The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria Part 91

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---- Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Babylonischen Religion. Erste Lieferung.

Die Beschworungslafeln Shurpu. (Leipzig 1896.) AB XII.

---- Zusatzbemerkungen zur Legende von Adapa. BA II. 437, 438.

---- Hexenbeschworungen bei den Babyloniern. BAZ, 1891, No. 337.

---- An Old Babylonian Legend from Egypt [Adapa]. SST, 1892, No. 25.



Barton, G. A.--Tiamat. JAOS XV. 1-28; also PAOS, May 1890, xiii.-xv.

Brunengo, Giuseppe.--L'Impero di Babilonia e di Ninive. (2 vols. Prato 1885.) Capo I. La Cosmogonia de Caldei comparata alla Mosaica, pp.

67-85. Capo II. La Ribellione degli Angeli e la Caduta del Uomo, (_i.e._, Marduk and Tiamat story), pp. 86-108. Capo IV. La Storia del Diluvio, pp. 124-140.

Budge, E. A. W.--The Fourth Tablet of the Creation Series, relating to the fight between Marduk and Tiamat. PSBA VI. 5-11.

---- Fourth Tablet of the Creation Series. PSBA X. 86 and six pls.

Delitzsch, Friedrich.--Texte zur Weltschopfung und zur Auflehnung und Bekampfung der Schlange Tiamat. AL, 3d ed., 1885. pp. 93-99.

---- Das Babylonische Weltschopfungsepos. (Leipzig 1896.)

Engel, Moritz.--Die Losung der Paradiesfrage. (Leipzig 1885.)

Halevy, J.--La Cosmologie Babylonienne d'apres M. Jensen. RHR XXII.


[Summary and critique of Jensen's 'Kosmologie der Babylonier.']

---- Recherches Bibliques--L'Histoire des Origines d'apres la Genese.

Texte, Traduction et Commentaire. Tome I. Genese I.-XXV. (Paris 1895.)

[Contains translations of the Babylonian Cosmological Texts, and discusses their bearings on the O. T. narrative. A most suggestive work.]

---- Recherches Bibliques--Chapter 28, La Creation et les Vicissitudes du Premier Homme. RS I. 101-117, 193-202.

[Transliteration, translation, and discussion of the Babylonian Creation Tablets.]

Hommel, F.--Eine Neugefundene Weltschopfungslegende. DR, 1892, 105-114; see also Neue Kirchliche Zeitung, I. 393 _seq._, II. 89 _seq._

---- The Oldest Cosmogony. SST, 1891, No. 7.

Jensen, P.--Die Kosmologie der Babylonier. Studien und Materialien.

(Stra.s.sburg 1890.)

Jensen, P.--Ursprung und Geschichte des Tierkreises. DR, 1890, 112-116.

Lajard, F.--Fragments d'un Memoire sur le Systeme theogonique et cosmogonique des a.s.syriens ou des Chaldeens d'a.s.syrie. JA, 2^d Series, XIV. 114-143.

Laurie, Thomas.--Cuneiform Inscriptions and the Deluge. Bibliotheca Sacra, XLII. 165-168.

Lenormant, F.--Essai de Commentaire sur les Fragments cosmogoniques de Berose. (Paris 1871.)

[An elaborate treatise on the traditions of Berosus in connection with the cuneiform account of creation.]

Loisy, A.--Les Mythes Chaldeens de la Creation et du Deluge. (Amiens 1892.) RR, 1896.

[From RR, 1890-1891. See --I.]

Lukas, FR.--Die Grundbegriffe in den Kosmogonieen der Alten Volker.

1893. pp. 1-46.

[Translations by Jensen, pp. 1-14. Die Kosmogonie der Babylonler und der Genesis.]

Muller, D. H.--Die Propheten in ihrer Ursprunglichen Form. (Wien 1895.) pp. 6-13.

[Translation of considerable portions of the Babylonian creation narratives. Follows Zimmern.]

Muss-Arnolt, W.--The Cuneiform Account of the Creation. Revised translation. BW III. 17-27.

---- A Comparative Study of the Translations of the Babylonian Creation Tablets, with special reference to Jensen's 'Kosmologie' and Barton's 'Tiamat.' H IX. 6-23.

Oppert, J.--Fragments Cosmogoniques in Ledrain's 'Histoire d'Israel.'

(Paris 1882.) pp. 411-422.

[Translation of Creation Series of tablets of deluge.]

---- Le Poeme Chaldeen du Deluge. (Paris 1885.)

---- Die Fragmente der Epopoen welche die Schopfung und Sintfluth nach babylonischer Auffa.s.sung betreffen. Verhandlungen Deutscher Philologen und Schulmanner, x.x.xIV. 128, 129.

---- Traductions de quelques textes a.s.syriens.--Fragments des Recits de la Creation.--Guerre de Merodach et Tiamat. 4th ICO, 229-238.

Pinches, T. G.--A Babylonian Duplicate of Tablets I. and II. of the Creation Series. BOR IV. 25-33.

---- The New Version of the Creation Story. 9th ICO, 1892. II. 190-198; also JRAS, 1891, 393-408; and Academy, 1890, Nos. 968, 974, and the Times, 1889, Dec. 16.

---- The Non-Semitic Version of the Creation Story. RP, new series, VI.


Sayce, H.--The a.s.syrian Story of the Creation. RP, new series, I.


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