The Mary Frances Cook Book Part 37

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3. Add egg slowly, beating well at the same time.

4. Add milk. Beat.

5. Cook in a sauce pan placed in boiling water.

6. Stir until it thickens like cream. Remove from heat at once.

7. Add vinegar very slowly, beating all the while.

8. Stir in the b.u.t.ter.

Serve cold on lettuce or sliced tomatoes.

"If this is cooked too long, it will 'curdle' or the be egg will become hard and separate," said Sauce Pan; "but I'll be careful. Now I'm ready for work."

[Ill.u.s.tration: "I'll be careful."]

Mary Frances laughed. "Thank you, Sauce Pan," she said, as he began to move around, going hither and thither.

[Ill.u.s.tration: "Thank you, Sauce Pan."]

"The next recipes are


1. Cut in half and wash well a young green cabbage.

2. Cut out and throw away the hard stem part.

3. Make ready a kettle of boiling water. Put in cabbage. Leave uncovered.

4. When the water boils, throw in 1 teaspoon salt and teaspoon baking soda (or bicarbonate of soda).

5. Boil gently about half hour, or until it begins to lose its bright green color. Lift out with skimmer.

6. Pour over it White Sauce just before serving.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Young green cabbage.]


1. Cut slices of stale bread into squares of about one half inch.

2. For 2 cups bread, allow

1 pint milk (2 cups) 2 tablespoons sugar 2 eggs teaspoon vanilla

3. Moisten bread with hot water.

4. b.u.t.ter pudding dish.

5. Put into it the moistened bread.

6. Beat yolks of eggs; add sugar; add milk.

7. Pour this over the bread.

8. Beat whites of eggs. Add 2 tablespoons powdered sugar. Beat well.

9. Spread this over top of pudding.

10. Bake in moderate oven one half hour.

11. Serve with Hard Sauce or cream.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Cut slices of stale bread.]


Slice bananas over top of Bread Pudding before spreading on whites of eggs (No. 37).

Serve with cream or Hard Sauce.


4 tablespoons soft b.u.t.ter cup powdered sugar teaspoon vanilla beaten white of 1 egg

1. Make bowl and spoon hot with boiling water.

2. "Cream" or rub b.u.t.ter and sugar together, adding sugar by spoonfuls.

3. Add vanilla.

4. Beat in the white of egg.

5. Put in a cool place until needed.

[Ill.u.s.tration: To save a yolk.]

"Yes," said Baking Dish, "that is very nice; but if you use the yolk of the egg in the pudding, it will save it, and make the pudding better."

"To save a yolk, all you have to do (it was little Egg Beater) is to drop it into a cup and pour a little cold water over the top, to prevent its drying. You can use it next day, if you keep it cool."

[Ill.u.s.tration: "Yes, that is very nice"]

"It is wonderful," said Mary Frances, "what you Kitchen People know. If it weren't for your help, I'd be afraid to try to get this dinner. I'd have to make only one thing a day, as Mother meant me to do."

All the Kitchen People smiled happily.

The Mary Frances Cook Book Part 37

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The Mary Frances Cook Book Part 37 summary

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