House Rats and Mice Part 3

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4. The protection of our native hawks, owls, and smaller predatory mammals--the natural enemies of rats.

5. Greater cleanliness about markets, grocery stores, warehouses, courts, alleys, stables, and vacant lots in cities and villages, and like care on farms and suburban premises. This includes the storage of waste and garbage in tightly covered vessels and the prompt disposal of it each day.

6. Care in the construction of drains and sewers, so as not to provide entrance and retreat for rats. Old brick sewers in cities should be replaced by concrete or tile.

7. The early thres.h.i.+ng and marketing of grains on farms, so that stacks and mows shall not furnish harborage and food for rats.

8. Removal of outlying straw stacks and piles of trash or lumber that harbor rats in fields and vacant lots.

9. The keeping of provisions, seed grain, and foodstuffs in rat-proof containers.

10. Keeping effective rat dogs, especially on farms and in city warehouses.

11. The systematic destruction of rats, whenever and wherever possible, by (_a_) trapping, (_b_) poisoning, and (_c_) organized hunts.

12. The organization of clubs and other societies for systematic warfare against rats.


[1] _Mus musculus._

[2] _Rattus norvegicus._

[3] _Rattus rattus rattus._

[4] _Rattus rattus alexandrinus._

[5] Farmers' Bulletin 461, Use of Concrete on the Farm, will prove useful to city and village dwellers as well as to the farmer.

[6] _Scilla maritima._

[7] CAUTION.--Carbon disulphid is very inflammable and can be ignited by a match, lantern, cigar, or pipe.

[8] Farmers' Bulletin 699.

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