European Fungus Flora: Agaricaceae Part 47

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=degener=, Fr. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. thin, plano-infundib. edge entire, greyish bay, slightly zoned when moist; g. distant, decur. simple or dichot.

greyish; s. 1-2 cm. brown with white down.

A very uncertain sp. probably some _c.l.i.tocybe_. Quelet says it is an old condition of _Cantharellus carbonarius_.

[=roma.n.u.s=, Fr. P. glabrous, thin, exp. umbil. even, brownish, edge lobed; g. thick, crisped, rufescent; s. rigid, fistulose, black.


* _Growing on Angiosperms._

[=albida=, Fr. P. corky, soft, plane, zoneless, whitish, tomentose; g.

thin, dichot. anastomosing, entire, whitish. Effuso-reflexed.

=betulina=, Fr. P. 6-10 cm. firm, long, 2-5 cm. broad, broadly attached, flesh 4-6 mm. thick, pallid or tinged brown, rather zoned, tomentose; g.

thin, forked, whitish; sp. 4 2.

=flaccida=, Fr. P. 3-6 cm. flaccid, more or less flabelliform, thin, strigose, zoned, pallid; g. broad, crowded, unequally branched, whitish; sp. 7 5.

[=variegata=, Fr. P. rigid, plane, velvety, zoned with different colour, edge whitish; g. broad, thickish, anastomosing, white, edge torn.

Habit and colour of _Poly. versicolor_.

[=trabea=, Fr. P. coriaceous, flattened, rugulose, almost glabrous, brownish; g. straight, simple and forked, freely anastomosing, entire, reddish.

Habit of _Dedaelea quercina_ but thinner.

[=cinnamomea=, Fr. P. coriaceous, flattened, firm, downy, concentrically sulcate, inside and out cinnamon; g. rather distant, straight, unequal, almost simple, narrow, entire, colour of p.

var. _crocata_, Sacc. P. strigosely velvety, sulcate, brown; g. yellow, edge unequal, paler, trama bright saffron.

[=tricolor=, Fr. P. corky, plane, base gibbous, scabrid, zoned and radiately rugulose, yellow then dingy; g. thin, distant, forked, anastomosing behind, citrin then umber.

** _Growing on Gymnosperms._

=sepiaria=, Fr. P. 3-9 cm. long, hard, zoned, bay, strigose, rough; g.

branched, anastomosing, yellowish; sp. 5 4.

=abietina=, Fr. P. 3-12 cm. effuso-reflexed, umber-tomentose then nearly glabrous, h.o.a.ry; g. decur. simple, unequal, with white meal; sp. 7-8 4.

[=pinastri=, Kalchb. P. coriaceous, rigid, convex, tomentose, obsoletely zoned, disc h.o.a.ry, edge with broad rusty band; g. densely anastomosing, pallid.

[=Queletii=, Schulz. P. generally reniform, corky, pale ochre becoming deep yellow when wet, closely zoned; g. thick, anastomosing and forming pores behind, whitish, edge tan; sp. 13-18 6-8.

var. _populina_, Schulz. P. narrowed into stem-like base, tomentose, greyish or ochre; g. sometimes greyish, edge subserrulate.

var. _cra.s.sior_, Schulz. P. blackish grey and scabrid behind, rest hispid-tomentose; sp. 4 1.

[=Bresadolae=, Schulz. (= _L. tricolor_, Kalch. not of Fr.). P.

semiorbicular, broadly adnate, gibbous, subtomentose, multizoned, interruptedly radially wrinkled, umber then tawny; edge of g. colour of p., sides paler; flesh fuscous.

=Reichardtii=, Schulz. Subimbricated. P. semiorbicular, adnate, base brownish, ochre or whitish towards edge, grey when old, imperfectly zoned; g. tan, at first white mealy, some forked.

[=heteromorpha=, Fr. Coriaceous, thin, effuso-reflexed, gibbous, fibroso-rugose, pallid, margin incised into broad plates, crowded, somewhat branched, white, excurrent.

var. _resupinata_, Fr. Resupinate, porose.

[=labyrinthica=, Q. and Schulz. P. irregularly rounded, edge sinuate, produced behind into a short stem-like base, greyish white, base darker, not zoned but with scattered warts; lamellate in front underneath, behind white, glabrous and sterile; g. tan, anastomosing and forming labyrinthiform pores; sp. 6-8 3-4.

[=faventina=, Caldesi. P. dimidiate, sessile, corky, tuberculato-scrobiculate, whitish then grey; g. radiating, irreg. porose behind, tinged yellow, edge acute, darker.

[=mollis=, Heufler. P. broadly exp. incurved, soft, edge brown with darker zones, centre grey; g. strongly anastomosing, greyish or wood-colour.

[=septentrionalis=, Karst. P. sessile, dimidiate, gibbous behind, floccose, radiately rugulose, pallid brownish with darker zones, almost glabrous, edge thin, blackish; g. simple, crowded, very broad, fuscous.

[=sorbina=, Karst. P. corky, effuso-reflexed, imbricate, almost glabrous, usually even, not zoned, thin, pallid, edge obtuse; g.

anastomosing, dingy white, thickish.


=crispa=, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. shallowly cup-shaped, reflexed, lobed, downy, yellowish brown, edge whitish; g. fold-like, dichotomous, crisped, greyish-white; sp. subgl. 5-6.

In the only European sp. the edge of gills not channelled.


=commune=, Fr. P. thin, more or less fan-shaped or reniform, often much lobed, narrowed behind to a point of attachment, whitish, downy then strigose; g. radiating, narrow, brownish, edge split; sp. subgl. 5-6.

var. _multifidum_, Ma.s.s. (= _S. multifidum_, Fr.) P. deeply incised, segments narrow.


=Chlorospora=. Gills free; veil appendiculate; volva and ring absent.

[=Chlorophyllum=. Gills free; veil forming a persistent ring on the stem, volva absent. Not European.]


=Eyrei=, Ma.s.s. (= _Schulzeria Eyrei_, Ma.s.s.) P. 2-4 cm. campan. then exp. and umb. even, glabrous, pale tan, edge appendiculate; g. free, clear pale green then deep bluish-green; s. 4-5 cm. equal, slightly wavy, pallid; sp. green, 4-5 3.

The only known European representative of the Chlorosporae.

European Fungus Flora: Agaricaceae Part 47

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