Queed Part 47
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If his readers are pleased with his remarks, they n.o.bly refrain from comment. But if they disagree with one jot or t.i.ttle of his high-speed dissertations, he must be prepared to have quarts of ink squirted at him forthwith.
Now this was exactly the reverse of Editor West's preferences. He liked criticism of him to be silent, and praise of him to be shouted in the market-place. For all his good-humor and poise, the steady fire of hostile criticism fretted him intensely. He did not like to run through his exchanges and find his esteemed contemporaries combatting his positions, sometimes bitterly or contemptuously, and always, so it seemed to him, unreasonably and unfairly. He did not like to have friends stop him on the street to ask why in the name of so-and-so he had said such-and-such; or, more trying still, have them pa.s.s him with an icy nod, simply because he, in some defense of truth and exploitation of the uplift, had fearlessly trod upon their precious little toes. He did not like to have his telephone ring with an angry protest, or to get a curt letter from a railroad president (supposedly a good friend of the paper's) desiring to know by return mail whether the clipping therewith inclosed represented the _Post's_ att.i.tude toward the railroads. A steady procession of things like these wears on the nerves of a sensitive man, and West, for all his confident exterior, was a sensitive man. A heavy offset in the form of large and constant public eulogies was needed to balance these annoyances, and such an offset was not forthcoming.
West was older now, a little less ready in his enthusiasms, a shade less pleased with the world, a thought less sure of the eternal merits of the life of uplift. In fact he was thirty-three years old, and he had moments, now and then, when he wondered if he were going forward as rapidly and surely as he had a right to expect. This was the third position he had had since he left college, and it was his general expectation to graduate into a fourth before a great while. Semple frequently urged him to return to the brokerage business; he had made an unquestioned success there at any rate. As to Blaines College, he could not be so confident. The college had opened this year with an increased enrollment of twenty-five; and though West privately felt certain that his successor was only reaping where he himself had sown, you could not be certain that the low world would so see it. As for the _Post_, it was a mere stop-gap, a momentary halting-place where he preened for a far higher flight. There were many times that winter when West wondered if Plonny Neal, whom he rarely or never saw, could possibly have failed to notice how prominently he was in line.
But these doubts and dissatisfactions left little mark upon the handsome face and buoyant manner. Changes in West, if there were any, were of the slightest. Certainly his best friends, like those two charming young women, Miss Weyland and Miss Avery, found him as delightful as ever.
In these days, West's mother desired him to marry. After the cunning habit of women, she put the thought before him daily, under many an alluring guise, by a thousand engaging approaches. West himself warmed to the idea. He had drunk freely of the pleasures of single blessedness, under the most favorable conditions; was now becoming somewhat jaded with them; and looked with approval upon the prospect of a little nest, or indeed one not so little, duly equipped with the usual faithful helpmeet who should share his sorrows, joys, etc. The nest he could feather decently enough himself; the sole problem, a critical one in its way, was to decide upon the helpmeet. West was neither college boy nor sailor. His heart was no harem of beautiful faces. Long since, he had faced the knowledge that there were but two girls in the world for him.
Since, however, the church and the law allowed him but one, he must more drastically monogamize his heart and this he found enormously difficult.
It was the poet's triangle with the two dear charmers over again.
One blowy night in late February, West pa.s.sed by the brown stone palace which Miss Avery's open-handed papa, from Mauch Chunk, occupied on a three years' lease with privilege of buying; and repaired to the more modest establishment where dwelt Miss Weyland and her mother. The reformatory issue was then at the touch. The bill had come out of committee with a six-and-six vote; rumor had it that it would be called up in the House within the week; and it now appeared as though a push of a feather's weight might settle its fate either way. Sharlee and West spoke first of this. She was eagerly interested, and praised him warmly for the interest and valuable help of the _Post_. Her confidence was unshaken that the bill would go through, though by a narrow margin.
"The opposition is of the deadliest sort," she admitted, "because it is silent. It is silent because it knows that its only argument--all this economy talk--is utterly insincere. But Mr. Dayne knows where the opposition is--and the way he goes after it! Never believe any more that ministers can't lobby!"
"Probably the root of the whole matter," offered West, easing himself back into his chair, "is that the machine fellows want this particular hundred thousand dollars in their business."
"Isn't it horrid that men can be so utterly selfish? You don't think they will really venture to do that?"
"I honestly don't know. You see I have turned it all over to Queed, and I confess I haven't studied it with anything like the care he has."
Sharlee, who was never too engrossed in mere subjects to notice people's tones, said at once: "Oh, I am sure they won't dare do it," and immediately changed the subject. "You are going to the German, of course?"
"Oh, surely, unless the office pinches me."
"You mustn't let it pinch you--the last of the year, heigho! Did you hear about Robert Byrd and Miss--no, I won't give you her name--and the visiting girl?"
"Never a word."
"She's a thoroughly nice girl, but--well, not pretty, I should say, and I don't think she has had much fun here. Beverley and Robert Byrd were here the other night. Why _will_ they hunt in pairs, do you know? I told Beverley that he positively must take this girl to the German. He quarreled and complained a good deal at first, but finally yielded like a dear boy. Then he seemed to enter in the nicest way into the spirit of our altruistic design. He said that after he had asked the girl, it would be very nice if Robert should ask her too. He would be refused, of course, but the girl would have the pleasant feeling of getting a rush, and Robert would boost his standing as a philanthropist, all without cost to anybody. Robert was good-natured, and fell in with the plan.
Three days later he telephoned me, simply furious. He had asked the girl--you know he hasn't been to a German for five years--and she accepted at once with tears of grat.i.tude."
"But how--?"
"Of course Beverley never asked her. He simply trapped Robert, which he would rather do than anything else in the world."
West shouted. "Speaking of Germans," he said presently, "I am making up my list for next year--the early bird, you know. How many will you give me?"
"Will you kindly sign up the papers to-night?"
"No--my mother won't let me. I might sign up for one if you want me to."
"What possible use has your mother for the other five that is better than giving them all to me?"
"Perhaps she doesn't want to spoil other men for me."
West leaned forward, interest fully awakened on his charming face, and Sharlee watched him, pleased with herself.
It had occurred to her, in fact, that Mr. West was tired; and this was the solemn truth. He was a man of large responsibilities, with a day's work behind him and a night's work ahead of him. His personal conception of the way to occupy the precious interval did not include the conscientious talking of shop. Jaded and brain-f.a.gged, what he desired was to be amused, beguiled, soothed, fascinated, even flattered a bit, mayhap. Sharlee's theory of hospitality was that a guest was ent.i.tled to any type of conversation he had a mind to. Having dismissed her own troubles, she now proceeded to make herself as agreeable as she knew how; and he has read these pages to little purpose who does not know that that was very agreeable indeed.
West, at least, appeared to think so. He lingered, charmed, until quarter past eleven o'clock, at which hour Mrs. Weyland, in the room above, began to let the tongs and poker fall about with unmistakable significance; and went out into the starlit night radiant with the certainty that his heart, after long wandering, had found its true mate at last.
_Sharlee's Parlor on Another Evening; how One Caller outsat Two, and why; also, how Sharlee looked in her Mirror for a Long Time, and why._
On the very night after West made his happy discovery, namely on the evening of February 24, at about twenty minutes of nine, Sharlee Weyland's door-bell rang, and Mr. Queed was shown into her parlor.
His advent was a complete surprise to Sharlee. For these nine months, her suggestion that he should call upon her had lain utterly neglected.
Since the Reunion she had seen him but four times, twice on the street, and once at each of their offices, when the business of the reformatory had happened to draw them together. The last of these meetings, which had been the briefest, was already six weeks old. In all of her acquaintance with him, extending now over two years and a half, this was the first time that he had ever sought her out with intentions that were, presumably, deliberately social.
The event, Sharlee felt in greeting him, could not have happened, more unfortunately. Queed found the parlor occupied, and the lady's attention engaged, by two young men before him. One of them was Beverley Byrd, who saluted him somewhat moodily. The other was a Mr. Miller--no relation to Miss Miller of Mrs. Paynter's, though a faint something in his _ensemble_ lent plausibility to that conjecture--a newcomer to the city who, having been introduced to Miss Weyland somewhere, had taken the liberty of calling without invitation or permission. It was impossible for Sharlee to be rude to anybody under her own roof, but it is equally impossible to describe her manner to Mr. Miller as exactly cordial. He himself was a cordial man, mustached and anecdotal, who a.s.sumed rather more confidence than he actually felt. Beverley Byrd, who did not always hunt in pairs, had taken an unwonted dislike to him at sight. He did not consider him a suitable person to be calling on Sharlee, and he had been doing his best, with considerable deftness and success, to deter him from feeling too much at home.
Byrd wore a beautiful dinner jacket. So did Mr. Miller, with a gray tie, and a gray, bra.s.s-b.u.t.toned vest, to boot. Queed wore his day clothes of blue, which were not so new as they were the day Sharlee first saw them, on the rustic bridge near the little cemetery. He had, of course, taken it for granted that he would find Miss Weyland alone. Nevertheless, he did not appear disconcerted by the sudden discovery of his mistake, or even by Mr. Miller's glorious waistcoat; he was as grave as ever, but showed no signs of embarra.s.sment. Sharlee caught herself observing him closely, as he shook hands with the two men and selected a chair for himself; she concluded that constant contact with the graces of Charles Gardiner West had not been without its effect upon him. He appeared decidedly more at his ease than Mr. Miller, for instance, and he had another valuable possession which that personage lacked, namely, the face of a gentleman.
But it was too evident that he felt little sense of responsibility for the maintenance of the conversation. He sat back in a chair of exceptionable comfortableness, and allowed Beverley Byrd to discourse with him; a privilege which Byrd exercised fitfully, for his heart was in the talk that Sharlee was dutifully supporting with Mr. Miller. Into this talk he resolutely declined to be drawn, but his ear was alert for opportunities--which came not infrequently--to thrust in a polished oar to the discomfiture of the intruder.
Not that he would necessarily care to do it, but the runner could read Mr. Miller, without a gla.s.s, at one hundred paces' distance. He was of the climber type, a self-made man in the earlier and less inspiring stages of the making. Culture had a dangerous fascination for him. He adored to talk of books; a rash wors.h.i.+p, it seemed, since his but bowing acquaintance with them trapped him frequently into mistaken ident.i.ties over which Sharlee with difficulty kept a straight face, while Byrd palpably rejoiced.
"You know _Thanatopsis_, of course," he would ask, with a rapt and glowing eye--"Lord Byron's beautiful poem on the philosophy of life? Now that is my idea of what poetry ought to be, Miss Weyland...."
And Beverley Byrd, breaking his remark to Queed off short in the middle, would turn to Sharlee with a face of studious calm and say:--
"Will you ever forget, Sharlee, the first time you read the other _Thanatopsis_--the one by William Cullen Bryant? Don't you remember how it looked--with the picture of Bryant--in the old Fifth Reader?"
Mr. Miller proved that he could turn brick-red, but he learned nothing from experience.
In time, the talk between the two young men, which had begun so desultorily, warmed up. Byrd had read something besides the Fifth Reader, and Queed had discovered before to-night that he had ideas to express. Their conversation progressed with waxing interest, from the President's message to the causes of the fall of Rome, and thence by wholly logical transitions to the French Revolution and Woman's Suffrage. Byrd gradually became so absorbed that he almost, but not quite, neglected to keep Mr. Miller in his place. As for Queed, he spoke in defense of the "revolt of woman" for five minutes without interruption, and his masterly sentences finally drew the silence and attention of Mr. Miller himself.
"Who is that fellow?" he asked in an undertone. "I didn't catch his name."
Sharlee told him.
"He's got a fine face," observed Mr. Miller. "I've made quite a study of faces, and I never saw one just like his--so absolutely on one note, if you know what I mean."
"What note is that?" asked Sharlee, interested by him for the only time so long as they both did live.
"Well, it's not always easy to put a name to it, but I'd call it ...
_honesty_.--_If_ you know what I mean."
Mr. Miller stayed until half-past ten. The door had hardly shut upon him when Byrd, too, rose.
"Oh, don't go, Beverley!" protested Sharlee. "I've hardly spoken to you."
Queed Part 47
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