New Word-Analysis Part 38

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PHO'NOGRAPH (Gr. n. _pho'ne_, sound), _an instrument for the mechanical registration and reproduction of audible sounds_.

PHONOG'RAPHY, _a system of short hand; the art of constructing or of using the phonograph_.

PHOTOG'RAPHY (Gr. n. _phos, phot'os_, light), _the art of producing pictures by light_.

STENOG'RAPHY (Gr. adj. _sten'os_, narrow), _the art of writing in short-hand_.

TEL'EGRAPH (Gr. _te'le_, at a distance), _an apparatus for conveying intelligence to a distance by means of electricity_.

TOPOG'RAPHY (Gr. n. _top'os_, a place), _the description of a particular place_.

TYPOGRAPHY (Gr. n. _tu'pos_, a type), _the art or operation of printing_.

13. HOD'OS ('?d??), _a way_.

EP'ISODE, _an incidental story introduced into a poem or narrative_.

EX'ODUS, _departure from a place; the second book of the Old Testament_.

METH'OD, _order, system, way, manner_.

METH'ODIST, _the followers of John Wesley_. (The name has reference to the strictness of the rules of this sect of Christians).

PE'RIOD (Gr. n. _period'os_, a pa.s.sage round), _the time in which anything is performed; a kind of sentence; a punctuation mark_.

SYN'OD, _a meeting of ecclesiastics_.

14. HU'DOR ('?d??), _water_.

HY'DRA, _a water-snake; a fabulous monster serpent slain by Hercules_.

HYDRAN'GEA, _a genus of plants remarkable for their absorption of water_.

HY'DRANT, _a water-plug_.

HYDRAU'LIC (Gr. n. _au'los_, a pipe), _relating to the motion of water through pipes; worked by water_.

HYDRAU'LICS, _the science which treats of fluids in motion_.

HYDROCEPH'ALUS (Gr. n. _keph'ale_, the head), _dropsy of the head_.

HY'DROGEN (Gr. v. _gen'ein_, to beget), _a gas which with oxygen produces water_.

HYDROG'RAPHY, _the art of maritime surveying and mapping_.

HYDROP'ATHY (Gr. n. _path'os_, feeling), _the water-cure_.

HYDROPHO'BIA (Gr. n. _phob'os_, fear), literally, _dread of water; canine madness_.

HY'DROPSY, _a collection of water in the body_. ("Dropsy" is a contraction of _hydropsy_).

HYDROSTAT'ICS, _the science which treats of fluids at rest_.

15. KRAT'OS (??at??), _rule, government, strength_.

ARISTOC'RACY (Gr. adj. _aris'tos_, best), _government by n.o.bles_.

ARIS'TOCRAT, _one who favors aristocracy_.

AU'TOCRAT. See _au'tos_.

DEMOC'RACY (Gr. n. _de'mos_, the people), _government by the people_.

DEM'OCRAT, _one who upholds democracy; in the United States, a member of the democratic party_.

THEOC'RACY, _government of a state by divine direction, as the ancient Jewish state_.

16. LOG'OS (?????), _speech, ratio, description, science_.

LOG'IC, _the science and art of reasoning_.

LOGI'CIAN, _one skilled in logic_.

LOG'ARITHMS (Gr. n. _arith'mos_, number), _a cla.s.s of numbers that abridge arithmetical calculations_.

a.n.a.l'OGY, _a resemblance of ratios_.

AP'OLOGUE, _a moral fable_.

APOL'OGY, _a defense, an excuse_.

CAT'ALOGUE, _a list of names in order_.

CHRONOL'OGY. (See _chronos_.)

CONCHOL'OGY (Gr. n. _kon'chos_, a sh.e.l.l), _the science of sh.e.l.ls_.

DEC'ALOGUE (Gr. _dek'a_, ten), _the ten commandments_.

DOXOL'OGY (Gr. n. _doxa_, glory), _a hymn expressing glory to G.o.d_.

EC'LOGUE, _a pastoral poem_.

ENTOMOL'OGY (Gr. n. _ento'ma_, insects, and v. _tem'nein_, to cut), _the natural history of insects_.

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