Voices; Birth-Marks; The Man and the Elephant Part 23

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At that time, the wages of a laborer did not exceed eight dollars a month; beef sold at two cents a pound, venison and buffalo meat at a cent and a half, potatoes at fifty cents a barrel, turkeys at fifteen cents each and whiskey at forty cents a gallon.

When Martin returned the horse he handed John five dollars; but made no mention as to when he would pay the other thirty-five. John's horse was thin, out of condition and his back was saddle-galled, and looked as though he had seen constant service since changing masters.

Any other man in vexation would have repented his generosity, but John said: "I am glad I was able to serve you; if I can do it again do not hesitate to call upon me. Do not trouble to return the money until you can afford to do it." He meant what he said, though he had saved it to pay his way at the Rice Seminary; and he now had no money to do so.

The thought never once entered his mind to sell his horse, which was even then nudging his master's shoulder; or to write to his father for money; or to borrow it from his uncle. He thought, I must wait and work and save for another year.

CHAPTER XIII.-The Tempter Speaks.

John Brown, a member of congress from the Kentucky District of the Commonwealth of Virginia, by letters notified Judges McDowell and Muter, that Don Gardoqui, the Spanish minister to the United States, had authority to extend to the people of Kentucky, free navigation of the Mississippi and a duty-free market and place of deposit at New Orleans, "if they would erect themselves into an independent state and appoint a proper person to negotiate with the minister, but that this privilege never can be extended to them while part of the United States by reason of commercial treaties existing between Spain and other powers of Europe."

This communication had fanned into a popular flame the dormant sentiment that General Wilkinson and his friends had been nurturing, by personal influence, by argument, by the aid of Spanish gold discreetly distributed and by the big prices they were paying for tobacco, hides and produce to be sent down the river to Spanish Louisiana, under a personal permit granted by Governor Miro to General Wilkinson; and by reason of which tobacco which had been selling at two cents a pound, was now being bought by the Spanish Government at nine and one-half cents.

Tobacco, as had been the case in Colonial Virginia, to residents of the District of Kentucky was the only practical export crop and means the settlers had of adding to their very scanty supply of cash. No wonder General Wilkinson was at this time head of the Court Party and very popular; and that his proposed suggestions carried popular approval.

As Danville was the district capital, and the District Convention was called for November 4, all the conspirators a.s.sembled there, with the exception of Captain Fairfax, who it was reported had been sent east to confer with the Spanish minister. Even Dr. John Connelly, agent of the British Government, was in Danville proposing a counter conspiracy.

The Political Club, formed in 1786, met each Sat.u.r.day night at Grayson's Tavern. By its const.i.tution members.h.i.+p was limited to fifty persons, though any resident of the District was eligible. On its roll were the names of Harry Innes, John Brown, Benjamin Sebastian, George Muter, Judge McDowell, Thomas Speed and thirty others.

The purpose of the club was to discuss in a free and unrestrained manner, political issues affecting the District of Kentucky. After the discussion closed a vote was usually taken to arrive at the sentiment of the members.

Discussions incident to the adoption of the proposed const.i.tution of the United States is supposed to have given birth to the club. These discussions ended with its adoption. Afterward the club took up such pertinent issues as-Should there be an emission of paper currency for the District? Should tobacco be grown for export? (First decided in the negative, but after General Wilkinson obtained his permit, in the affirmative). Shall slaves be imported into the district? Why does not Congress force the British to surrender forts of the Northwest Territory? Questions of special interest repeatedly debated were: The propriety of separation from Virginia; in favor of which the club voted unanimously. Then Wilkinson and his friends after considerable log rolling, sprung the added issue: "Resolved, that after separation as an independent state, this Commonwealth should sever relations with the Union and if expedient unite with Spanish Louisiana." They claimed that only in this way could Kentucky obtain a free river and market for her products. This had been the only question discussed since the receipt of Mr. Brown's communication; and for a better name was called by its opponents-The Spanish Conspiracy.

John began accompanying his uncle, who was a member, to these meetings when this discussion was at fever heat; and had very decided views upon the issue. He felt tempted many times to raise his voice in argument upon the minority side-That Kentucky should remain with the Union; feeling a.s.sured that relief would be procured by treaty.

Sat.u.r.day night, following the adjournment of the Sixth Convention, the club had an open meeting which was addressed by General Wilkinson, who spoke strongly in favor of Kentucky's withdrawal from the Union; at the time being an agent and pensioner of the Spanish Government.

As the discussion, like the meeting, was an open one, when Wilkinson had finished, the chairman, as was the custom, stated: "The club would like to hear from an advocate of the other side. Any one feeling himself competent to answer General Wilkinson's very able address, is invited to the stand."

John, trembling with excitement and desire to speak, but too modest to respond, hoped that some one of capacity would answer him. He felt that the argument was a specious one and that the orator's pleasant manner masked a hypocrite and a traitor.

When it was evident that no one else would respond, the chairman, a member of the Court Party, remarked: "All seem to think the argument unanswerable. We thank the General for his address, which was prompted by his generous and unselfish spirit as a friend of the District. The applause indicates that the sentiment he expressed seems to meet with universal approval. We will now proceed with other business." It was then John asked permission to be heard, and the chairman with a smile invited him to the stand.

The crowd recognized the lanky and evidently considerably embarra.s.sed young man, as the hero of the wild rumors which had been circulated for several days and in a buzz of whisperings about these tales John began his rather immature response:

"The very capable speaker, to whom you have listened for more than an hour and with evident approval because his scheme puts ready money in your pockets, won his t.i.tle by distinguished service at Saratoga. The majority of your members either fought valiantly at Monmouth and King's Mountain, or followed General Clark through the winter floods that covered the plains of Illinois to Vincennes, or bore with Was.h.i.+ngton the hards.h.i.+ps of that hopeless winter at Valley Forge. Captain Fairfax, a member, received distinguished recognition before the a.s.sembled armies of France and the colonies at Yorktown. Every family represented upon your roster, tendered their all of property, of service, of life itself to the cause of freedom. It was thus you purchased your independence from British oppression. Yet the most unfavored of Britain's colonies has never borne such a yoke of servitude as the most favored Spanish colony must wear.

"Is your poverty, due to sacrifice, so unbearable that you will barter your freedom in order that you may be made temporarily prosperous by the sale of a few pounds of tobacco?

"Is the need for money so pressing, is your impatience for its possession such, that you cannot allow the Federal Government time to organize, to put into operation a const.i.tution just adopted and to make treaties which in decency and in order and without color of treason, will gain for you the perpetual free navigation of the river and commercial privileges, which will never be hampered by export duties?

Has your independence of five years already become so burdensome, that like the frogs you wish a stork for king?

"If it is your desire to surrender your freedom, to be slaves, let us go back to our own people. I would rather be taxed without representation by my father's own people, who speak and think as I and who are a growing, virile, prosperous race and who respect their treaties, than be a citizen of such a decadent power as Spain; which even the least astute back-woodsman can perceive has pa.s.sed the zenith of her power, though temporarily mistress of Louisiana and the Mississippi.

"England frequently has shown her supremacy of Spain. We drove the armies of Britain from our sh.o.r.es; why then should we conspire with either power to procure that which we can take for ourselves-if time shall disclose that it cannot be gained by amity and treaty?"

In this spirit young Campbell spoke for half an hour, carrying conviction, not by logic and eloquence, but by an earnest faith in the righteousness of his cause. It was not so much what he said as that he had made suggestions which caused his hearers to think. There radiated from him a spirit of conviction that took possession of his hearers, so they said to themselves: "That's true, that's right." What he said was uttered in a tense, distinct, conversational tone and after the first few words in apparent self-forgetfulness, he lost self in his cause.

The b.u.t.ton from the collar of his hunting s.h.i.+rt had dropped off before he had begun to speak and, unknowingly to him, his s.h.i.+rt front standing open disclosed the upper portion of the vivid cross tattooed upon his breast. His intent face and pallid flesh gave to the blood red cross a setting that impressed the more superst.i.tious and convinced all that rumor rested on a foundation of fact.

General Wilkinson, noting the effect of his remarks, made a sign to Judge Sebastian not to introduce the resolution they had expected to offer and in a white rage of pa.s.sion, was the first to take the hand of the young man and congratulate him when he had finished. He thought: "What an ally he would make in the promotion of our conspiracy; how he would stir the backwoodsmen; yet if he did not believe in our cause it is my guess he would be as mum and flabby as an oyster. But for him my resolution which Sebastian was to offer would have gone over and revived the sentiment throughout the District, which met with defeat before the District Convention; now I dare not offer it. I must attend to the young gentleman; and Fairfax will help when he returns; possibly we can fool him. I wonder if we can catch him with Fairfax's daughter for bait."

John's speech broadened the breach between the Country and the Court Party; the one led by Colonel Thomas Marshall, the other by General Wilkinson; both of whom were delegates to the District Convention from Fayette County. The speech and the action of the convention had also made the General's co-conspirators timid in their utterances and cautious in their work. It caused John's name to be presented and favorably voted upon as a member of the club.

The District Convention had been called for the third of November, but no quorum appearing, the members being delayed by high water, an adjournment was had to the fourth. On that day it was organized with Judge Samuel McDowell as president.

The chief fight centered upon a motion made by Wilkinson to refer the resolution of the last convention upon the subject of the Mississippi Navigation. The motion brought about an animated debate led by Wilkinson, Brown, Innes and Sebastian, who spoke in favor of the reference. They were opposed by Marshall, Muter, Crockett, Allen and Christian.

Wilkinson argued for immediate separation from Virginia by an act of separation and the setting up of a separate government; intimating that it was desirable for purposes of trade and as the only means to procure the free navigation of the Mississippi; and that then the District unite with Spain.

He said in part: "Spain had objections to granting the navigation in question to the United States-it was not to be presumed that congress would obtain it for Kentucky, or even the western country only; her treaties must be general. There was one way and but one for obviating these difficulties and that was so fortified by const.i.tutions and so guarded by laws, that it was dangerous of access and hopeless under present circ.u.mstances. Spain might concede to Kentucky alone what she would not concede to the United States-and-there is information within the power of the convention and upon this subject of the first importance, which I have no doubt a gentleman present will communicate."

Looking at Mr. Brown he sat down, expecting Brown to fulfill his portion of the preconcerted program.

Mr. Brown arose and after a few preliminaries, stated:-that he did not consider himself at liberty to disclose the private conferences he held with Don Gardoqui, but this much he could say: "If we are unanimous everything we wish for is within our reach."

Then Governor Wilkinson took the floor and read, "An Address Presented to the Governor and Intendant of Louisiana."

The temper of the convention was shown at this stage of the proceedings by the adoption of a resolution offered by Edwards and seconded by Marshall; "To appoint a committee to draw up a decent and respectful address to the Legislature of Virginia for obtaining the independence of Kentucky, agreeable to the late resolution and recommendation of Congress." After the adoption of this resolution nothing more was said in furtherance of the Spanish Conspiracy.

John now had spent the five dollars which Martin had returned; and he was compelled to go to work or return home.

One of the earliest settlers of Kentucky, John Filson, was at this time in Danville, gathering material for a supplemental edition of his history of Kentucky; which had first been published at Wilmington in 1784, and was ent.i.tled: "Discovery, Settlement and Present State of Kentucke." Historically it was chiefly of value for a map showing the location of the trails and stations of the District.

He had been present when John addressed the Political Club. A day or two later they met in Grayson's Tavern and he invited John to his room. When they were seated he began the conversation by saying:

"Young man, how would you like to help me survey out a new town on the Ohio, this winter?"

"I am quite anxious to find something to do; in fact, I must, or return to Campbell Station."

"Have you met Matt Denham? He came from New Jersey along with the St.i.tes Colony and stopped for a while at the mouth of the Little Miami, but he liked the north bend opposite the mouth of the Licking better as a town-site and purchased it from Judge Simmes, 800 acres for $500.00, continental money. Then he came to Lexington and from there here, looking for Robert Patterson and me to help with his colony. He intends to call it Losanteville, but why I do not know, except that he claims to be of French descent and has coined the name from the words, _L'os ante ville_, which he may have translated, the village opposite the mouth. We have gone in with him; and while Denham procures his townsmen, Patterson and I are to survey the boundary, lay off a town on the river bank, and cut away some of the timber in the streets, so the purchasers can get to their lots with their wagons. We leave for Lee's Town tomorrow and shall then travel down the Kentucky and up the Ohio in canoes to the town-site. We need a dozen husky young fellows to help us out. Would you and young Clark care to go? We will pay $40.00 a month continental money or $10.00 in specie."

"I accept at once. I cannot say positively for David, but believe he will go too. What time do we leave?"

"At seven in the morning."

"Well, I will see David at once as we must arrange a few matters before starting. Good bye."

On the morning of the twenty-fourth, the party under the leaders.h.i.+p of Colonel Patterson set out in four canoes, three men to the canoe, and on the twenty-eighth arrived at Losanteville.

Though considerable ice was running they met with no adventures until in North Bend at the mouth of the big Miami. Hugging the north sh.o.r.e, on account of rough water caused by a strong north wind, they were surprised by a large Mingo war party of more than a dozen canoes, which unexpectedly paddled out of the willows near the mouth of the river.

Colonel Patterson, John and David were in the forward canoe and not more than fifty yards distant. A battle seemed inevitable, which doubtless would have resulted disastrously for the whites as they were greatly outnumbered and taken by surprise. John, recognizing several of the Indians, called them by name; and Colonel Patterson, having been told John's story, ordered his men not to fire.

Voices; Birth-Marks; The Man and the Elephant Part 23

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