Songs of Heroic Days Part 3

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_For Rev. J. B. Bollard._


Gather the harvest though reaped in death, Under the pale, pale moon; For the lilies that joyed in the breath of morn Shall know not the ardor of noon: So, the souls that grow strong, in patriot love, Shall be garnered on Death's dark field, Ere the noontide rays have touched the vale And burnished with gold life's s.h.i.+eld.

Gather the harvest though reaped in death, Where the sword has struck for Right, And cleft a way for Freedom's path, Through the dark and tremulous night: For the golden grain on the altar flames And lights each pilgrim throng, As they meet in joy 'round that altar bright Where Justice shall right each wrong.

_For Miss Helen Merrill._


The Kaiser is seeking "a place in the Sun"

But I fear he'll have to wait, Till another eclipse has dulled its face And the Allies have woven his fate: For the "spots" on the Sun are all occupied With a race descended from Mars; So there's no place in the heavens for _schrecklich_ Wilhelm, Not even among the Stars.

What boots it, Wilhelm, that your guns are big, And your Zeppelins soar by night, Since against you are leagued the earth and stars And you're sure to lose in the fight.

You have drenched the world with heroic blood, And stained the record of Man, But you'll presently get your "place in the Sun,"

Yes, the hottest since time began,

_For T. J. Murphy._

Songs of Heroic Days Part 3

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