European Fungus Flora: Agaricaceae Part 88

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[=phoenix=, Secr. P. campan. then exp. even, glabrous, hygr. fuscous then pale and s.h.i.+ning; g. free; s. stuffed, striate, pallid, subbulbous.

=can.o.brunnea=, Fr. P. 4-7 cm. exp. obtuse, subviscid when moist, hygr.

fleshy-brown then pale; g. nearly free, brownish purple; s. 4-5 cm.

hollow, short, squamulose, whitish or greyish pink, rooting; sp. ----.

[=Gilletii=, Karst. P. campan.-convex, often obliquely umb. glabrous, livid grey with olive tinge, umb. tawny, then pale ochre; g. subadnate soon free, grey- then livid-purple; s. fistulose, straight, equal, glabrous, bay, apex paler and pruinose; sp. 10-13 5-6.

[=simulans=, Karst. P. conico-convex, exp. usually obtusely umb.

glabrous, pale rusty with honey-colour tinge, pellucidly striate, edge at first incurved, yellow tawny when dry; g. greyish with honey or olive tinge; s. wavy, ascending, rather lubricous, s.h.i.+ning, bay, apex paler; sp. 4-6 3.

=spadicea=, Fr. Subcaespitose. P. 3-7 cm. glabrous, humid, convex then exp. edge at first incurved, dark bay or bistre-brown then pale; g.

adnate with decur. tooth, crowded, whitish then pinkish, at last purple-brown; s. fistulose, equal, rigid, silky, whitish; sp. 10 5.

var. _hygrophila_, Fr. Larger. P. fuscous then tan; s. subfusiformly rooting; g. emarginate with a long decur. line.

var. _polycephala_, Fr. Very densely tufted. P. rigid; s. slender, slightly flexuous; g. nearly free, fuscous-umber.

This is the commonest form in Britain.

_Hypholoma hydrophilum_ differs in having fuscous-cinnamon, lachrymose gills.

=cernua=, Fl. Dan. P. 1.5-2 cm. campan.-convex then exp. glabrous, micaceous, hygr. rugulose and pallid when dry; g. adnate; s. 5-9 cm.

white, apex even, pruinose; sp. 8 5.

=squalens=, Fr. P. 2-5 cm. exp. depr. even, glabrous, hygr. lurid then pale; g. adnato-decur. tan then brown; s. 4-5 cm. not rooting, apex striate, colour of p.; sp. ----.

[=murcida=, Fr. P. convex, obtuse, slightly striate, hygr. even when dry, bay then tan or rosy; g. adnate, segmentoid, umber; s. slender, fragile, straight, naked.

[=hebes=, Fr. P. exp. obtuse, glabrous, hygr. edge striate, lurid then pale; g. adnate, triangular; s. glabrous, pallid.

=foenisecii=, Fr. P. 1.5-2 cm. campan.-exp. obtuse, dingy brown then pale; g. adnate, ventricose, umber; s. 4-6 cm. not rooting, pale reddish, glabrous; sp. 10 5-6.

=clivensis=, B. and Br. P. 2-3 cm. hemispher. pale brown then pale ochre or whitish; g. broad, adnate, emarginate, edge pale; s. 3 cm. silky, base subclavate; sp. 10 5.

[=vicina=, Fr. P. convex then plane, obtuse, glabrous, umber then pale; g. slightly adnexed, grey then blackish; s. stuffed, wavy, grey, apex pruinose.

=catervata=, Ma.s.s. Densely fasciculate. P. 1-2 cm. campan. obtuse, white; g. slightly adnexed, crowded, edge entire, white; s. 3-4 cm.

white; sp. 12 4; cystidia fusiform.


_Key to the Sections._

I. Volva distinct with a free edge; ring present or absent. p. 228.

II. Volva absent; ring present on stem. p. 229.

III. Volva and ring absent. Veil practically absent. Pileus either glabrous or with minute innate squamules, especially near the apex, not splitting along the lines of the gills. p. 231.

IV. Volva and ring absent. Veil very evident--at least in a young state--as a felty coating, which breaks up during expansion of the pileus into patches, cottony, squamulose, fibrillose or mealy. Not glistening nor micaceous. p. 231.

V. Volva and ring absent. Pileus covered with glistening micaceous particles when young. p. 236.

VI. Volva, ring, and veil absent. Flesh very thin, pileus soon splitting along the lines of the gills, scurfy or glabrous. p. 237.

I. _Volva distinct, with a free margin; ring present or absent._

* _Large; pileus more than 2 cm. high and wide._

+ _Stem white._

=sterquilinus=, Fr. P. 5-7 cm. high, coa.r.s.ely sulcate, silvery grey, disc tawny with squarrose squamules; g. free; s. 9-15 cm. white, dark when bruised; volva with free margin, sometimes a ring on stem; sp.

18-20 11-12.

[=solst.i.tialis=, Sacc. P. cylindric-ovate, whitish with concentric over-lapping scales, expanding and blackish, grooved; g. free; s. white, base volvate, ring imperfect.

Smaller than _C. sterquilinus_, and stem not blackish when bruised.

=oblectus=, Bolton. P. 3-5 cm. coa.r.s.ely striate, whitish, glabrous, then pale tawny and sprinkled with rose-coloured powder; g. free; s. 8-12 cm.

white; volva with recurved edge; sp. 18 11-12.

++ _Stem coloured._

=umbrinus=, Ma.s.s. At first entirely enclosed in a white volva, which leaves patches on p. P. 4-5 cm. umber, sulcate up to disc; g. free; s.

10-15 cm. umber, margin of volva recurved; sp. 17-18 9.

Differs from _C. stenocoleus_ in sulcate pileus and umber stem.

[=stenocoleus=, Lindbl. P. 5-8 cm. umb. even, blackish with white squamules; g. free; s. 10-15 cm. pale tawny; margin of volva free; sp.

** _Small; pileus less than 2 cm. high and wide._

+ _Volva entire._

[=cyclodes=, Fr. P. 1.5-2 cm. high, campan. striate, glabrous, bay; g.

soon black; s. 4-5 cm. white, rather flexuous; edge of volva recurved; sp. ----.

[=equinus=, Chelch. P. ovate then campan. greyish white, disc darkest, covered with darker scurf or flecks; g. free; s. long, glabrous, base rather swollen, volva with a free edge which sometimes breaks away as a ring; sp. 5-6.

[=Trappenii=, Oud. P. campan. 1-1.5 cm. apex with fragments of volva, then glabrous; g. purplish then black; s. 1-1.5 cm. white, volva entire; sp. ----.

=volvaceo-minimus=, Crossl. P. 4-5 mm. striate, grey with white squamules; g. slightly adnexed; s. 2-2.5 cm. glabrous, hyaline, base bulbous, volva with broad free edge; sp. 6-7.

Differs from _C. Hendersonii_ in distinct volva and subglobose sp.

_C. bulbillosus_ differs in absence of a marginate volva.

European Fungus Flora: Agaricaceae Part 88

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