European Fungus Flora: Agaricaceae Part 79

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=luteolus=, Lamb. P. thin, stipitate at first then resupinate and stem disappearing, tomentose, clear yellow then pale; g. crowded, orange-yellow then cinnamon; sp. rusty.

=Ralfsii=, B. and Br. P. 3-5 cm. convex, edge incurved, delicately hispid or scurfy, yellow, fixed by cottony mycelium, stem obsolete; g.

rather broad, ventricose, pale tan, edge whitish; sp. ----.

=Parisotii=, Pat. Minute. P. sessile, minutely velvety, bright citrin, stem almost obsolete, white, downy, edge incurved; g. very distant, reddish; sp. 4-5 2.

Only appears to differ from _C. luteolus_ in being somewhat smaller.

[=subintiger=, Schulz. P. thin, cylindrical then cyph.e.l.liform, fixed by centre, orbicular-reniform, whitish, slightly tomentose; g. radiating from centre, free, distant, ventricose, yellowish brown, edge wavy and fimbriate; sp. 3-4 long.

[=pallescens=, Q. P. umbil. downy, yellowish white; g. adnate, white then pallid; s. short incurved, downy, white; sp. 7 long.

[=scutellinus=, Q. P. convexo-plane, vertex minutely mucronate, pellucid, rivulosely striate, whitish then ochre; s. filiform, arcuate, short, downy, colour of p.; g. narrow, adnate, denticulate, white then pale ochre; sp. 7 long.

[=Cesatii=, Rab. P. sessile, resupinate, rather tough, soft, whitish or pallid gilvous; g. broad, pallid; sp. pale yellow; sp. 6-7 4-6.

Habit of _Claudopus variabilis_, but p. not tomentose, g. not reddish, and pale sp.

[=proboscideus=, Fr. P. resupinate, campan. vertex prominent, pedunculate, even, p.u.b.escent, ochraceous; g. radiating from an excentric point, thin, straight, colour of p.

Must be carefully distinguished from _Pax. panuoides_.

=epigaeus=, Pers. P. 1-2 cm. thin, reniform or flabellate, reddish-grey, base downy, whitish; g. distinct, narrow, diverging, watery rufescent; sp. 10 7.

Entire fungus soft and watery; growing on naked damp earth.


A. _Gills free from stem._

=Chitonia=. Volva present, ring absent.

=Agaricus=. (= _Psalliota_, Fr.) Ring present, volva absent.

=Pilosace=. Volva and ring both absent.

B. _Gills attached to stem._ (Quite free from stem in some species of _Coprinus_.)

+ _Stem with a distinct membranous ring._

=Stropharia=. Gills adnate dark brown or purplish.

=Anellaria=. Gills adnexed, grey and clouded with the black spores.

++ _Ring very imperfect or absent; gills decurrent._

=Gomphidius=. Gills subgelatinous.

+++ _Gills not decurrent, not adhering laterally when young, not deliquescent._

=Hypholoma=. Gills sinuate, dark brown or blackish-purple; veil often hanging in fragments from edge of pileus.

=Panaeolus=. Edge of pileus extending beyond the gills, pileus not striate.

=Psathyrella=. Pileus sulcate or striate.

=Psathyra=. Stem fragile; edge of pileus straight when young.

=Psilocybe=. Stem tough; edge of pileus incurved when young.

++++ _Gills adhering laterally when young, deliquescing at maturity._

=Coprinus=. Ring and volva present in some species, ring alone others, both absent in others; gills adnate, adnexed or free.

+++++ _Flesh of pileus entirely absent, the gills radiating from the stem free and unconnected by flesh above._

=Montagnites=. Volva present, buried in the ground.


=rubriceps=, Cke. and Ma.s.s. P. 2-3 cm. campan. then exp. umb.

reddish-brown; g. free, purplish-brown; s. 6-7 cm. hollow, paler than p., volva large, free edge torn; sp. 12 6.

Introduced along with living plants into Kew Gardens.

[=coprinus=, Fr. (= _Ag. involucratus_, Mont.) P. fleshy, convex, viscid, yellowish, sometimes floccosely scaly from fragments of volva; g. free, smoky-black; s. fistulose, naked, whitish, volva very small.

Unless the small volva is noticed, this fungus will be considered as a sp. of _Coprinus_.


A. EDULES. _Large, fleshy._

=augustus=, Fr. P. 8-14 cm. globose then exp. very obtuse, disc even, rest fibrillosely-scaly, pale yellow-brown; g. crowded, narrow, fuscous, remote from stem; s. 8-14 cm. solid, ring superior, large, areolately squamulose below; sp. 6 3.5. Edible.

=peronatus=, Ma.s.s. P. hemispher. then exp. dull ochre, densely scaly; g.

distant from stem, crowded, purple-brown; s. 10-14 cm. equal, marginately bulbous, hollow, with large spreading white scales up to broad spreading ring; sp. 6 4. Edible.

Differs from _A. augustus_ in hollow, peronate stem.

=elvensis=, B. and Br. P. 9-15 cm. subglobose then exp. fibrillose, broken up into large persistent brown scales, edge warted; g. crowded; s. 8-12 cm. narrowed at base, fibrillose, ring large, thick, warted below; sp. 8 4. Edible.

[=praenitens=, Beck. P. hemispher. exp. white, with densely imbricated chestnut scales which become smaller and denser at disc; g. remote, purple-brown, edge white; s. clavato-bulbous, concentrically scaly up to large ring, white; sp. 7-8 5.

European Fungus Flora: Agaricaceae Part 79

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European Fungus Flora: Agaricaceae Part 79 summary

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