New Word-Analysis Part 3

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op- op-pose to put one's self _against_.

PER- = _through_, per-vade; to pa.s.s _through_; pel- _thoroughly_ per-fect _thoroughly_ made.

pel-lucid _thoroughly_ clear.

NOTE.--Standing alone, PER- signifies _by_: as, _per annum_, _by_ the year.

POST- = _after_, post-script written _after_.


PRE- = _before_ pre-cede to go _before_.

PRETER- = _beyond_ preter-natural _beyond_ nature.

PRO _for_, pro-noun _for_ a noun.

= _forth_, or pro-pose to put _forth_.


NOTE.--In a few instances PRO- is changed into PUR-, as _pur_pose; into POR-, as _por_tray; and into POL-, as _pol_lute.

RE- = _back_ or re-pel to drive _back_.

red- _anew_ red-eem to buy _back_.

RETRO- = _backwards_ retro-grade going _backwards_.

SE- = _aside_, se-cede to go _apart_.


SINE- = _without_ sine-cure _without_ care.

SUB- sub-scribe to write _under_.

suc- suc-ceed to follow _after_.

suf- suf-fer to _undergo_.

sug- = _under_ or sug-gest to bring to mind from _after_ _under_.

sum- sum-mon to hint from _under_.

sup- sup-port to bear by being _under_.

sus- sus-tain to _under_-hold.

NOTE.--The euphonic variations SUC-, SUF-, SUG-, SUM-, SUP-, result from a.s.similating the _b_ of SUB- to the initial letter of the root. In "sustain" SUS- is a contraction of _subs-_ for _sub-_.

SUBTER- = _under_ or subter-fuge a flying _under_.


SUPER- = _above_ or super-natural _above_ nature.

_over_ super-vise to _over_-see.

NOTE.--In derivatives through the French, SUPER- takes the form SUR-, as _sur-_vey, to look over.

TRANS- _through_, trans-gress to step _beyond_.

tra- = _over_, tra-verse to pa.s.s _over_.

or _beyond_

ULTRA- = _beyond_, or ultra-montane _beyond_ the mountain _extremely_ (the Alps).

ultra-conservativ _extremely_ conservative.



-ABLE = _that may be_; cur-able _that may be_ cured.

-ible _fit to be_ possi-ble _that may be_ done.

-ble solu-ble _that may be_ dissolved.

-AC _relating to_ cardi-ac _relating to_ the heart.

= or demoni-ac _like_ a demon.


NOTE.--The suffix -AC is found only in Latin derivatives of Greek origin.

-ACEOUS _of_; sapon-aceous _having the quality of_ = _having the_ soap.

-acious _quality of_ cap-acious _having the quality of_ holding much.

_condition of_ celib-acy _condition of being_ -ACY = _being_; single.

_office of_ cur-acy _office of_ a curate.

-AGE _act_, marri-age _act of_ marrying.

= _condition_, or va.s.sal-age _condition of_ a va.s.sal.

_collection of_ foli-age _collection of_ leaves.

NOTE.--The suffix -AGE is found only in French-Latin derivatives.

adj. ment-al _relating to_ the mind.

-AL = _relating to_ remov-al _the act of_ removing.

n. _the act of_; capit-al _that which_ forms the _that which_ head of a column.

-AN adj. _relating hum-an _relating to_ mankind.

-ane to_ hum-ane _befitting_ a man.

= or _befitting_ artis-an _one who_ follows a trade.

n. _one who_

-ANCE _state or_ vigil-ance _state of being_ watchful.

-ancy = _quality_ eleg-ance _quality of being_ _of being_ elegant.

-ANT = adj. _being_ vigil-ant _being_ watchful.

n. _one who_ a.s.sist-ant _one who_ a.s.sists.

-AR = _relating to; lun-ar _relating to_ the moon.

like_ circul-ar _like_ a circle.

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