Scandinavians on the Pacific, Puget Sound Part 9

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Andrew N. Crogstad, a leading citizen, a man of honor and intelligence, has shared the difficulties of the frontier. He was born in Trondhjem, Norway, 1852, received a good schooling and in February, 1872, left his fatherland for Dunn county, Wisconsin, and five years later disembarked in the Skagit valley. He turned his attention to logging and farming. A beautiful farm, surrounded by a wealthy orchard, stands as a pride to his energy. He has seen days of romantic awfulness, once hazardous, but now pleasing reminiscences. The flood has always been a dread, and many frights has it caused. One Fourth of July Mr. Crogstad went to Fir to celebrate the independence of his adopted country. The morning was bright and prognostic of a pleasant time. Returning home during gray twilight, a seething, rolling sound floated down on the breeze, and ere they realized the cause, water crept up to their feet. The ladies were frightened out of their wits and took to screaming, which seems to be their only alternative in time of danger. Mr. Crogstad and his companion understood the predicament, slung the ladies on their backs and pranced home, thus avoiding a disastrous outcome.


In 1887 he was married to an estimable lady, Miss Wilhelmina Augusta Jensen, born in Scleswig, Holstein, 1863, of Danish parentage, and came to America, 1875. They have five children, four girls and one boy; Alvina, Emma, Lottie, Clara and Maurice.

One not accustomed to pioneer life in the forest can hardly conceive its many romantic features. To live on the bank of a big river, rolling and moaning in tireless monotony, and huge trees praying and howling to the wroth of the wind, and frisky brutes gamboling in wild frolics, and Indians skulking in stealthy moods, is something awe-inspiring.

On a jolly morning, Charles Mann, the pioneer merchant of Fir, reconnoitered in the woods behind his store, and to his awe, stumbled into a hideous infernal, which was afterwards discovered to be an Indian cemetery. Ah, terror! hundreds of Indians were hanging in the trees, some nude skeletons, some with the hearts torn out of their mutilated frames; owls and crows were sailing on evil wings among the ghastly dead, and horror seemed to reign in every bush. This finding startled the whole town, and into the woods rushed young and old; flames sprang into the air and swept through the forest, and the dead Indians dropped from a hanging h.e.l.l into a burning one.

The flood of 1887 spread consternation throughout the community. The water leaped down from the mountains in savage fury and scattered the to the briny billows, busy hugging the beach below. Houses set sailing down the valley in tipsy joltings, and logs went chasing each other in mad bewilderment for the sea. The deluge broke into Mann's store and rose to the depth of three feet. Mr. Mann was alone in the store, and to drive away loneliness grabbed the fish line and commenced angling, caught two mountain trouts by the counter. During the same flood Mrs. Mann was sitting in the Fir Hotel chatting with some friends, and before they were aware of the enormity of the water they went sailing on their chairs around the room.

In and around Fir live a number of Scandinavians who have witnessed frontier encounters, but their early struggles have become pleasing revels for a fanciful imagination, as the late years have crowned their efforts with success. Olof Polson, a son of Sweden, and at present mayor of La Conner, was along with the first brigade of pioneers that scattered themselves in the valley. Ole Lonke, born in Norway, and a prosperous farmer, about a mile from Fir, located here over twenty years ago. Ole Johnson, also a native of Norway, has resided here over two decades, and Peter Olson dates his arrival still further back.

Among the more recent settlers who have proved valuable exponents are: John Hanson, August Johnson, Even Handstad, John Kragnes, Ole Kvande, Knut Lange, Sivert Sande, Ole Olson, Lars Engen, G. O. Branstad, Lars and Nils Danielson and Elik Johnson.

Proceeding up the river we find many Scandinavian pioneers who rank among the most prominent citizens; viz., Peter Egtvet, Ole N. Lee, Frank Tollefson and Magnus Anderson. At Skagit City, N. Erickson, Alfred, Edwin and Herman Johnson are representative farmers who have spared no time for the upbuilding of the country. Rev. John Johnson, presiding elder of the Swedish Methodist church, who resides at this place, is a noted man, being a gifted rhetorician and an able pulpit orator.

To the east of this happy village spreads out a fertile plain which sweeps up into a proud elevation, called Pleasant Ridge, the home of the old pioneer, Charles John Chilberg, and two of his sons, Isaac and James. Here we find also a number of other Scandinavians who have shared the burden of early struggles.

Four miles up the river from Skagit City stands the jolly city of Mt.

Vernon, which has within its boundary many prominent men from the of Norway and Sweden. The two leading merchants of the city are Norwegians--Louis Foss and N. J. Moldstad.

[Ill.u.s.tration: LOUIS FOSS.]

Louis Foss is well known throughout the Pacific country, being the first Scandinavian state senator in Was.h.i.+ngton. He was born in Norway, 1849, received a liberal education, graduated from college at nineteen, and shortly after emigrated to America, locating in Wisconsin. He worked four years as scaler of logs on Chippewa river; went to the Dakota Black Hills during the excitement of 1875, where he remained two years working in the mines. From whence he went to Zumbrota, Minnesota, to a.s.sume the management of a large merchandise store, in which capacity he labored faithfully for five years. His name had acquired a favorable clang among the people and the city of Fosston was christened to his honor. In 1887 he disposed of his interests in Minnesota and moved to Tacoma, Was.h.i.+ngton, where he engaged in real estate, and entered mercantile business at Mt. Vernon and Buckley. Five years later he was elected state senator from Pierce county, and served his state with honor for four years. At the expiration of his senators.h.i.+p he removed with his family to Mt. Vernon, where he now resides, and owns a big mercantile establishment, The Fair. He has also a large store of similar kind in Anacortes which his eldest son is managing. Mr. Foss is not only a man of business apt.i.tude, but also a man of character, fidelity and honor.

[Ill.u.s.tration: N. J. MOLDSTAD.]

N. J. Moldstad merits the appellation of "progressive business man." He was born in Vestre Toten, Norway, April 1, 1863, where he obtained his early education. July 2, 1876, he sailed for America, settling at De Forest, Wisconsin, and shortly after entered his brother's dry goods store. His next move was to Lanesborough, Minnesota, where he secured a clerks.h.i.+p with a big mercantile firm, afterwards a.s.sumed a similar vocation in Minneapolis. From whence he turned his attention to North Dakota, embarking in store and banking business for himself. The Pacific had become a fascinating field, sold out, and crossed the Rocky, locating in Tacoma, where he established a shoe store. Another journey seemed to emphasize business progress, disposed of his establishment in Tacoma and engaged in dry goods and clothing in Mt. Vernon. The last years he has also given due consideration to the Alaska gold fields, being interested in several claims around Dawson. In 1893 he took a trip to Europe, traveled in England, France, Germany and the Scandinavian countries. In 1898 he was married to an estimable lady in Mt. Vernon, and spent his honeymoon journeying in California, the Southern states and New York, visited Was.h.i.+ngton and shook hands with President McKinley. On returning took in Chicago and other large cities. Mr.

Moldstad is a republican in politics and has been delegate to county and state conventions, but has scoffed at the idea of seeking any office. He is like Mr. Louis Foss, of the same city, in being a true gentleman, respected and respectable.

[Ill.u.s.tration: A MUSICIAN ON SKAGIT RIVER.]



It is but few places where nature has been so kind and lavis.h.i.+ng with her store of grandeur as in Bellingham Bay. Sweet in music, the happy ripples dance to kiss the pebbled borders of the twin cities--New Whatcom and Fairhaven. Above the din of their tumults stands the white-haired Mt. Baker with a snowy hood drawn down his broad shoulders, throwing glimpses of awe over a gay landscape. About four miles from these sister cities smiles Lake Whatcom, where living gondolas ride on its bosom from sh.o.r.e to sh.o.r.e.

[Ill.u.s.tration: MT. BAKER, SEEN FROM FAIRHAVEN.]

In early days Scandinavians gave heed to this happy land of verdure and songs. About forty years ago they visited the bay and reconnoitered the country. Everson, a Norwegian by birth, was among the first pioneers.

The last ten years a number of Norwegians, Swedes and Danes have located in both New Whatcom and Fairhaven, and rank among the leading business men of the two cities.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIs.h.i.+NG IN BELLINGHAM BAY.]

O. B. Barba, a prominent lawyer of New Whatcom, born in Norway, but raised and educated in Wisconsin, came here, 1890, and has steadily invited the confidence of his countrymen and the people in general.

Ole Oien has the honor of being the first Scandinavian elected to county office in Whatcom county. He was born in Toten, Norway, came to Bellingham Bay several years ago, and at the last election was chosen to the office of county clerk. He is a man of energy and intelligence, and may rise to higher trust and honor in the gift of the people.

Olaf Udness and Charley Erholm, the former born in Norway and the latter in Finland, emigrated here, 1889. They are proprietors of the Pacific Steam Laundry, and prominent in business and social circles.

Thomas Dahlquist, a native of Sweden, and one of the leading grocers in New Whatcom, landed in Bellingham Bay, 1889, and has gained the esteem of all the people. His wife was born in Norway and is regarded as the foremost Scandinavian lady in the city.

John La.r.s.en, owner of the only first-cla.s.s music store in Bellingham Bay, is an able business man. His wife is an influential member of the Norwegian Synod church.

A. G. Wickman, born in Sweden, cast his eye for the first time over Bellingham Bay, August 2, 1889. He is a man of keen intellect and sound judgment, and possesses the air of a true gentleman. He is a merchant tailor and enjoys a lucrative business.

P. Osberg and George Martinsen are well-known contractors, the firm being Osberg and Martinsen. My pen would not be true to these gentlemen without the following a.s.sertion: "Osberg and Martinsen's ingenious work has commanded technical honor to the Scandinavians."

P. Jacobsen, a son of Denmark, is likewise a man of mechanical apt.i.tude.

He is a skillful blacksmith and a true gentleman.

In Fairhaven we find many popular Scandinavians, men who are held in high esteem by the people. Rev. T. J. Moen is one who enjoys the respect and love of the community. He was born in Talgen, Norway, where he received his early education. In 1879 he graduated from Hamar Seminarium, among the highest in scholars.h.i.+p, and two years later emigrated to America, where he secured a position as teacher of religion. His ambition was to be a minister of the gospel, and in 1889 entered Augsburg Seminarium, spent one year in the academic department, then stept into the theological college and graduated with honor after three years of diligent study. He came to New Whatcom seven years ago as pastor of the United Lutheran church, and has met with success in his responsible vocation.

Mrs. T. J. Moen, a lady of intelligence and fine training, was born in Rollag, Numedal, Norway, and came to America while a la.s.s of six years.

At the age of nineteen she was united in holy matrimony to Rev. T. J.

Moen. She is an earnest worker in the Sunday school, likewise attentive to her fireside duties.

J. M. Sca.r.s.eth and Chris. Grue, proprietors of the Wisconsin Grocery, rank as the foremost merchants of Fairhaven. Sca.r.s.eth was born in Wisconsin of Norwegian parents and Grue in Norway. They came to Bellingham Bay, 1889.

Henry Christian Engeberg is a Dane by birth, a fine scholar and a careful druggist. He is a graduate of the University of Copenhagen and came to Fairhaven ten years ago.

B. W. Benson, a real estate dealer, is a man of true Norse type, social, honest and intelligent. He was born in Norway, and came to Bellingham Bay, 1889.

A. L. Stenvig, the only merchant tailor in Fairhaven, traces his birthplace to Norway. He came to this city ten years ago, worked for others at first, but now owns a paying establishment.

Gust. Linden, a native of Sweden, O. M. C. Henning and Chris. Keel, born in Norway, have been in Fairhaven since 1890, and have worked themselves up from meager circ.u.mstances to affluence and honor. They are representatives of the industrial, possessed of mechanical ingenuity and prominent members of the Lutheran church.

Mrs. Henning, wife of O. M. C. Henning, is a woman of learning and elevated character, being an energetic worker in the United Lutheran church. Her oldest daughter, Mrs. Richard, is a popular teacher in the city schools of Fairhaven.



AT POULs...o...b..Y

The rippling bells are ringing, The druid woods are singing, And mellow throats hang on the air Pouring their hearts into music rare.

Ever ringing, Ever singing, At Pouls...o...b..y.

Scandinavians on the Pacific, Puget Sound Part 9

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