The Defeated Dragon Chapter 206

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Chapter 206 – Fire-Attributed Veins and Nodules

Elkson took time to study the bones that Liszt had given him.

He was not a scientist after all, but a magician who is more enthusiastic about being sociable than the exploration of truth. After a few days of trouble, he returned the fragments to Liszt.

“Baron Lister, in my judgment, this is a ma.s.sive creature's skeletal remains.  It is so old that the magic attached to the bones has completely dissipated… So, you will probably be able to build tools from the bone, hardness is very good, it can't be much worse than iron. “

He gave an elegant salute, "In addition, thank you for your generous hospitality. I have completed a new batch of Flame Mushroom Magic Potion, so now, I would like to say goodbye to you.”

“Well, don't forget to continue to buy magic books for me next time.”

“No problem.”

Mr. Elkson went away, presumably back to Coral City, where he can continue being a magician, and can go to a brothel without getting married and continue to talk about the truth of life.


At the Apple table, there were snacks and pastries.

Tremblingwoods  lay on the edge of the table, its eyes stared at the pastry, but he didn't dare to stretch his head even when he wanted to eat.

On the apple tree also was the beautiful white sprite, Ella. Liszt observed it. Instead of playing, she slumbered on the tree peacefully.

Blake, the blacksmith would join them from time to time.

The good news came from Isaiah, who said that Flower Town officially pa.s.sed the 1,000-chicken threshold. All farmers, after hearing about the benefits of raising the chicken, signed up, knowing that the eggs were good business.

But the chicks were not easy to buy. Most of them were from the farmers' homes in the countryside and had to be bought one by one. It was barely enough before the winter snow came.

"Complete the task and be rewarded with a fire-attribute mineral vein. [1] "

The smoke mission was followed up in a timely manner, and the reward for the task was a mineral vein that Liszt had never heard of.

“The fire is condensed in the veins? What kind of ore is this? It sounds very expensive, and seems to have something to do with the dead fire dragon. It should be on Black Horse Island, probably when Marcus led someone to dig the debris and found the underground with this kind of fire properties mineral vein. “

Fire Dragon and Fire Attribute Mineral Vein, Lister can't help but a.s.sociate the two.

However, remembering what he read about dragons, an elemental dragon does not produce minerals. He has not heard about a fire dragon that can produce this kind of fire-attribute mineral vein.

“When Marcus comes back, I will ask him again what mineral veins he found. If he doesn't find them, he will have to send someone to look for them and dig continuously until found. It always feels like fire is flowing. And it is important to me since I have fire-attributed qi! “

His thoughts flickered.

The smoke in front of him changed, forming a new snake text.

The Defeated Dragon Chapter 206

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The Defeated Dragon Chapter 206 summary

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