Cluthe's Advice to the Ruptured Part 28

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I purchased a Cluthe Truss from you about 10 years ago and after wearing it one year I found it cured me and this cure has been a permanent one.

R. H. NELSON, Irvona, Pa.

+Cannot Speak Highly Enough for the Cluthe Truss+

About 8 or 10 months ago I purchased a Cluthe Truss which I have worn with the greatest success. About a week ago I left Truss off and find that the Rupture does not show; neither have I felt it and I think I am cured. However, I shall put Truss on and wear it when I have hard work to do as a special precaution. I cannot speak highly enough for your Truss.

R. E. LOWDER, Cooleemee, N.C.

+Medical Student Cured by Cluthe Truss+

I am glad to say that after wearing the CLUTHE TRUSS I laid it aside over a year ago and have not needed it or any other since. I am taking up the medical profession now and if I can be of any service to you at any time in future I will be glad to be of such service.

ARTHUR L. BLACK, M.C. of S.C., Charleston, S.C.

+Freed This Man of His Rupture Trouble+

I take pleasure in giving you my full consent to make public my testimony regarding the benefit derived from your scientific Truss. If you meet with any "Doubting Thomas," send them to me. I will be pleased to tell them what it has done for me.

T. B. GALLAGHER, 167 W. 129th St., New York City.

+Saved Him from an Operation+

I can safely recommend the Cluthe Truss as the only safe alleviator of the terrible sufferings of those unfortunate sufferers from rupture. It was the Cluthe Truss that saved me from an operation. My very highest commendations for the best truss-- the CLUTHE TRUSS.

E. F. GRIFFITH, 127 31st St., Newport News, Va.

+Himself Cured by the Cluthe Truss; Sends Order for a Friend+

I take pleasure in handing you herewith Mr. ---- 's order for a Cluthe Truss together with remittance, which order please acknowledge. Mr. ---- is an employee in our office and being familiar with my rupture troubles became convinced that as your Truss cured my rupture it ought to do the same for him. Hence his order enclosed.

C. A. McLANE, c/o Laredo Water Co., Laredo, Texas.

+Cured, But so Comfortable Would Feel Lost Without Truss+

I believe I am absolutely cured by the Cluthe Truss, but I still hang onto it; would feel lost without it. I should consider it a pleasure to recommend the Cluthe Truss to any doubting or suffering ones for I KNOW what it is.

CHAS. M. BACHMAN, 603 E. Fayette St., Syracuse, N.Y.

+Utica Man Thinks of Us as Old Friend+

The Cluthe Truss has given me such a wonderful cure that I think of the Cluthe Co. as an old friend.

J. C. BIGELOW, Sr. (Florist), 2 Columbia St., Utica, N.Y.

+Says Cluthe Truss is Finest on Earth+

I am more than pleased to acknowledge receipt of the Cluthe Truss, which arrived last, and to say that the wearer reports it the finest on earth. You are at liberty to refer any and all to me.

H. C. KING (Broker), 22 Fifth Ave., Chicago, Ill.

+Cured by the Cluthe Truss+

I am glad to let you know my rupture is cured by the use of the Cluthe Truss.

F. F. KRALISCHECK, Seymour, Conn.

+Cluthe Truss Gives Perfect Satisfaction+

My Cluthe Truss has given perfect satisfaction. The left side rupture is entirely healed and right side much better. Have taken a great deal of pleasure with it.

GEO. A. HANSON (Box 1154), Bath, Me.

+This Yonkers, N.Y., Man Cured+

I recommend the Cluthe Truss to everybody who needs one, as it cured my rupture.

M. SAMUELS, 189 Ashburton Ave., Yonkers, N.Y.

+Double Rupture Cured in 6 Months+

It is now 6 months since I purchased my Cluthe Truss and I have not seen any sign of my two ruptures since.

FRANK VAN WINKLE, 430 Plane St., Newark, N.J.

+Couldn't Work Until He Got Cluthe Truss+

You may tell the world that you make the best truss in the world. I have been ruptured 10 years and wore 4 different appliances before the Cluthe Truss and each of the 4 failed. Since wearing the Cluthe Truss my rupture has not been down once, despite the fact that my work is heavy in a saw mill. I could not do a hard day's work until I got the Cluthe Truss.

JOHN K. WEST, Broad St., Tallapoosa, Ga.

+Says Cluthe Truss Leads All+

I can truthfully say the Cluthe Truss leads all the others. The old-time harnesses are only a torture. During the past 3 weeks I have been wearing the Cluthe Truss and my rupture has not bothered me since.

Cluthe's Advice to the Ruptured Part 28

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