Concerning Lafcadio Hearn Part 52

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(Nos. 399-424)

No. 399. The Last of the New Orleans Fencing Masters, _Southern Bivouac_, Louisville, Ky., New Series, vol. 2, Nov., 1886.

Speaks of the Story of Jean Louis, from Vigeant's _Un Maitre d'armes sous la restauration_, and tells the tale of Don Jose Llulla. Six double column, 8vo. pages, size and style of _Atlantic Monthly_.

No. 400. The Legend of Skobeleff. Looks like an editorial in T.-D.[46] (No date, etc.)

[47] The New Orleans _Times-Democrat_.

No. 401. A Voudoo Dance. In style of T.-D. and of Hearn; unsigned, undated, was evidently in T.-D.

No. 402. The Future of France in the Orient. Editorial, doubtless in T.-D., undated.

No. 403. Pierre Loti. Translation by Hearn. "From the Original Ma.n.u.script," signed by "Pierre Loti" and "Translated by Lafcadio Hearn." Subheading: "Fragments from my Diary." Undated. Probably in T.-D.

No. 404. Death of the Great Danseuse of the Century. Unsigned and undated. Not in type of editorial, but of contributed matter in T.-D. Probably by Hearn.

No. 405. The First Muezzin. With Arabic Sub-t.i.tle, under which is "Bilal," and 15-line poetic excerpt from Edwin Arnold. Contains a musical setting of Prayer by Villoteau, Description de l'Egypte: Vol. XIV. Probably in T.-D. Without date, etc.

No. 406. Dorodom the Last. Editorial, probably in T.-D. Undated.

No. 407. The Naval Engagements of the Future. Translation from _Le Figaro_.

No. 408. Cable and the Negroes. Editorial, probably in T.-D. and by Hearn. No date.

No. 409. The Most Original of Modern Novelists (Loti). Editorial, probably in T.-D. Undated.

No. 410. Heroic Deeds at Sea. Editorial in T.-D. Undated.

No. 411. Study and Play. Editorial in T.-D. Undated.

No. 412. Arabian Women. Article contributed probably to T.-D.


No. 413. The Roar of a Great City. Editorial contributed probably to T.-D. Undated.

No. 414. Some Fossil Anthropology. Editorial probably by Hearn, and probably in T.-D. Undated.

No. 415. A Word for the Tramps. Editorial possibly by Hearn, and probably in T.-D.

No. 416. Torn Letters. Signed original story in T.-D. Undated. Later enlarged and published as "Chita."

No. 417. Death and Resurrection in the Soudan. Editorial, probably in T.-D. Undated.

No. 418. A Memory of Two Fannies (f.a.n.n.y Elssler, and f.a.n.n.y Cerrito).

Editorial, probably in T.-D. Undated.

No. 419. Shapira. Editorial, probably in T.-D. Undated.

No. 420. To the Fountain of Youth. Original, signed contribution: T.-D., May 24, 1885.

No. 421. The Creole Doctor. Some Curiosities of Medicine in Louisiana. From an Occasional Correspondent of _The Tribune_, New Orleans, Dec. 28th. Probably in New York _Tribune_. Undated. Signed Contribution.

No. 422. A Story of Hands. The Hand and its Gestures. Translation, Eugene Mouton, "From advance sheets." Undated.

No. 423. The Legend of the Tea-Plant. Original contribution, probably to the T.-D. Undated. Published later in "Some Chinese Ghosts," 1887.

No. 424. Academical Triumphs. Editorial, probably by Hearn, T.-D., Dec. 20, 1885.

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