New Word-Analysis Part 20
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CREDERE. (See page 35.)
44. CREA'RE: cre'o, crea'tum, _to create_.
CREAT: -ion, -ive, -or, -ure; create' (pro-, re-).
45. CRES'CERE: cres'co, cre'tum, _to grow_.
CRESC: cres'cent; excres'cence; decrease'; increase'.
CRET: accre'tion; con'crete; concre'tion.
Accrue' (Fr. n. _accrue_, increase); in'crement (Lat. n. _incremen'tum_, increase); recruit' (Fr. v. _recroitre_, _recru_, to grow again).
46. CRUX, cru'cis, _a cross_.
CRUC: cru'cial (Fr. adj. _cruciale_, as if bringing to the cross: hence, severe); cru'cible (a chemist's melting-pot--Lat. n. _crucib'ulum_--marked in old times with a cross); cru'ciform (Lat. n. _for'ma_, a shape); cru'cify (Lat. v. _fig'ere_, _fix'um_, to fix); crucifix'ion; excru'ciating.
Cross (Fr. n. _croix_); cro'sier (Fr. n. _crosier_); cruise (Dan. v.
_kruisen_, to move crosswise or in a zigzag); crusade' (Fr. n. _croisade_, in the Middle Ages, an expedition to the Holy Land made under the banner of the cross); crusad'er.
47. CUBA'RE: cu'bo (_in compos, _c.u.mbo__), cub'itum, _to lie down_.
CUB: in'cubate; incuba'tion; in'cubator.
c.u.mB: inc.u.m'bency; inc.u.m'bent; proc.u.m'bent; rec.u.m'bency; rec.u.m'bent; succ.u.mb' (sub-); superinc.u.m'bent.
Cu'bit (Lat. n. _cub'itus_, the elbow, because it serves for leaning upon); in'cubus (Lat. n. _in'cubus_), the nightmare.
48. CU'RA, _care_.
CUR: -able, -ate, -ative, -ator; ac'curate; ac'curacy; inac'curate; proc'urator.
Cu'rious; prox'y (contracted from _proc'uracy_). _authority to act for another_; secure' (Lat. adj. _secu'rus_, from _se_ for _si'ne_, without, and _cu'ra_, care); secu'rity; insecure'; si'necure (Lat. prep. _si'ne_, without--an office without duties).
CURRERE. (See page 36.)
49. DA'RE: do, da'tum, _to give_.
DAT: date (originally the time at which a public doc.u.ment was given--_da'tum_); da'ta (Lat. plural of _da'tum_), _facts or truths given or admitted_; da'tive.
DIT: addi'tion; condi'tion; ed'it (-ion, -or); perdi'tion; tradi'tion; extradi'tion.
Add (Lat. v. _ad'dere_, to give or put to); adden'dum (pl. adden'da), _something to be added_.
50. DEBE'RE: de'beo, deb'itum, _to owe_.
DEBT: debt; debt'or; indebt'ed; deb'it (n. and v.).
51. DE'CEM, _ten_; Dec'imus, _the tenth_.
DECEM: Decem'ber (formerly the _tenth_ month); decem'virate (Lat. n. _vir_, a man), _a body of ten magistrates_; decen'nial (Lat. n. _an'nus_, a year).
DECIM: dec'imal; dec'imate; duodec'imo (Lat. adj. _duodec'imus_, twelfth), _a book having twelve leaves to a sheet_.
52. DENS, den'tis, _a tooth_.
DENT: dent, _to notch_; den'tal; den'tifrice (Lat. v. _frica're_, to rub); den'tist; denti'tion (Lat. n. _denti'tio_, a cutting of the teeth); eden'tate (Lat. adj. _edenta'tus_, toothless); indent'; indent'ure; tri'dent (Lat. adj. _tres_, three), _Neptune's three-p.r.o.nged scepter_; dan'delion (Fr. _dent-de-lion_, the lion's tooth), _a plant_.
53. DE'US, _a G.o.d_; Divi'nus, _relating to G.o.d, divine_.
DE: de'ify; de'ism; de'ist; deist'ical; de'ity.
DIVIN: divine'; divina'tion (Lat. n. _divina'tio_, a foretelling the aid of the G.o.ds); divin'ity.
54. DIC'ERE: di'co, dio'tum, _to say_.
DICT: dic'tate; dicta'tor; dictatorial; dic'tion; dic'tionary (Lat. n.
_dictiona'rium_, a word-book); dic'tum (pl. dic'ta), _positive opinion_; addict' (Lat. v. _addic'ere_, to devote); benedic'tion (Lat. adv. _be'ne_, well); contradict'; e'dict; indict' (Lat. v. _indic'ere_, to proclaim), _to charge with a crime_; indict'ment; in'terdict; jurid'ic (Lat. n. _jus_, _ju'ris_, justice), _relating to the distribution of justice_; maledic'tion (Lat. adv. _ma'le_, ill); predict'; predic'tion; valedic'tory (Lat. v.
_va'le_, farewell); ver'dict (Lat. adj. _ve'rus_, true).
Dit'to, _n_. (Ital. n. _det'to_, a word), _the aforesaid thing_; indite'
(Lat. v. _indic'ere_, to dictate), _to compose_.
55. DI'ES, _a day_; _French_ jour, _a day_.
DIES: di'al; di'ary; di'et; diur'nal (Lat. adj. _diur'nus_, daily); merid'ian (Lat. n. _merid'ies_ = _me'dius di'es_, midday); merid'ional; quotid'ian (Lat. adj. _quotidia'nus_, daily).
JOUR: jour'nal; jour'nalist; jour'ney; adjourn'; adjourn'ment; so'journ; so'journer.
DIGNUS (See page 37.)
56. DIVID'ERE: div'ido, divi'sum, _to divide, to separate_.
DIVID: divide'; div'idend; subdivide'; individ'ual, literally, _one not to be divided, a single person_.
DIVIS: -ible, -ibility, -ion, -or.
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