Umi to Kaze no Oukoku v2c3

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Casting pearls before swine

Shou apologized to Miya regarding his work.

“I’m sorry,for make you worried like that”

Since Shou is seriously feel sorry about it and earnestly to not do it again, Miya embrace Shou while patting his head.

“Just talk to me if you need anything, you are the son of king Aslan after all, please think what you want to do from that point.Think carefully before doing anything, and take the consideration that you are the prince and what should prince do next time”

For causing so much trouble to Miya who is always gentle to him, Shou feel depressed.
As usual, he plays with Miya’s hair and think that he will reflect what he’s been doing even if it’s impossible.

“Um, Miya…father said that i can sell the thing from the royal villa…”

…Aslan-sama! What are you saying to your son!..

Miya smiled while thinking like that.

“Well, i think your father is joking Shou,don’t mind  him”

….I’m sure it’s not a joke…

Aslan show his face when Shou is speaking with Miya.

“Shou, did you already apologize to Miya?”

Miya glare at Aslan regarding the matter of selling things from the royal villa..

“Aslan-sama, are you really telling Shou to sell the things in the royal villa? even if that a joke, a child will think that you are serious”

Aslan shock hearing that.

“d.a.m.n, I can’t believe you tell Miya about that, you should do what your parent tell you to do silently”

To tell your kid to sell this from the house….certainly not what a parent should said to their child.


“Now, now it’s should be fine to sell one or two even if it’s a prince, the money should be used for buying a present for a girl,there is money that you need to have and not from your parent.Seize it up Shou!. Things from the royal villa surely worth more than 1000 mark!”

Shou left the room while looking doubtful from his father permission

“Aslan-sama! what are you saying!”

Aslan declare a serious statement while Miya keep yelling at him.

“A heir is necessary for me, the thing about Shou…. maybe you’re right about it. I’m intend to make him the successor”

Miya surprise hearing that.

“Are you serious? even all this time you always to call him a fool or stupid…..and why did you allowing him to sell the things from the royal villa?
That’s not the action you took when you decide him to be your successor!”

Aslan tried to calm Miya down who is panicking.

“For Shou to succeed it, he need some experience. I’m sure it will be useful if he can learn from the old-man from the old shop. They’re good when telling lies to other people, Painfully, I am also tricked many times by them”

Miya glared at Aslan who laugh while talking.

“The problem regrading successor is not something you laughed about ! Shou is the youngest child, Why would you make him the successor”

Aslan, Think that it will be troublesome if he tell her the real reason, so he tried to lied about his reason.

“It’s because there is something interesting with that child.To get all the money he sell an unripened cheese from the Keiri island and slowly with his money, he intend to open a shaved ice shop, are you not interest seeing My son selling a shaved ice in a bazaar?”

Miya is mad when hearing Aslan’s joke.

“Well, that part of him indeed is strange~”

Miya is angry when she know that Aslan’s is half-jokingly answer her question about the successor problem, but she restrain herself.

“When Shou able to buy a s.h.i.+p with his own money, he want to find a new sea route”

Hearing about the new sea route make Miya intrest with it.

“A new sea route? Merchants have already navigated all the sea, Where is he going to find the new sea route?”

Aslan easily explains Shou’s idea.

“I cannot believe it, and to all that, where did Shou heard such story?” (TLN:about calculation, world is round and all)

“I have doubt where he heard it, but when he said Paloma university everything become clear. Well, he is a bit weird, but he is very good at studying.I don’t know whether Miya is attract by his power, but i’m admit that he have this particular charm that able to make people interest with him.
His brother’s also said so, they must be like him very much”

“Well, maybe that’s becuase Shou is a very straightforward person…”

While saying that, Miya remember how she’s having hard time to part with Shou when he is just a baby.

“I also raised Nash and Rajikk by myself, they also adorable…yeah when you think about it, perhaps Shou have a peculiar charm to make people attract to him”

Aslan is going out when he and Miya reach the same conclusion about making Shou as the successor

“heh, even all this time you always being hard with Shou?”

Miya say that with a slight expression, while hearing that Aslan thinks about something.

“Shou seem to have a hard time….and I…..”

Aslan got a hint

“Are you already decide someone to be his first wife? or are you already decided that your granddaughter that will be his first? That’s fine, but what your daughter said? Well, if it’s Rabita, i’m sure she will support Shou”

Miya stared at Aslan when he said such a thing like it was a good idea.

“No, Shou is your heir, and becuase of that Rabita will not become his first wife. I don’t want to make her have such hards.h.i.+p”

Flatly said hards.h.i.+p, Aslan can only smile wryly.

“Then, it’s the granddaughter….it’s Kajim-aniue daughter isn’t it…”

Married with a daughter from his brother whom he is not very good with make Aslan worry.

“Lala is a lovely daughter, and furthermore, if Kajim-sama who is Shou’s uncle, I’m sure he will support him”

“Support? if it’s like that, even I can do it and there is no need to ask for help from aniue”

Even if other royal families will complaints because of Aslan arrogance, he will ignore it or crush it. Because it’s normal for common people to consult about anything before moving forward.Kajim who summarized the views of the Royal family able to get their support.

“Are dissatisfied with Lala?”

Becuase Aslan doesn’t want to make Miya angry again, He run away while giving the matter of Shou’s fiance to Miya.

“Let’s visit Kajim-sama and Rabita and it’s been a long time for me to see Rabita”

Miya put a face like a sweet grandmother while thinking what should she bring for her granddaughter.

“Should I bring some hair oil for her? after all Shou have hair fetish”

Shou, doesn’t know anything about he is chosen as the successor nor his fiance is selected, come to bazaar while bring a jar he got from the royal villa.

…..Where should I sell it?…

While looking a bit eye catching for a bazaar, Shou get down from the carriage while looking restlessly in the bazaar.

“Look at that! that kid is taking out his family heirloom”

“He is like a duck with an easy mark. and his clothes look expensive too”

“Well, I’m the one who find him first and that dagger on his wrist also looks splendid, everything he has is expensive!”

Shou is being watched by many suspicious people in the bazaar.

“Shou-sama, it’s not wise to coming here without a guard”

Out of nowhere Ras.h.i.+ndo talking to Shou, and the surrounding gaze seem died down when Ras.h.i.+ndo comes out.

“Che, Is he Ras.h.i.+ndo-sama acquaintance? before being pulled by him, Just getting his clothes is fine”

In the Leyte Bazaar, it’s a fool move to go against a large merchant.

“Ras.h.i.+ndo-sama, Today I came to the bazaar to sell a jar. Do you know someplace so I can sell this?”

Shou still doesn’t notice that surrounding gaze even it’s already gone, but Ras.h.i.+ndo is a bit worry when he heard what he said

“Shou-sama, it’s not the time to say such a carefree thing. I mean, look at that, that people is like to cheat a person until they doesn’t have anything anymore.
And because of that you can just easily bring out such expensive jar”

“But, I wan to sell it…”

While it’s hard for them to talk in the middle of bazaar, Ras.h.i.+ndo lead Shou to a tea shop away from the crowd.

“He~ so you can drink a tea here”

As a prince that raised at the royal palace, but to have a face with full of stratification while drink a tea, Ras.h.i.+ndo have a headache just looking at him.

“Anyway, That jar, is it from the royal villa? can I see it?”

Ras.h.i.+ndo take a look at the Jar that being put on the table.

……It’s an excellent jar with Garcia’s mark on it.
Though it is natural to have an excellent item for the royal villa, but you don’t have to pick a Garcia’s item just for it….

“Even if you don’t do this, I can give you some pocket money”

Shou shakes his head.

“I cannot ask nor receive any pocket money from Ras.h.i.+ndo. And don’t worry, I already have my father permission to sell this”

Ras.h.i.+ndo surprised when he heard that King Aslan had permitted it

……To give a permission to sell away the things from the royal villa for a prince…

An elusive king with an arrogant att.i.tude, the king Aslan who bring prosperity to the united kingdom of southeast island, Ras.h.i.+ndo sighs when he can’t understand what such a brave man thinking.

“Even so, it’s dangerous to bring such expensive jar, even if you have the permission to sell it, please at least bring a guard”

….to bring a guard for selling a jar….what a pain.
And for a prince selling things from the Royal villa, it’s like an advertis.e.m.e.nt…

“And does this clothes stand out? if I can, I want to buy a clothes for a common 5 mark enough?”

Ras.h.i.+ndo decide to keep his s.h.i.+p on standby, since he can just leave a prince that ignorant of the ways of the world.

“Tell that I will come home late today”

Seeing the servant is going away, Shou protest in a hurry.

“It’s okay. I can do it alone, I will buy a clothes for 5 marks and will warp the jar with my coat while walking. I’m sorry to bother your work”

Ras.h.i.+ndo detain Shou when he tried to leave in hurry.

“That Jar have Garcia’s mark on it, that thing is created by the Garcia dynasty hundreds year ago. I cannot let such beautiful thing being sell carelessly even for 1000 marks”

“Hee~ why did you know that I will sell it for 1000 mark?”

Father said that the thing inside the royal villa will at least worth 1000 mark, so I choose this jar that look like a simple jar

“A simple jar…well if you compare it to things inside the Royal villa this jar will look simple”

“And to turn out this Jar have the Garcia’s mark on it, it’s look completely like a normal jar for me It’s like throwing a good stuff huh? Should I return it and change it with a pot.But still, I want to know how much this jar worth. I might be able to buy a s.h.i.+p and make a shaved ice store from this”

Ras.h.i.+ndo have a headache when he heard about the shaved ice store but his eye is sparkling when he heard about the s.h.i.+p.
For a man from the southeast islands, they have weakness for a s.h.i.+p.

old man from the bazaar also have a small s.h.i.+p  to use so he can exchange thing from the neighboring island
Even for a large merchant like Ras.h.i.+ndo, it’s still great temptation by the though to go out to the ocean for a voyage.

“if you use it for a s.h.i.+p, There will no loss for you to sell that jar. If you want to sell this jar, your clothes is fine right now and no, if a child is bring 5 mark for clothes, they will try to stole it from you and you must not sell it below 50.000 mark”

Just a s.h.i.+p alone turn the mood of Ras.h.i.+ndo into postive and let Shou back to the bazaar, He go to the first cla.s.s antique shop

Umi to Kaze no Oukoku v2c3

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