A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 145

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Upon, _prep._ Wright's L. P. p. 26; [upe]. RG. 505, 506

Upperest, _adj._ Alys. 7068

Uprear, _v. a._ Ps. cxliv. 14

Uprise, _v. n._ Ps. vii. 7; pret. 'upras.' Ps. cx.x.xviii. 18; part.

'uprisynde.' Alys. 2270

Uprising, _sb._ RG. 379. F. and P. 6

Upstand, _v. n._ == stand up. Ps. ii. 2

Upsteghing, _sb._ Ps. ciii. 3

Upstie, _v. n._ == go up. pret. 'upstegh.' Creed of St Athan. 75

Uptake, _v. a._ RG. 387; pret. 'uptoke.' Ps. xxvi. 10

Upward, _adv._ RG. 321

Urling, _sb._ == edge. Ps. cx.x.xii. 2. Fr. orle. Ital. orlo

Urne, _v. n._ == run. O. and N. 638; pret. 'ourne.' RG. 405; 'orn.'

Wright's L. P. p. 58; part. 'urmynde,' a mistake for 'urnynge.' RG. 402; 'y-eornd.' Alys. 4357. AS. yrnan

Usage, _sb._ == custom. Alys. 4211. RG. 191

Use, _v. a._ Alys. 5256; part. 'y-used.' 476 B.

Usurer, _sb._ Manuel des Pecches, 2453

Ute, _adv._ == let us; used with verbs. M. Ode, st. 168. AS. ute

Utenlad, _sb._ == a foreigner. HD. 2153. AS. utlaend

Uthalve, _adv._ == on the outer part. O. and N. 110

Uthest, _sb._ == outcry. O. and N. 1696

Utschute, _sb._ == outbreak, excess. O. and N. 1466. AS. utscyte

Utterest, _adj._ == uttermost. Ps. cx.x.xiv. 7

Uvel. See Evil

U?ten, _sb._ == morning, the dawn. K. Horn, 1424. AS. uhta

U?tening, _sb._ == the dawn. Ps. c. 8; lxxii. 14


Vacant, _adj._ RG. 472

Vad, _adj._ == dirty, faded. Fragm. Sci. 273

Valley, _sb._ RG. 55

Vault, _sb._ == cellar. Alys. 7210. Fr. volte, from Lat. volutus, volvere

Vauntward, _sb._ RG. 457

Vava.s.sor, _sb._ == a subtenant of a fief, or tenant paravail, who held of a mesne lord. Alys. 3827. Ducange derives it from va.s.sus va.s.sorum

Vawe, == fain, _q. v._

Va?t, 'vor va?t;' probably a mistake for 'vor na?t,' or 'vor no?t.' RG.


Vein, _sb._ RG. 28. Alys. 2414

Veir, _adv._ == truly. Alys. 1001, 5676; 'in veire.' Alys. 5679

Velasour, _sb._ A corruption of 'valva.s.sor,' another form of 'vava.s.sor.'

Alys. 3305

Vengeance, _sb._ RG. 333, 429

Venison, _sb._ RG. 243. Alys. 6353

Venom, _sb._ RG. 43, 106. Fr. venin. Lat. venenum

---- _adj._ == envenomed. Alys. 2860

Venomed, _part._ [i-wenemyd], Legend of St Patrick, in Warton, H. E. P.

vol. i. p. 17

Venomous, _adj._ 440 B.

Veolthe, == filth, _q. v._

Verade, _sb._ == a mult.i.tude. K. Horn, 172. AS. werod

Verament, _adv._ == truly. Alys. 1346

Verdict, _sb._ RG. 141

A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 145

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