New, Old, and Forgotten Remedies Part 42

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Stomach swollen in the afternoon; went to bed at 10 o'clock and slept one hour, awoke with urging to vomit and soon after threw up acid water and the food taken the preceding day.

Griping in the abdomen, extending down into the r.e.c.t.u.m, with a feeling as if this organ was ligated; she feels so weak that she has to support herself to keep from falling, with cold sweat in the face, lasting half an hour.

Severe itching in the abdomen which ceases and is always followed by copious white expectoration, with flashes of heat in the face and great weakness.

At first coldness in the feet, then stinging and pressing pains in the right hypochondrium. From here the pains pa.s.s to the stomach with swelling of the abdomen; then they extend up the spine to the shoulders.

Spasmodic, stabbing pains, one after the other, in the Mons Veneris, when standing on her feet she has a desire to put one foot over the other.

A spasmodic pain in the left inguinal region as of incarcerated wind, which extends upward across the abdomen, causing a painful spot in the region of the spleen.


Bowels confined for two days and very hard; the evacuation occurs in small pieces.

No evacuation for three days, the abdomen seems very full, as if much had been eaten, with loss of appet.i.te.

Evacuations accompanied with stinging, cutting pains in the r.e.c.t.u.m which persist more than an hour, with vehement tenesmus.

Obstinate constipation in children is readily cured.

The child has a movement only once in three or four days, accompanied with severe pain in the a.n.u.s.

Frequent desire for stool without result.

Stools hard but occurring every day.

After going for three days without stool he is obliged to remain an hour before expelling anything and becomes very much fatigued.

Evacuations hard as nuts expelled with much difficulty, with spasmodic pains in the intestines; the feces escape in small pieces.

Chronic constipation with hemorrhoids and continual urging to stool without result.


Often much urine.

Frequent desire to pa.s.s urine after cramps in the stomach.

Was obliged to urinate three times in the s.p.a.ce of four hours, but only a small quant.i.ty each time; otherwise she only urinated once during the same length of time and with strangury.

Urine very hot and light colored. much urine and after a quarter of an hour an equally large quant.i.ty, although she had drunk but little.

Slight itching and burning in the v.u.l.v.a when not urinating.

Feeling of heat in the v.u.l.v.a.

Very hot urine causing heat at the v.u.l.v.a.

Very hot urine with burning pain at the v.u.l.v.a.

The menstruation appears several days too late.

The blood is black and abundant.

The menstrual blood is reddish-black.

The menstruation comes on six days too soon, when on the feet the blood flows continuously.

During the menstruation she feels cold externally and hot internally and must drink a great deal.

Cutting pains through the body on the second day of the menstruation.

White fluid discharge like milk coming away in drops.

Very profuse white discharge, leaving white and gray spots on the linen, with itching in the abdomen.

The white discharge has a sweetish odor.

A chronic rattling in the throat causes a dry cough.

The whole chest pains as if compressed, and when breathing, sharp stabbing pains traverse the chest, worse on the left side.

Stinging in the chest which prevents him from taking a long breath.

Pain in the region of the diaphragm as if it was inflamed; when gaping, drawing pains under the right ribs, extending as far as the spine; they come and go frequently and are aggravated by respiration.

Stabbing pains one after another in the upper portion of the left breast, worse when breathing, lasting half an hour.

Stinging pains under the false ribs on the left side which grow on lying down, on external pressure and on deep respiration with flashes of heat.

Twisting pains in the left breast.

The nipples pain on touching them, as if they were sore inside.


Pains in the spine, extending into the lumbar vertebrae and then into both sides above the crests of the ilia and into the inguinal regions, where a pain as of inflammation is felt.

The dorsal pains are increased by bending.

Pains in the spine as if it had been injured, as bad during repose as when in motion.

Drawing and stinging between the shoulders with oppression of breath.

Drawing pains between the shoulders, extending downward along the spine, toward the liver and upward into the chest; then the respiration becomes oppressed and frequent shooting pains traverse the entire body.

New, Old, and Forgotten Remedies Part 42

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New, Old, and Forgotten Remedies Part 42 summary

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