Cluthe's Advice to the Ruptured Part 11
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We don't need to tell you it would be cruelty to put any other truss on children.
[Sidenote: From Infants To Men Over 80]
We have fitted by mail men and women over 60, 70 and 80 years old.
People who had been ruptured for from twenty to fifty years.
People who had tried dozens of other trusses. But never found one that would hold.
Some were in such bad shape-- in such pain-- that they hadn't worked for years.
Some of them, before getting Cluthe Trusses, couldn't walk more than two or three blocks without resting. Could hardly get around at all for fear of bad effects on their rupture.
And the Cluthe Truss, with its strengthening ma.s.sage, has worked thousands of cures in cases apparently hopeless like these.
While in those cases where cure wasn't brought about-- or hasn't yet been-- this truss kept the rupture from coming out, and made the rupture better.
We keep in touch with all our patients-- our interest doesn't cease until we know they are getting along all right. Yet we have known of only a few cases, including the worst ones, where the rupture ever came out after the first few days' wear of this truss.
Think of that-- you who had almost given up hope.
You can see for yourself what the Cluthe Truss has done by reading a few of the letters-- all voluntarily written-- which are printed at the back of this book. These letters are only a few out of the thousands we have received.
_+Costs More to Do Without It Than To Get It+_
You will find it many times cheaper to get a Cluthe Automatic Ma.s.saging Truss than to try to do without one.
As long as you put up with worthless makes.h.i.+fts, you are paying the price of a Cluthe Truss over and over without getting any of its benefits.
Probably paying its price again and again in time lost from work or business.
For if your rupture never keeps you from putting in a full day-- if you never find it a handicap-- if it never keeps you at home in bed when you should be earning money-- then you are far more fortunate than most ruptured people who don't wear Cluthe Trusses.
And as long as you try to get along with worthless makes.h.i.+fts, you have to keep buying truss after truss, paying out dollar after dollar for new trusses to take the place of those which don't last and those which don't do any good. Thus throwing away in a little while many times more than the price of a Cluthe Truss.
[Sidenote: Ordinary Trusses Are a Waste Of Money]
As long as you go without a Cluthe Truss, your rupture keeps getting worse-- probably worse now than a year ago-- been getting worse every day.
Thus again, you are constantly paying far more than the price of a Cluthe Truss; paying it in wear-and-tear on your health, in the drain on your strength and vitality, in the loss of many of the enjoyments which help make life worth living.
Without a Cluthe Truss, your rupture is a constant worry. For a man has to be more optimistic than most ruptured people if he can look into the Future without dread when he knows his rupture isn't getting any better.
No man, especially one with a family to provide for, wants to let his rupture make him more or less helpless if there is anything he can do to prevent it.
No man wants to be disabled for active work, no man wants to be dependent on others.
That has been the fate of thousands who never knew of the Cluthe Truss, or who didn't have the wisdom to try it.
But you who read this, now that you know the facts, have absolutely no excuse for ever letting rupture get the best of you.
[Sidenote: Don't Let Rupture Get the Best of You]
No one's fault but your own, if you now let your rupture keep on growing worse.
No one but yourself to blame if you don't take the chance we give you to find out, by trial at our risk, just what the Cluthe Truss can do for you.
It will be _our_ loss and not yours if this truss doesn't at least make you a whole lot better. But _your_ loss, not ours, if you neglect to _try_ it.
Unless you have already let your rupture become permanently irreducible the probabilities are that the Cluthe Truss can entirely free you from the clutches of rupture, just as it has thousands of others.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by trying a Cluthe Truss.
If it doesn't do any good, we'll take it back and you won't lose any money.
[Sidenote: Ends all Expense on Account of Your Rupture]
If it does prove beneficial, it will in all probability last as long as you have any need for a truss. For it is mighty seldom that any part of a Cluthe Truss ever gives out, even when, as in incurable cases, it is worn year after year.
So once you get a Cluthe Truss, you'll probably never have to pay out another dollar on account of your rupture.
The Cluthe Truss costs so little-- only $9 to $14-- that every body not a pauper can easily afford it. Costs so little-- when you consider the good it does-- that no one can afford to go without it.
You can get lots of trusses that cost less and some that cost even more-- but one Cluthe Truss is worth a dozen of them.
Every thrifty man knows that good _shoes_, for instance, are more economical than cheap ones; for the cheap shoes soon go to pieces, soon get shabby; one good pair would outlast three or four of the cheap ones.
Every man knows that good shoes-- shoes that keep the feet dry-- are less expensive in the end than shoes which leak and bring on colds and sickness.
[Sidenote: Like Buying Shoes]
And every man knows that properly fitting shoes, shoes you can wear with comfort, are worth three or four pairs of shoes which hurt the feet. For no matter how little the uncomfortable shoes cost, you can't get your money's worth out of them if you can't wear them.
Lots of people have common-sense enough to think of all these things in buying shoes.
But lots of them let their common-sense go on vacation when it comes to buying trusses.
Yet a truss is a hundred times more important than shoes.
Think how much depends on a truss-- your comfort, your ability to make a living, your safety when working, even your very life sometimes, all depend on your truss.
If your truss is no good, if it lets any little strain throw your rupture out, there is constant danger that some sudden wrench, some slip, some fall or misstep, may throw the rupture out so violently as to cause _strangulation_ of the rupture. And that usually ends in quick death.
But the man who wears a Cluthe Truss has nothing whatever to worry about.
Cluthe's Advice to the Ruptured Part 11
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Cluthe's Advice to the Ruptured Part 11 summary
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