The Defeated Dragon Chapter 231

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Chapter 231 – The Endless Zambrotta

Liszt clearly heard the steward's complaint.

Bob suddenly fell on his knees and bursted into tears. "My Lord, I didn't mean for it to happen. There was a strong wind that night and it opened the shed's door…. Please my Lord! Forgive me! Bob will never open that door again!"

Watching Bob in grief, Liszt was impressed with him.

In the beginning, the Flame Mushroom grew in Bob's shed, and he considered it a huge problem. Liszt remembered that Bob couldn't make out the right ingredients to grow the Flame Mushroom and so Bob was only rewarded with ten silver coins. Liszt gave more rewards to Nash who actually researched about the right ingredients.

“This crooked-necked Bob has a destiny with Flame Mushroom.”

Instead of punis.h.i.+ng Bob, Liszt thought he would bring people to the said Flame Mushroom shed. Looking around, they saw that the Flame Mushrooms inside were actually withering, but the number was far less than other Flame Mushroom sheds.

The loss was not that much, but it wasn't negligible either.

Bob hurried to the shed. Seeing that Liszt was observing the Flame Mushroom situation, he knelt to the ground again and continued to cry, "My Lord, although … a lot of the Flame Mushrooms did die, but … some Flame Mushrooms survived! “

He didn't have to say so, Liszt saw it himself.

Some Flame Mushroom plants did continue to grow.

Liszt had a suspicion from his close observation. It turns out that there is a clear difference between these kinds of Flame Mushrooms and the normal Flame Mushrooms. The color of these new kinds of Flame Mushrooms was no longer red, it has changed to dark red.

However, after he casted Magic Eyes, he found that the magic content of the dark red Flame Mushroom was far more than the normal Flame Mushroom, and the magic was characterized by a dazzling red light.

That is to say, this Flame Mushroom that looks frozen on the outside has resulted in a poor appearance, but its inner fire property magic was far more exuberant.

Liszt was pleased ; the reward of the smoke task was right in front of him. "This cold Flame Mushroom! The cold explains the nature of the Mushroom. It is not afraid of the cold of the wind and snow, and because of some mutation, somehow,it condenses fire magic and becomes more abundant!"

This is definitely a high-quality Flame Mushroom that far exceeds the normal Flame Mushroom. As a result, it will surely churn out  a higher-quality potion.

Liszt immediately issued an order, "Bob is to be whipped ten times as a warning. If he becomes negligent again in the future and will cost more loss of Flame Mushroom, he will get more than just whips."

After Bob was severely beaten with ten whips, his b.u.t.tocks were flaring.

Liszt also asked Thomas to pa.s.s ten silver coins to the other party. “You are blessed by misfortune, Bob with a crooked neck. Although your family's Flame Mushroom loss was quite serious, it has resulted in a  mutated species of Flame Mushroom. I name it the 'Snow Flame Mushroom'. Ten silver coins will be rewarded to you. “

A tearful Bob, who had no choice but to take in the pain in his b.u.t.t received the  silver coins. “Ah, thank you Lord, praise the Great Lord!!”

Liszt immediately issued a new order, “Whoever studies the appropriate ingredients for the cultivation of the Snow Flame Mushrooms will get a gold coin reward.”

A gold coin was enough to lift the ambitions of all serfs, similar to how the original Flame Mushroom cultivation ingredients motivated them in the beginning.

They waited until their Master left.

The Mushroom business was  in heat.

Countless serfs flexed their strength and started working.

In particular, Nash, who was rewarded with a gold coin at the beginning, relied on this gold coin to not only get married, but also to build two new Flame Mushroom greenhouses, becoming a large Mushroom farmer himself.

After hearing the Lord's reward, he loudly announced to the people around him. “I studied the ingredients of FlameMushroom, and only I can study the ingredients for the Snow Flame Mushroom. This old Nash will succeed!!”

 “Not always!”

“You got lucky on winning the Lord's reward. It's my turn this time!”

“Old Nash, go and concentrate on your little wife, don't let her put on your green hat and study the ingredients for you. I am the one you should watch out for.”

Whipped and crooked-neck Bob refused to give up. ” I lost to old Nash the last time, this time I would do everything in my power! The Flame Mushrooms grew in my shed before, now the Snow Flame Mushrooms have also grown in my shed! . Old Nash's reward should have been mine! d.a.m.n old Nas.h.!.+”



In the castle study.

Zambrotta rubbed his feet together.

He then took a deep breath and tried to relax himself. “This study is as warm as spring, but there is no sign of burning. Lord Baron, Flower Town is full of surprises, and your castle is full of surprises as well.”

 Behind the desk, Liszt was leisurely holding a cup of  milk tea and asked with a smile, “So, Mr. Zambrotta, can you guess the reason why the study is warm?”

“I guess it's magic,” Zambrotta replied solemnly.

Zambrotta learned from Gort that Liszt valued his extensive and profound knowledge, and knew that today's meeting was an a.s.sessment.

 If he can't show enough to impress the other, this trip was worthless.

He had to be careful in order to recover, in order to live, “…and I guess it's magic, too, in the public baths. It's probably a kind of fire magic, heating the temperature of the water, heating the temperature of the room. It's an incredible trick, this is the only time I've heard of a court mage who can do such magic."

“Well. “

Liszt could not agree more, and continued to ask, “Have you been to many countries?”

 “Yes, I have visited the whole Iron and Steel Ridge Kingdom and the seven affiliated countries. When I was young, my favorite thing was to travel around the mainland, but my financial resources were limited. I was only able to visit the Iron and Steel Ridge Kingdom then.”

“I heard that the Grand Duchy of Maple Leaf has a dragon, do you know about this?”

 “Oh, that's a Light Dragon that has been inhabiting Red Maple Mountain for hundreds of years. Many warriors wanted to kill it. They were called Dragon Warriors, who stood side by side with the Dragon Knights. But, you know, a dragon's power is infinite, and most of the warriors ended up being….. dragon s.h.i.+t.”

“Is the Light Dragon really difficult to deal with? It is said that the Grand Duke of Maple Leaf is a dragon knight. Why can he not kill this evil dragon?”

"The Maple Leaf dragon is an Asian Dragon. Even I can't find the hiding place of the light dragon hence there is no hope of killing it …There are many dragons on the mainland, but most of them are elemental dragons. They are more powerful than metal and gem dragons.”

 Basically, gem dragons and metal dragons are considered production units, while elemental dragons are the combat units.

"Can you tell me something about the customs of the Iron and Steel Ridge Kingdom and its origins?” Liszt said calmly.  He did feel that Zambrotta had a wealth of knowledge.

  Zambrotta stood up and bowed slightly, “Master Baron, as you wish.”

A few moments later, Zambrotta's eloquent narration sounded in the study. He traveled through these countries in person. He was more persuasive, more clear and interesting than the scribbled plot in a knight's novel.

The Defeated Dragon Chapter 231

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The Defeated Dragon Chapter 231 summary

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