr. White. P. 2-2.5 cm. fleshy, irreg. silky when dry; g.

narrow, simple; s. 1-2 cm. long, terete, base downy; sp. ----.

Resembles _Omph. scyphoides_. Differs in nearly glabrous, irreg. p. not becoming infundib.

[=macropus=, Bagl. Large, caespitose. P. excentric, exp. glabrous, sooty-grey; g. decur. white; s. joined at base, firm, long, thickly tomentose.

[=luteo-caesius=, Bagl. P. subexcentric, exp. fibrillosely rivulose, tawny brown, edge wavy, incurved; g. subdecur. narrow, greyish yellow; s. solid, fibrillose, long rooting.

[=lutincola=, Lasch. Caespitose, fuscous; p. glabrous; g. adnate with a tooth running down stem to torn ring; s. often excentric.

European Fungus Flora: Agaricaceae Part 40

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