The Defeated Dragon Chapter 187

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Chapter 187 – Suspicions About Alchemy

“Sir Baron, Trembingwoods is very adaptable. It no longer fears the swaying of the s.h.i.+p and can walk freely on the deck.” Marcus looked at Tremblingwoods with his eyes lit up.

It was the look of longing and desire.

The mid-level magical beast along with the Thorn Sprite will no doubt help Liszt ascend to the t.i.tle of Viscount. And him, following Liszt, will storm into battle, and a knighthood will surely be at hand.

The aristocratic aspirations of his family's generations lay on Marcus, who also counts on Liszt.

Liszt relied on Tremblingwoods and Ella.

Liszt didn't answer, but pointed at the sea and gave the order,  “Tremblingwoods, rock thorns!”

Tremblingwoods opened his mouth and spit out magic.

Immediately on the water surface, a thin rock thorn emerged, and as soon as it appeared, it sank into the sea and disappeared.

"Woof! Woof!"

Tremblingwoods did not understand why his own rock thorns disappeared in an instant.

Liszt touched Tremblingwood's head and said to Marcus, “There is nothing out of the box here. Although restricted by the environment and the rock thorn is much smaller than on land, the magical nature it presented is still awesome. I have a little faith in what Glanny calls triangle theory now. “

Spirit, magic, matter, all three can be transformed.

Deep down, he was not impressed with the theory, but there was no better explanation.

But Marcus obviously did not have the spirit of exploration, “Dragons can produce metals and gems, and sprites can increase plants. This is the law of nature. Tremblingwoods  can create rocks, just like a magician can rub together fireb.a.l.l.s. That's my take on it. “

“So do you think alchemists exist?”

“Alchemists?” Marcus thought for a while and said solemnly, “I don't know, but I don't want them to exist. All the glory of the knights can be obtained from charging in battles. Relying on alchemy means gaining something for nothing. It would degenerate us.”

Liszt sighed.

Marcus was clearly not the right person to talk to. His head was full of chivalry and aristocratic glory.

“I think alchemy exists, and the means of turning stone into gold sound more complex than 'nothing'…” He said simply, having lost interest in chatting.

He looked out to the blue waves on the sea, imagining.

“All the raw materials for gold coins came from the gold dragon that produces gold. If someone has the secret of how the gold dragon infects gold, maybe he can master alchemy.”

Thinking of this, he remembered the two boxes of books that he had collected when salvaging the wreck treasure.

 Among them was a book on alchemy.

It was a pity that after touching them, the books turned immediately to ashes, which was his greatest regret. When he feels distressed about it, he often wonders what if he had put the books in the gem s.p.a.ce, maybe it would've preserved them and he could've opened the books' pages.

It wasn't unlikely, if one would think about it.

With candles, the flame is twisted once it is touched — With books,after it is touched, it is not as broken — maybe after peeling over the rotten pages, one will be able to read what's inside.

But unfortunately, he doesn't remember anything.

Liszt pushed aside his regrets about alchemy and his mind jumped to the s.p.a.ce jewel he found on the s.h.i.+p's keel.

A dragon's remains were rooted on the s.h.i.+p's skeleton. But without a s.h.i.+pbuilder, they couldn't fit one in the Flowers to drive out sea monsters.

“When I have money, I will build a brand-new,iconic s.h.i.+p and I will embed the dragon's bones into it."


The sun had risen.

The sea breeze blew with three to four winds.

With the northeast wind, the Flowers blew with a speed of more than five knots.

After everything went smoothly, Kosto came out of the captain's room and reported to Liszt, “The s.h.i.+p is now five and a half knots fast, if we keep at this speed, the Flowers will reach the Black Horse island in thirteen hours.”

“You are an expert in this regard and is responsible for everything to ensure safe navigation. If you encounter a storm, remember to use the Calm Pearl. I am now ready to rest, but report to me when needed.”

The Flowers was only a medium-sized merchant s.h.i.+p.

The room wasn't s.p.a.cious. Thomas put the fruits on the table, turned away, and went to see Tremblingwoods.

Only Liszt was left in the room. He took the Flame Mushroom magic potion from the gem s.p.a.ce and started today's potion dose.

The potion took effect immediately and the burning magic spread to his limbs.

Qi silently ran through his body evenly and on every part. Compared to the people in this world, he had a clearer understanding of the structure of the body, including those meridians that can accommodate the qi. He had self-knowledge in ancient Chinese culture.

Meridians were unproven on Earth but Liszt studied them.

Here, the meridians are real for it is the route and channel of qi.

The magic stimulates the growth of qi. The total amount of qi in the body increases little by little. Everything was so smooth and Liszt was addicted to it.

He couldn't help but feel that he was a genius.

“According to the experience shared by the Count and Levis, the elite earth knights often feel various physical discomforts in the early stages of taking the potion. This is a consequence brought by the magic potion's impact on the body and it takes a long time to run and find the balance. “

Liszt opened his eyes and said to himself, "Why don't I feel it? When I take the Flame Mushroom magic potion, I feel the effects immediately but without the physical discomfort."

Soon, he inferred why he has been practicing so smoothly

“I understand the Traditional Chinese Medicine meridian theory. I must learn from it and grasp the details of how it works with qi and find a balance point……There are really many similarities between these two theories.”

“I know the structure of the body, and how qi adapts to the body structure.”

“Also, I am afraid that my mind will be stronger than that of an ordinary knight. After all, I am a traverser. My soul absorbed the soul of the predecessor and even had an unclear relations.h.i.+p with the smoke dragon.

In this case, knowledge is power.

The Count, Levis, and others, probably know only about the structure of their bodies like the heart, the spleen, the kidney, the bone muscles and the fat. The world's research on the microscopic level didn't exist at this time yet. They probably don't even know what bacteria and cells are, let alone atoms or electrons.

No one knew or cared about medicine, physics, everything focused on fighting and magic.

"But it can be said that a mage is a type of scientist, but its research is on magic." Liszt slightly smiled, "I have the knowledge of both worlds and a good bloodline, being called a 'genius' is not an exaggeration at all."

It was like a Sky Knight level was waving at him.

After feeling proud of himself, he sank back and went to work.

Just then, the door unlocked and Thomas asked outside the door, “Sir, it's lunchtime, would you like to have your lunch now?"

The Defeated Dragon Chapter 187

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The Defeated Dragon Chapter 187 summary

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