The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria Part 95

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Talbot, H. Fox.--On the Religious Belief of the a.s.syrians. Nos. I., II., III., IV. TSBA I. 106-115; II. 29-79, 346-352.

[No. I. contains text and translation of two prayers; Nos. II and III., Incantation Texts; No. IV., Future Punishment of the Wicked.]

---- Legend of the Descent of Ishtar. RP I. 141-149.

---- Revised Translation of the Descent of Ishtar with a Further Commentary. TSBA III. 118-135. Addenda pp. 357-360.

Thureau-Daugin, F.--Le Culte des Rois dans la Periode Prebabylonienne.

RT XIX. 185-187.

Tiele, C. P.--Cyrus de Groote en de G.o.dsdienst van Babel in 'Melanges, Charles de Harlez' (Leiden 1896), 307-312.

Tyler, Thomas.--The Babylonian Idea of a Disembodied Soul. BOR I. 55-57.

Tylor, Edward B.--The Winged Figures of the a.s.syrians and Other Ancient Monuments. PSBA XII. 383-393; see also RHR XXII. 209-220.

[Explanation of the symbols on a.s.syrian sculptures.]

Ward, W. H.--On the Representation of the Solar Disk. AJT II. 115-118.

Warren, W. F.--Gates of Sunrise in Ancient Babylonian Art. BOR III.


Zimmern, H.--Vater, Sohn und Fursprecher in der Babylonischen Gottesvorstellung. (Leipzig 1896.)

[See review by Jastrow, AJT I. 468-474.]


Temples and Cult.

Ball, C. J.--Glimpses of Babylonian Religion. I. Human Sacrifices. II.

The G.o.ds and Their Images. PSBA XIV. 149-162.

Boscawen, W. St. Chad.--The Babylonian and Jewish Festivals. BOR IV.


D'Alviella, Goblet.--Des Symboles qui ont influence la Representation figuree des Pierres Comiques chez les Semites. RHR XX. 135-150.

Jeremias, Johann.--Die Cultustafel von Sippar. BA I. 267-92.

[An important archive of the Sharmash temple at Sippar, ill.u.s.trative of the cult.]

Karppe, S.--Melanges de Critique Biblique et d'a.s.syriologie. RS II.


[The Babylonian festival Zagmuk und the Biblical New Year.]

Koldewey, Robert.--Die altbabylonischen Graber in Surghul und El Hibba.

ZA II. 403-430.

[Funeral customs.]

Kohut, A.--The Talmudic Records of the Persian and Babylonian Festivals critically ill.u.s.trated. AJSL XIV. 182-194. See also REJ XXIV. 256-271.

[Insufficient discussion.]

Menant.--Les Sacrifices sur les Cylindres Chaldeens. Gazette Archeologique, 1883, Nos. 7-9.

Perrot & Chiplez.--A History of Art in Chaldaea and a.s.syria. (London 1884.) Eng. trans. Vol. I. chapters III., IV.

[Temples and Tombs.]

Peters, J. P.--Nippur. Explorations and Adventures on the Euphrates.

Vol. II. chapter V., The Oldest Temple in the World. Chapter VIII., Coffins and Burial Customs.

Pinches, T. G.--Sin-Gas.h.i.+d's Endowment of the Temple e-ana. RP, new series, I. 78-83. See also BOR I. 8-11.

---- A Fragment of a Babylonian t.i.the List. _Ib._ I. 76-78.

---- Gifts to a Babylonian Bitili or Bethel. _Ib._ II. 142-145.

Rawlinson, H. C.--On the Birs Nimrud, or the Great Temple of Borsippa.

JRAS, 1861, 1-24.

Reber, F.--Ueber altchaldaische Kunst ... Der Tempelbau. ZA I. 149-164.

Sayce, A. H.--A Babylonian Saint's Cylinder. RP VII. 157-170.

[Days sacred, and otherwise, of the month of Elul, with directions for religious ceremonies to be observed.]

---- On Human Sacrifice among the Babylonians. TSBA IV. 25-31.

Tiele, C. P.--De Hoofdtempel van Babel en die van Borsippa. KAW Afdeeling 'Letterkunde' (1886) 3^de Reeks Deel III; also in German ZA II. 179-190.

Tristram, H. B.--Sacrifices in Babylonia and Phoenicia. SST, 1894, No.


Ward, W. H.--On Some Babylonian Cylinders, supposed to Represent Human Sacrifices. PAOS, May 1888, xxviii.-x.x.x.


Bearings on the Old Testament; General Influence.

The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria Part 95

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