The Articles of Faith Part 57

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=7.= Prove by scriptural evidence that baptism is essential to salvation (1, from the Bible; 2, from the Book of Mormon; 3, from the Doctrine and Covenants).

=8.= Why was Christ's baptism a necessity?

=9.= Give a summary of the reasons upon which the Latter-day Saints base their belief that immersion is the only true mode of baptism.

=10.= Show what evidence is furnished by the derivation of the word "baptize," and its early usage.

=11.= Show how the symbolism of the baptismal rite is best preserved by immersion.

=12.= Give scriptural and other historical evidence that immersion is the only form sanctioned by the Lord.

=13.= Give the revealed formula for baptism (1, among the Nephites; 2, in the present dispensation).

=14.= Under what conditions may baptism be repeated on the same person?

=15.= Give instances of "re-baptism" mentioned in scripture, and allowed in the present dispensation, showing the special or exceptional nature of such repet.i.tions of the ordinance.

=16.= Show the impropriety of repeated baptisms of the same person.

=17.= Demonstrate the necessity of baptism for the dead.

=18.= What evidence have we that the gospel is preached to the dead?

=19.= Cite scriptural predictions of Christ's ministry amongst the dead.

=20.= Prove that the vicarious work of the living for the dead in the last dispensation was fore-told.

=21.= Show that the authority for this labor has been already given to the Church.

=22.= Explain the two-fold nature of this vicarious labor for the dead.

=23.= What is a temple?

=24.= Give a brief account of ancient temples accepted by the Lord.

=25.= Describe the work of temple-building already accomplished by the Church in the present dispensation.


The Holy Ghost.

=1.= Cite biblical promises concerning the advent of the Holy Ghost.

=2.= Give other scriptural proof (1, from the Book of Mormon; 2, from the record of modern revelation), that the Holy Ghost is to minister unto all who have been properly baptized.

=3.= Give the names and t.i.tles by which the Holy Ghost is described in scripture.

=4.= What is the special office of the Holy Ghost as a member of the G.o.dhead?

=5.= Give scriptural proofs of the Holy Ghost's personality.

=6.= Describe the office of the Holy Ghost in His ministrations among men.

=7.= To whom is the Holy Ghost promised?

=8.= Give instances of the Holy Ghost's ministrations unto sincere believers who had not been baptized; explain such exceptional instances.

=9.= Describe the ordinance of conferring the Holy Ghost in the case of those who have been baptized.

=10.= Show that the authoritative laying-on of hands was a feature of the ordinance in former days (1, among the Jews; 2, among the Nephites).

=11.= To which order of priesthood does the authority to confer the Holy Ghost belong? (Give scriptural proofs.)

=12.= Show that the imposition of hands by those in authority is characteristic of other ordinances in the Church.

=13.= What is meant by "Gifts of the Spirit"?


The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper.

=1.= Define the term "sacrament" in its general and specific uses.

=2.= Describe the inst.i.tution of the Sacrament by the Savior (1, among the Jews; 2, among the Nephites).

=3.= Who are fit partakers of the Sacrament?

=4.= Cite scriptural caution: 1, against partaking of the Sacrament unworthily; 2, against knowingly administering it to the unfit.

=5.= What is the purpose of the Sacrament?

=6.= What did Christ administer as the emblems of His body and blood?

=7.= What justification has the Church for using water instead of wine under certain conditions?

=8.= Give the prescribed prayers of consecration: 1, for the bread; 2, for the wine or water.

=9.= What grade of authority in the priesthood is requisite in consecrating the sacramental emblems?

=10.= What relations.h.i.+p exists between the Sacrament and the Jewish Pa.s.sover?


Authority in the Ministry.

=1.= Give scriptural examples of men who were called of G.o.d by special revelation or by personal ministration: 1. before the "Meridian of Time"; 2, in the days of Christ; 3, in the apostolic period; 4, in the "Dispensation of the Fulness of Times."

The Articles of Faith Part 57

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The Articles of Faith Part 57 summary

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