New Word-Analysis Part 18
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CIDE: decide', _to cut off discussion, to determine_; frat'ricide, _the killing of a brother_ (Lat. n. _fra'ter_, a brother); hom'icide (_ho'mo_, a man); infan'ticide (_in'fans_, an infant); mat'ricide (_ma'ter_, a mother); par'ricide (_pa'ter_, a father); reg'icide (_rex, re'gis_, a king); su'icide (Lat. pro. _sui_, one's self).
CISE: con-, ex-, pre-; concise'ness; decis'ion; deci'sive; excis'ion, incis'ion; inci'sor; precis'ion.
23. CAL'CULUS, _a pebble_.
CALCUL: -able (literally, that may be counted by the help of pebbles anciently used in reckoning), -ate, -ation, -ator; incal'culable; miscal'culate.
24. CANDE'RE: can'deo, can'ditum, _to be white, to s.h.i.+ne (literally, to burn, to glow)_; Can'didus, _white_.
CAND: -id, _fair, sincere_; -or, _openness, sincerity_; incandes'cent.
CAN'DID: -ate (in Rome aspirants for office wore _white_ robes).
Cen'ser, _a vessel in which incense is burned_; in'cense (n.), _perfume given off by fire_; incense' (v.), _to inflame with anger_; incen'diary (Lat. n. _incen'dium_, a fire); can'dle (Lat. _cande'la_, a _white_ light made of wax); chand'ler (literally a maker or seller of candles); chandelier'; candel'abra.
25. CAN'ERE: ca'no, can'tum, _to sing_; Fr chanter, _to sing_.
CANT: cant, _hypocritical sing-song speech_; canta'ta, _a poem set to music_; can'ticle; can'ticles, _the Song of Solomon_; can'to, _division of a poem_; discant'; incanta'tion, _enchantment_; recant', literally, _to sing back, to retract_.
CHANT: chant; chant'er; chan'ticleer; chant'ry; enchant'.
Ac'cent (Lat. _ad._ and _cantus_, a song), literally, _a modulation of the voice_; accentua'tion; precen'tor (Lat. v. _praecan'ere_, to sing before).
26. CAP'ERE: ca'pio, cap'tum, _to take_.
CAP: -able, -ability; inca'pable.
CIP: antic'ipate; eman'c.i.p.ate (Lat. n. _ma'nus_, hand), literally, _to take away from the hand of an owner, to free_; incip'ient; munic'ipal (Lat. n.
_municip'ium_, a free town; _mu'nia_, official duties, and _cap'ere_, to take); partic'ipate (Lat. n. _pars, par'tis_, a part); par'ticiple; prince (Lat. n. _prin'ceps_,--Lat. adj. _pri'mus_, first: hence, taking the _first_ place or lead); prin'; prin'ciple; recip'ient; rec'ipe (imperative of _recip'ere_; literally, "take thou," being the first word of a medical prescription).
CEIVE (Fr. root = cap- or cip-): conceive'; deceive'; perceive'; receive'.
CAPT: -ive, -ivate, -ivity, -or, -ure.
CEPT: accept' (-able, -ance, -ation); concep'tion; decep'tion; decep'tive; except' (-ion, -ionable); incep'tion; incep'tive; intercept'; pre'cept; precep'tor; recep'tacle; recep'tion; suscep'tible.
CEIT (Fr. root = capt- or cept-): conceit'; deceit'; receipt'.
Capa'cious (Lat. adj. _ca'pax_, _capa'cis_, able to hold: hence large); capac'itate; capac'ity; incapac'itate.
CAPUT. (See page 30.)
27. CA'RO, carnis, _flesh_.
CARN: -age, _slaughter_; -al, -ation, _the flesh-colored flower_; incar'nate; incarna'tion.
Carne'lian (Lat. adj. _car'neus_, fleshy), _a flesh-colored stone_; car'nival (Lat. v. _vale_, farewell), _a festival preceding Lent_; carniv'orous (Lat. v. _vora're_, to eat); char'nel (Fr. adj. _charnel_, containing flesh).
28. CAU'SA, _a cause_.
CAUS: -al, -ation, -ative; cause (Fr. n. _cause_), n. and v.
Accuse' (Fr. v. _accuser_, to bring a charge against), -ative, -ation, -er; excuse' (Fr. v. _excuser_, to absolve); excus'able; rec'usant (Lat. v.
_recusa're_, to refuse).
29. CAVE'RE: ca'veo, cautum, _to beware_.
CAUT: -ion, -ious; incau'tious; precaution.
Ca'veat (3d per. sing. present subjunctive = let him beware), _an intimation to stop proceedings_.
30. CA'VUS, _hollow_.
CAV: -ity; concav'ity; ex'cavate.
Cave (Fr. n. _cave_), literally, _a hollow, empty s.p.a.ce_; con'cave (Lat.
adj. _conca'vus_, arched); cav'il (Lat. n. _cavil'la_, a jest).
31. CED'ERE: ce'do, ces'sum, _to go, to yield_.
CEDE: cede; accede'; antece'dent; concede'; precede'; recede'; secede'; unprecedented.
CEED: ex-, pro-, sub- (suc-).
CESS: -ation, -ion; ab'scess, _a collection of matter gone away, or collected in a cavity_; ac'cess; acces'sible; acces'sion; acces'sory; conces'sion; excess'; exces'sive; interces'sion; interces'sor; preces'sion; proc'ess; proces'sion; recess'; seces'sion; success' (-ful, -ion, -ive).
32. CENSE'RE: cen'seo, cen'sum, _to weigh, to estimate, to tax_.
CENS: -or, -ure; censo'rious; cen'surable; recen'sion.
Cen'sus (Lat. n. _census_, an estimate).
33. CEN'TRUM, _the middle point_.
CENTR: -al, -ical; centrif'ugal (Lat. v. _fu'gere_, to flee); centrip'etal (Lat. v. _pet'ere_, to seek); concen'trate; concentra'tion; concen'tric; eccen'tric; eccentric'ity.
Cen'ter or cen'tre (Fr. n. _centre_), n. and v.; cen'tered.
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