Cluthe's Advice to the Ruptured Part 14
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[Sidenote: After Operations]
For recurrence of Rupture after an operation, we make the Cluthe Truss with special frames and pads. For the requirements in each case are usually different.
Simply fill out the order blank, and we will tell you just what you need, and the price.
_+Let Us Send You A Cluthe Truss On 60 Days' Trial+_
Won't Cost You a Single Cent if You Don't Get Better
We don't ask you to risk a single cent of your money in finding out what a Cluthe Truss can do for you.
We have so much faith in our truss-- we know what it has done for so many others-- that we are willing to make a Cluthe Truss, as explained below, especially for your case, and let you wear it sixty days on trial.
Think of that, Reader! When you get a truss at a drug-store or truss dealer's, the only chance you have to make a test is _while trying the Truss on_.
But the sixty days' trial we allow you certainly gives you plenty of time to make an absolutely thorough test-- plenty of time to see whether the truss is doing any good-- plenty of time to make sure that, with this truss on, your rupture can't come out-- plenty of time to prove the wearing and water-proof qualities of our truss.
_Sixty days_ is longer than lots of trusses or "appliances" would last!
[Sidenote: 60 Days Is Longer Than Lots of Trusses Would Last]
Longer than you could stand to wear any truss which pinches or squeezes or hurts in any way!
We'll protect you by giving you our signed guarantee (this paragraph in itself is a guarantee) that this truss will keep your rupture from coming out and improve your condition when put on and worn according to our simple directions; guarantee it to prevent protrusion, not for just a few minutes at a time, but for all day long, including when you are working, exercising, taking a bath or swim.
If, after fair trial-- whether at the end of ten days, thirty days or sixty days-- you find that the truss isn't holding your rupture, isn't helping you, simply let us know what the trouble is and if we can't correct it we'll promptly refund your money.
Our willingness to let you try a Cluthe Truss sixty days entirely at our risk is the best proof in the world of its merits.
We could never afford to send you a Cluthe Truss on such a long trial if there were any likelihood that it wouldn't prove beneficial, any likelihood that you would want to return it.
But the Cluthe Truss has been put to the test so many times, including hundreds of seemingly hopeless cases, that we know our faith in our truss is justified.
[Sidenote: Benefits 199 Out of Every 200]
Counting all the thousands of people who have placed themselves in our care, our records show that the cases in which a trial of the Cluthe Truss failed to prove beneficial have averaged only one out of each two hundred.
A really remarkable record. For among the people who have tried the Cluthe Truss, among those cured by it, are hundreds who had been ruptured over 50 years. Note letters in back of book and the 5,000 names you'll find in "Your Neighbor's Word."
The law of averages always holds good; it is one of the most certain things in the world.
And when 199 out of every 200 who have tried this truss were benefited, and many of them cured, you can see that there are mighty few people who can't expect a Cluthe Truss to do them a lot of good.
Bear in mind that we aren't claiming that every one who has tried a Cluthe Truss has been completely cured by it. We would rather err by claiming too little than claim too much. Even a common cold, about the simplest of all human ailments, can't always be cured, can't always be so much as relieved or checked; that is why a cold, in spite of everything that can be done, so often develops into pneumonia, bronchial trouble, etc.
But we do stand back of the Cluthe Truss with an absolute guarantee that it will keep the rupture from coming out, enable you to work without danger, and result in improvement. Surely no man can expect a stronger guarantee, especially after what many have gone through with other trusses.
Note that our guarantee is in plain, straightforward language-- you know exactly what it means-- no evasions, no subterfuges-- an iron-clad and absolutely legal guarantee.
[Sidenote: Our Guarantee Protects You Absolutely]
It is nothing like the tricky, hoodwinking guarantees which so many other concerns give. Beware of a so-called guarantee which merely reads "This truss fully guaranteed." A guarantee-- as any lawyer will tell you-- isn't worth the paper it's printed on unless it guarantees something specific, such as holding. And it gives you no protection unless it guarantees your money back in case of failure.
But our Guarantee is a positive Money-Back Guarantee.
If the Cluthe _Truss_ fails to "make good," then _we_ will "make good"
by refunding your money.
You don't need to worry about that for a minute. No one dependent on the good will of the public could remain in business as long as we have, now over 40 years, and constantly gain new friends through the old, unless every customer received a square deal. Dishonesty would have driven us out of business long ago.
We believe that our reputation for absolute fairness and honesty is as firmly established among people who have had dealings with us as the reputation of Wanamaker's or Marshall Field's.
We are so seldom asked to refund money that it would be the height of folly to risk injuring our reputation for the sake of the few dollars represented by a Cluthe Truss or even a thousand trusses.
If we were selling automobiles or shoes or hardware, our honesty would be taken for granted. But there has been so much trickery in the sale of trusses and other things for rupture that it is only in justice to ourselves that we mention our reputation.
[Sidenote: Your Money Simply Held on Deposit]
Remember that we protect you at every point. And our interest in your case won't cease until we know you are getting along all right; you'll always find us ready at any time to do everything within our power.
So don't let another day go by without trying this truss, this truss which has done wonders for others.
Remember that all money you pay is simply held on deposit until you have made the 60-day test.
If you have any doubts about our responsibility, have your local bank look us up in Bradstreet's or Dun's.
_+See How Little it Costs to Get Relief+_
If you had to pay for the world of good a Cluthe Truss does, the price would be many times higher.
But we charge only for the materials and time which go into the truss, plus a legitimate profit.
There is nothing fancy about a Cluthe Truss, for you don't wear a truss for ornament. But the minute you see it, you will know you are getting your money's worth.
It is the strongest truss ever made-- and at the same time the lightest; also the cleanest, neatest-looking.
Made of the best materials we can buy-- materials which will last.
So well made that the cost of making a single part-- such as one of the Holding Pads, the ma.s.saging device or the self-adjusting feature-- is greater than the cost of making most other trusses complete.
Cluthe's Advice to the Ruptured Part 14
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Cluthe's Advice to the Ruptured Part 14 summary
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