New Word-Analysis Part 40

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19. O'DE (?de), _a song_.

ODE, _a lyric poem_.

MEL'ODY (Gr. n. _mel'os_, a song), _an agreeable succession of musical sounds_.

PAR'ODY, _the alteration of the works of an author to another subject_.

PROS'ODY, _the study of versification_.

PSAL'MODY, _the practice of singing psalms_.

TRAG'EDY (Gr. n. _trag'os_, a goat[9]), _a dramatic representation of a sad or calamitous event_.


The _periods_ of _astronomy_ go far beyond any _chronology_. The _phonograph_ and the _telegraph_ are both American inventions. By the aid of a _diagram_ the _problem_ was readily solved. Dr. Holmes, the _Autocrat_ of the Breakfast Table, has written many _parodies_. In the struggle between _monarchy_ and _democracy_ Mexico has often been in a state of _anarchy_. His _antagonist_ suffered great _agony_ from the _disaster_ that occurred. The _eulogy_ p.r.o.nounced on the great _zoologist_ Aga.s.siz was well deserved. What is the _etymological_ distinction between _geography_ and _geology_? The _aeronaut_ took with him a _barometer_, a _thermometer_, and a _chronometer_. I owe you an _apology_ for not better knowing your _genealogy. Typography_ has been well called "the art preservative of all the arts." Who is called the great American _lexicographer? Tautology_ is to be avoided by all who make any pretence to _grammar_. One may be a _democrat_ without being a _demagogue_. You cannot be an _architect_ without knowing _geometry. Zoology_ shows that there is great _symmetry_ in the structure of animals. The pretensions of _astrology_ are now dissipated into thin _air_. Many persons skilled in _physiology_ do not believe in hydropathy. Longfellow's "Evangeline" is written in _hexameter_, and Milton's "Paradise Lost" in _pentameter_.

20. ON'OMA (???a), _a name_.

ANON'YMOUS, _without a name_.

METON'YMY, _a rhetorical figure in which one word is put for another_.

ON'OMATOPOE'IA, _the forming of words whose sound suggests the sense_.

PARON'YMOUS, _of like derivation_.

PATRONYM'IC (Gr. n. _pat'er_, a father), _a name derived from a parent or ancestor_.

PSEU'DONYM (Gr. adj. _pseu'des_, false), _a fict.i.tious name_.

SYN'ONYM, _a word having the same meaning as another in the same language_.

21. PAN (pa?, pa?t??), _all; whole_.

PANACE'A (Gr. v. _ak'eomai_, I cure), _a universal cure_.

PAN'CREAS (Gr. n. _kre'as_, flesh), _a fleshy gland situated at the bottom of the stomach_.

PAN'DECT, _a treatise which combines the whole of any science_.

PANEGYR'IC (Gr. n. _ag'ora_, an a.s.sembly), _an oration in praise of some person or event_.

PAN'OPLY (Gr. n. _hop'la_, armor), _a complete suit of armor_.

PANORA'MA (Gr. n. _hor'ama_, a sight or view), _a large picture gradually unrolled before an a.s.sembly_.

PAN'THEISM (Gr. n. _the'os_, G.o.d), _the doctrine that nature is G.o.d_.

PAN'THEON, _a temple dedicated to all the G.o.ds_.

PAN'TOMIME, _a scene or representation in dumb show_.

22. PA'THOS (pa???), _suffering, feeling_.

PATHET'IC, _affecting the emotions_.

PATHOL'OGY, _the science of diseases_.

ALLOP'ATHY, _a mode of medical practice_.

ANTIP'ATHY, _dislike, aversion_.

AP'ATHY, _want of feeling_.

HOMEOP'ATHY, _a mode of medical practice_.

HYDROP'ATHY. See _hudor_.

SYM'PATHY, _fellow-feeling_.

23. PHIL'OS (f????), _a friend, a lover_.

PHILADEL'PHIA (Gr. n. _adel'phos_, a brother), literally, _the city of brotherly love_.

PHILANTHROPY (Gr. n. _anthro'pos_, a man), _love of mankind_.

PHILHARMON'IC (Gr. n. _harmo'nia_, harmony), _loving harmony or music_.

PHILOS'OPHY (Gr. n. _sophi'a_, wisdom), _the general laws or principles belonging to any department of knowledge_.

PHILOS'OPHER, _one versed in philosophy or science_.

PHILOSOPH'IC, PHILOSOPH'ICAL, _relating to philosophy_.

24. PHA'NEIN (fa??e??), _to cause to appear_; PHANTA'SIA (fa?tas?a), _an image, an idea_.

DIAPH'ANOUS, _translucent_.

EPIPH'ANY, _the festival commemorative of the manifestation of Christ by the star of Bethlehem_.

FAN'CY, _a pleasing image; a conceit or whim_.

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