All About Coffee Part 182

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ALVES DE LIMA, J.C. Soluges sobre o commercio de cafe. _So Paulo_, 1902. 88 pp.

BOLLE, KARL. So Paulo das bedeutendste Kaffeegebeit der Welt.

Deutsche Rundschau fur Geographie, XXVIII: 66-77.

BRAZIL. MINISTERIO DE FAZENDA. Direitos de ex-portaco e sua cobranca. _Rio de Janeiro_, 1895. 11 pp.

BRAZIL. SERVIcO DE ESTATISTICA COMMERCIAL. Statistics of imports and exports. The movement of s.h.i.+pping, exchange and coffee in the republic of the United States of Brazil. (Yearly.) _Rio de Janeiro._

BRAZIL and coffee; souvenir of the Louisiana purchase exposition.

1904. 28 pp.

BRAZIL coffee in England. Bulletin of the Pan American Union, 1915, XL: 514-515.

BRAZILIAN coffee propaganda, The. Commercial and Financial Chronicle, 1909, Lx.x.xVIII: 1223-1224.

BRAZILIAN REVIEW, The: a weekly record of trade and finance. _Rio de Janeiro_, 1907-1914.

COFFEE crop of Brazil, The. Economist, 1909, LXVIII: 1030-1031.

COFFEE exports from Brazil, 1898-1900. Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance, 1900-1901: 2592-2593.

D'ANTHOUARD DE Wa.s.sERVAS, A. Le cafe au Bresil. Journal des economistes, 1910, ser. 6, XXVII: 16-37.

DA SILVA TELLES, A.E. O cafe e o estado de S. Paulo. _So Paulo_, 1900. 60 pp.

EMPIRE of Brazil at the World's industrial and cotton centennial exposition of New Orleans, The. _New York_, 1885. 71 pp.

GREAT BRITAIN. FOREIGN OFFICE. BRAZIL. Resume of a report published in the "Journal do Commercio" of Rio de Janeiro on the production of coffee in Brazil, with statistics respecting its consumption in the United States. _London_, 1899. 7 pp. Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Miscellaneous series, No. 512.

GROSSI, VINCENZO. La crisi del caffe e i progetti per la fissazione del cambio al Brasile. Nuova Antologia, CCVIII; (ser. 5, CXXIV): 484-494.

KAFFEEFRAGE in Brasilien, Die. Grenzboten, LXVI: 335-339.

LEROY-BEAUILIEU, PAUL. Les droits sur le cafe. Le Bresil, la France et nos colonies. L'economiste francais, XXVIII; no. 1: 101-103.

MOREIRA, NICOLAU JOAQUIM. Brazilian coffee. _New York_, 1876. 11 pp.

N. Lettres du Bresil. La question du cafe. L'economiste francais, XXVIII, No. 1: 374-377.

PATTERSON, W. MORRISON. Brazil's coffee trade of today. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1918, x.x.xV: 323-324.

PINTO, ADOLPHO AUGUSTO. The state of So Paulo. _Chicago_, 1893. 14 pp.

SO PAULO (_state_) BRAZIL. SECRETARIA DE COMMERCIO SE ORRAS PUBLICAS. Estatistica especial da lavoura de cafe nos municipios de Aracariguama, Atibaia, Bana.n.a.l, Pilar, Sertozinho e Redempco.

_So Paulo_, 1900. 33 pp. Supplemento do Boletin da Agricultura, 1900, ser. I: VI.

---- Estatistica especial da lavoura de cafe nos municipios de Apiahy, Batates. Caconde, Campos Novos do Paranapanema, Dourado, Fartura, Faxina, Itarare, Jaboticabal, Mococa, Monte-Mor, Natividade, Nazareth, Pira.s.sununga, Porto-Feliz. Remedios da Ponte do Tiete, So Pedro do Turvo. Sarapuhy, Serra Negra e Yporanga.

_So Paulo_, 1901. 177 pp. Supplemento do Boletin da Agricultura, 1901, ser. 2: IV.

SEEGER, EUGENE. Coffee crop of Brazil. U.S. Consular Reports, 1898, LVII, No. 218: 334-336.

TRANSPORTING Brazil coffee. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, x.x.xII: 214-224.

WARD, ROBERT DE C. A visit to the Brazilian coffee country.

National Geographic Magazine, 1911, XXII: 908-931.

WILLIAMS, J.H. The Brazil coffee situation. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1918, x.x.xV: 221-222.

WINDELS, J.H. A coffee buyer's life in Brazil. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, x.x.x: 538-545.


d.i.c.kSON, SPENCER S. Colombia. Report on the coffee trade of Colombia. _London_, 1903. 8 pp. Great Britain. Foreign Office.

Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Miscellaneous series, No. 598.


COSTA RICA. CONTABILIDAD NACIONAL. Exportacion de la cosecha de cafe.

COSTA RICA. DEPARTMENTO NACIONAL DE ESTADISTICA. Diagrams de los promedios obtenidos en la venta del cafe de Costa Rica en Londres en los anos de 1890 a 1899. _San Jose_, 1900.

---- Exportaciones de cafe de la Republica de Costa Rica. _San Jose_, 1900. 14 pp. Alcance a La Gaceta, 1900, No. 99.

----Fluctuaciones de los precios del cafe en Hamburgo, 1880-1899.

_San Jose_, 1900.

COSTA RICA. SECRETARIA DE RELACIONES EXTERIORES. Estudio e informe sobre el cafe de Costa Rica. 1900. 48 pp.


DEKKER, EDUARD DOUWES. Max Havelaar; or The coffee auctions of the Dutch Trading Company; by Multaluli, (pseud.); trans. from the original ms. by Baron Alphonse Nahuijs. _Edinburgh_, 1868.

VERw.a.n.gING van de gedwongen koffieteelt door eene vrije volkskoffie-cultuur. Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indie new ser.

2, V: 252-261.


GRANROTH, ELIAS G. Om cafe och de inhemska waxter, som plaga brukas i dess stalle. _Abo_, 1755. 18 pp.


ARREST DU CONSEIL D'ESTAT DU ROY, qui permet aux directeurs interessez en l'armement du vaisseaux la Paix, de vendre les balles de caffe dont il est charge. _Paris_, 1720. 4 pp.

---- Qui accorde a la Compagnie des Indes le privilege exclusif de la vente du caffe. _Paris_, 1723. 4 pp.

---- Pour la prise de possession par la Compagnie des Indes du privilege de la vente exclusive du caffe, sous le nom de Pierre le Sueur. _Paris_, 1723. 7 pp.

---- Qui ordonne que les commis et employez de la Compagnie des Indes pour l'exploitation des privileges du tabac et du cafe, procederont aux visites et executions au sujet des toiles et etoffes des Indes et du Levant. _Paris_, 1723. 7 pp.

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