Time and the Gods Part 14

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Then said the King: "I like not these strange journeys nor this faint wandering through the dreams of G.o.ds like the shadow of a weary camel that may not rest when the sun is low. The G.o.ds that have made me to love the earth's cool woods and dancing streams do ill to send me into the starry s.p.a.ces that I love not, with my soul still peering earthward through the eternal years, as a beggar who once was n.o.ble staring from the street at lighted halls. For wherever the G.o.ds may send me I shall be as the G.o.ds have made me, a creature loving the green fields of earth.

"Now if there stand one prophet here that hath the ear of those too splendid G.o.ds that stride above the glories of the orient sky, tell them that there is on earth one King in the land called Zarkandhu to the south of the opal mountains, who would fain tarry among the many gardens of earth, and would leave to other men the splendours that the G.o.ds shall give the dead above the twilight that surrounds the stars."

Then spake Yamen, prophet of the Temple of Obin that stands on the sh.o.r.es of a great lake, facing east. Yamen said: "I pray oft to the G.o.ds who sit above the twilight behind the east. When the clouds are heavy and red at sunset, or when there is boding of thunder or eclipse, then I pray not, lest my prayers be scattered and beaten earthward. But when the sun sets in a tranquil sky, pale green or azure, and the light of his farewells stays long upon lonely hills, then I send forth my prayers to flutter upward to G.o.ds that are surely smiling, and the G.o.ds hear my prayers. But, O King, boons sought out of due time from the G.o.ds are never wholly to be desired, and, if They should grant to thee to tarry on the earth, old age would trouble thee with burdens more and more till thou wouldst become the driven slave of the hours in fetters that none may break."

The King said: "They that have devised this burden of age may surely stay it, pray therefore on the calmest evening of the year to the G.o.ds above the twilight that I may tarry always on the earth and always young, while over my head the scourges of the G.o.ds pa.s.s and alight not."

Then answered Yamen: "The King hath commanded, yet among the blessings of the G.o.ds there always cries a curse. The great princes that make merry with the King, who tell of the great deeds that the King wrought in the former time, shall one by one grow old. And thou, O King, seated at the feast crying, 'make merry' and extolling the former time shall find about thee white heads nodding in sleep, and men that are forgetting the former time. Then one by one the names of those that sported with thee once called by the G.o.ds, one by one the names of the singers that sing the songs thou lovest called by the G.o.ds, lastly of those that chased the grey boar by night and took him in Orghoom river--only the King. Then a new people that have not known the old deeds of the King nor fought and chased with him, who dare not make merry with the King as did his long dead princes. And all the while those princes that are dead growing dearer and greater in thy memory, and all the while the men that served thee then growing more small to thee. And all the old things fading and new things arising which are not as the old things were, the world changing yearly before thine eyes and the gardens of thy childhood overgrown. Because thy childhood was in the olden years thou shalt love the olden years, but ever the new years shall overthrow them and their customs, and not the will of a King may stay the changes that the G.o.ds have planned for all the customs of old. Ever thou shalt say 'This was not so,' and ever the new custom shall prevail even against a King. When thou hast made merry a thousand times thou shalt grow tired of making merry. At last thou shalt become weary of the chase, and still old age shall not come near to thee to stifle desires that have been too oft fulfilled; then, O King, thou shalt be a hunter yearning for the chase but with nought to pursue that hath not been oft overcome. Old age shall come not to bury thine ambitions in a time when there is nought for thee to aspire to any more. Experience of many centuries shall make thee wise but hard and very sad, and thou shalt be a mind apart from thy fellows and curse them all for fools, and they shall not perceive thy wisdom because thy thoughts are not their thoughts and the G.o.ds that they have made are not the G.o.ds of the olden time. No solace shall thy wisdom bring thee but only an increasing knowledge that thou knowest nought, and thou shalt feel as a wise man in a world of fools, or else as a fool in a world of wise men, when all men feel so sure and ever thy doubts increase. When all that spake with thee of thine old deeds are dead, those that saw them not shall speak of them again to thee; till one speaking to thee of thy deeds of valour add more than even a man should when speaking to a King, and thou shalt suddenly doubt whether these great deeds were; and there shall be none to tell thee, only the echoes of the voices of the G.o.ds still singing in thine ears when long ago They called the princes that were thy friends. And thou shalt hear the knowledge of the olden time most wrongly told and afterwards forgotten. Then many prophets shall arise claiming discovery of that old knowledge. Then thou shalt find that seeking knowledge is vain, as the chase is vain, as making merry is vain, as all things are vain. One day thou shalt find that it is vain to be a King. Greatly then will the acclamations of the people weary thee, till the time when people grow aweary of Kings. Then thou shalt know that thou hast been uprooted from thine olden time and set to live in uncongenial years, and jests all new to royal ears shall smite thee on the head like hailstones, when thou hast lost thy crown, when those to whose grandsires thou hadst granted to bring them as children to kiss the feet of the King shall mock at thee because thou hast not learnt to barter with gold.

"Not all the marvels of the future time shall atone to thee for those old memories that glow warmer and brighter every year as they recede into the ages that the G.o.ds have gathered. And always dreaming of thy long dead princes and of the great Kings of other kingdoms in the olden time thou shalt fail to see the grandeur to which a hurrying jesting people shall attain in that kingless age. Lastly, O King, thou shalt perceive men changing in a way that thou shalt not comprehend, knowing what thou canst not know, till thou shalt discover that these are men no more and a new race holds dominion over the earth whose forefathers were men. These shall speak to thee no more as they hurry upon a quest that thou shalt never understand, and thou shalt know that thou canst no longer take thy part in shaping destinies, but in a world of cities only pine for air and the waving gra.s.s again and the sound of a wind in trees. Then even this shall end with the shapes of the G.o.ds in the darkness gathering all lives but thine, when the hills shall fling up earth's long stored heat back to the heavens again, when earth shall be old and cold, with nothing alive upon it but one King."

Then said the King: "Pray to those hard G.o.ds still, for those that have loved the earth with all its gardens and woods and singing streams will love earth still when it is old and cold and with all its gardens gone and all the purport of its being failed and nought but memories."


Then spake Paharn, a prophet of the land of Hurn.

And Paharn said:

"There was one man that knew, but he stands not here."

And the King said:

"Is he further than my heralds might travel in the night if they went upon fleet horses?"

And the prophet answered:

"He is no further than thy heralds may well travel in the night, but further than they may return from in all the years. Out of this city there goes a valley wandering through all the world and opens out at last on the green land of Hurn. On the one side in the distance gleams the sea, and on the other side a forest, black and ancient, darkens the fields of Hurn; beyond the forest and the sea there is no more, saving the twilight and beyond that the G.o.ds. In the mouth of the valley sleeps the village of Rhistaun.

"Here I was born, and heard the murmur of the flocks and herds, and saw the tall smoke standing between the sky and the still roofs of Rhistaun, and learned that men might not go into the dark forest, and that beyond the forest and the sea was nought saving the twilight, and beyond that the G.o.ds. Often there came travellers from the world all down the winding valley, and spake with strange speech in Rhistaun and returned again up the valley going back to the world. Sometimes with bells and camels and men running on foot, Kings came down the valley from the world, but always the travellers returned by the valley again and none went further than the land of Hurn.

"And Kithneb also was born in the land of Hurn and tended the flocks with me, but Kithneb would not care to listen to the murmur of the flocks and herds and see the tall smoke standing between the roofs and the sky, but needed to know how far from Hurn it was that the world met the twilight, and how far across the twilight sat the G.o.ds.

"And often Kithneb dreamed as he tended the flocks and herds, and when others slept he would wander near to the edge of the forest wherein men might not go. And the elders of the land of Hurn reproved Kithneb when he dreamed; yet Kithneb was still as other men and mingled with his fellows until the day of which I will tell thee, O King. For Kithneb was aged about a score of years, and he and I were sitting near the flocks, and he gazed long at the point where the dark forest met the sea at the end of the land of Hurn. But when night drove the twilight down under the forest we brought the flocks together to Rhistaun, and I went up the street between the houses to see four princes that had come down the valley from the world, and they were clad in blue and scarlet and wore plumes upon their heads, and they gave us in exchange for our sheep some gleaming stones which they told us were of great value on the word of princes. And I sold them three sheep, and Darniag sold them eight.

"But Kithneb came not with the others to the market place where the four princes stood, but went alone across the fields to the edge of the forest.

"And it was upon the next morning that the strange thing befell Kithneb; for I saw him in the morning coming from the fields, and I hailed him with the shepherd's cry wherewith we shepherds call to one another, and he answered not. Then I stopped and spake to him, and Kithneb said not a word till I became angry and left him.

"Then we spake together concerning Kithneb, and others had hailed him, and he had not answered them, but to one he had said that he had heard the voices of the G.o.ds speaking beyond the forest and so would never listen more to the voices of men.

"Then we said: 'Kithneb is mad,' and none hindered him.

"Another took his place among the flocks, and Kithneb sat in the evenings by the edge of the forest on the plain, alone.

"So Kithneb spake to none for many days, but when any forced him to speak he said that every evening he heard the G.o.ds when they came to sit in the forest from over the twilight and sea, and that he would speak no more with men.

"But as the months went by, men in Rhistaun came to look on Kithneb as a prophet, and we were wont to point to him when strangers came down the valley from the world, saying:

"'Here in the land of Hurn we have a prophet such as you have not among your cities, for he speaks at evening with the G.o.ds.'

"A year had pa.s.sed over the silence of Kithneb when he came to me and spake. And I bowed before him because we believed that he spake among the G.o.ds. And Kithneb said:

"'I will speak to thee before the end because I am most lonely. For how may I speak again with men and women in the little streets of Rhistaun among the houses, when I have heard the voices of the G.o.ds singing above the twilight? But I am more lonely than ever Rhistaun wonts of, for this I tell thee, _when I hear the G.o.ds I know not what They say_.

Well indeed I know the voice of each, for ever calling me away from contentment; well I know Their voices as they call to my soul and trouble it; I know by Their tone when They rejoice, and I know when They are sad, for even the G.o.ds feel sadness. I know when over fallen cities of the past, and the curved white bones of heroes They sing the dirges of the G.o.ds' lament. But alas! Their words I know not, and the wonderful strains of the melody of Their speech beat on my soul and pa.s.s away unknown.

"'Therefore I travelled from the land of Hurn till I came to the house of the prophet Arnin-Yo, and told him that I sought to find the meaning of the G.o.ds; and Arnin-Yo told me to ask the shepherds concerning all the G.o.ds, for what the shepherds knew it was meet for a man to know, and, beyond that, knowledge turned into trouble.

"'But I told Arnin-Yo that I had heard myself the voices of the G.o.ds and knew that They were there beyond the twilight and so could never more bow down to the G.o.ds that the shepherds made from the red clay which they scooped with their hands out of the hillside.

"'Then said Arnin-Yo to me:

"'"Natheless forget that thou hast heard the G.o.ds and bow down again to the G.o.ds of the red clay that the shepherds make, and find thereby the ease that the shepherds find, and at last die, remembering devoutly the G.o.ds of the red clay that the shepherds scooped with their hands out of the hill. For the gifts of the G.o.ds that sit beyond the twilight and smile at the G.o.ds of clay, are neither ease nor contentment."

"'And I said:

"'"The G.o.d that my mother made out of the red clay that she had got from the hill, fas.h.i.+oning it with many arms and eyes as she sang me songs of its power, and told me stories of its mystic birth, this G.o.d is lost and broken; and ever in my ears is ringing the melody of the G.o.ds."

"'And Arnin-Yo said:

"'"If thou wouldst still seek knowledge know that only those that come behind the G.o.ds may clearly know their meaning. And this thou canst only do by taking s.h.i.+p and putting out to sea from the land of Hurn and sailing up the coast towards the forest. There the sea cliffs turn to the left or southward, and full upon them beats the twilight from over the sea, and there thou mayest come round behind the forest. Here where the world's edge mingles with the twilight the G.o.ds come in the evening, and if thou canst come behind Them thou shalt hear Their voices clear, beating full seaward and filling all the twilight with sound of song, and thou shalt know the meaning of the G.o.ds. But where the cliffs turn southward there sits behind the G.o.ds Brimdono, the oldest whirlpool in the sea, roaring to guard his masters. Him the G.o.ds have chained for ever to the floor of the twilit sea to guard the door of the forest that lieth above the cliffs. Here, then, if thou canst hear the voices of the G.o.ds as thou hast said, thou wilt know their meaning clear, but this will profit thee little when Brimdono drags thee down and all thy s.h.i.+p.'"

"Thus spake Kithneb to me.

"But I said:

"'O Kithneb, forget those whirlpool-guarded G.o.ds beyond the forest, and if thy small G.o.d be lost thou shalt wors.h.i.+p with me the small G.o.d that my mother made. Thousands of years ago he conquered cities but is not any longer an angry G.o.d. Pray to him, Kithneb, and he shall bring thee comfort and increase to thy flocks and a mild spring, and at the last a quiet ending for thy days.'

"But Kithneb heeded not, and only bade me find a fisher s.h.i.+p and men to row it. So on the next day we put forth from the land of Hurn in a boat that the fisher folk use. And with us came four of the fisher folk who rowed the boat while I held the rudder, but Kithneb sat and spake not in the prow. And we rowed westward up the coast till we came at evening where the cliffs turned southward and the twilight gleamed upon them and the sea.

"There we turned southwards and saw at once Brimdono. And as a man tears the purple cloak of a king slain in battle to divide it with other warriors,--Brimdono tore the sea. And ever around and around him with a gnarled hand Brimdono whirled the sail of some adventurous s.h.i.+p, the trophy of some calamity wrought in his greed for s.h.i.+pwreck long ago where he sat to guard his masters from all who fare on the sea. And ever one far-reaching empty hand swung up and down so that we durst go no nearer.

"Only Kithneb neither saw Brimdono nor heard his roar, and when we would go no further bade us lower a small boat with oars out of the s.h.i.+p. Into this boat Kithneb descended, not heeding words from us, and onward rowed alone. A cry of triumph over s.h.i.+ps and men Brimdono uttered before him, but Kithneb's eyes were turned toward the forest as he came behind the G.o.ds. Upon his face the twilight beat full from the haunts of evening to illumine the smiles that grew about his eyes as he came behind the G.o.ds. Him that had found the G.o.ds above Their twilit cliffs, him that had heard Their voices close at last and knew Their meaning clear, him, from the cheerless world with its doubtings and prophets that lie, from all hidden meanings, where truth rang clear at last, Brimdono took."

But when Paharn ceased to speak, in the King's ears the roar of Brimdono exulting over ancient triumphs and the whelming of s.h.i.+ps seemed still to ring.


Then Mohontis spake, the hermit prophet, who lived in the deep untravelled woods that seclude Lake Ilana.

"I dreamed that to the west of all the seas I saw by vision the mouth of Munra-O, guarded by golden gates, and through the bars of the gates that guard the mysterious river of Munra-O I saw the flashes of golden barques, wherein the G.o.ds went up and down, and to and fro through the evening dusk. And I saw that Munra-O was a river of dreams such as came through remembered gardens in the night, to charm our infancy as we slept beneath the sloping gables of the houses of long ago. And Munra-O rolled down her dreams from the unknown inner land and slid them under the golden gates and out into the waste, unheeding sea, till they beat far off upon low-lying sh.o.r.es and murmured songs of long ago to the islands of the south, or shouted tumultuous paeans to the Northern crags; or cried forlornly against rocks where no one came, dreams that might not be dreamed.

"Many G.o.ds there be, that through the dusk of an evening in the summer go up and down this river. There I saw, in a high barque all of gold, G.o.ds the of the pomp of cities; there I saw G.o.ds of splendour, in boats bejewelled to the keels; G.o.ds of magnificence and G.o.ds of power. I saw the dark s.h.i.+ps and the glint of steel of the G.o.ds whose trade was war, and I heard the melody of the bells of silver arow in the rigging of harpstrings as the G.o.ds of melody went sailing through the dusk on the river of Munra--O. Wonderful river of Munra--O! I saw a grey s.h.i.+p with sails of the spider's web all lit with dewdrop lanterns, and on its prow was a scarlet c.o.c.k with its wings spread far and wide when the G.o.ds of the dawn sailed also on Munra-O.

"Down this river it is the wont of the G.o.ds to carry the souls of men eastward to where the world in the distance faces on Munra-O. Then I knew that when the G.o.ds of the Pride of Power and G.o.ds of the Pomp of Cities went down the river in their tall gold s.h.i.+ps to take earthward other souls, swiftly adown the river and between the s.h.i.+ps had gone in this boat of birch bark the G.o.d Tarn, the hunter, bearing my soul to the world. And I know now that he came down the stream in the dusk keeping well to the middle, and that he moved silently and swiftly among the s.h.i.+ps, wielding a twin-bladed oar. I remember, now, the yellow gleaming of the great boats of the G.o.ds of the Pomp of Cities, and the huge prow above me of the G.o.ds of the Pride of Power, when Tarn, dipping his right blade into the river, lifted his left blade high, and the drops gleamed and fell. Thus Tarn the hunter took me to the world that faces across the sea of the west on the gate of Munra-O.

Time and the Gods Part 14

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