The Spirit of God As Fire Part 10

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Those gates are now thrown wide open, never to be shut again, for it is the "city of habitation" for the redeemed from Earth, and hundreds are arriving from our world every minute of time. See! "its walls are of pure gold--even as jasper," while "its streets are paved with gold transparent as gla.s.s." See its vast arches, minarets and towers, and its palatial mansions. Remember the blessed Saviour said, when about to leave our Earth, "_In my Father's house are many mansions_;" and added, "_I go to prepare a place for you, that where I am, there ye may be also_." Some of our friends have homes in those beautiful mansions. * * * * * It is enough. Our vision of these enchanting scenes is ended, and we are left to contemplate them in mind until our "appointed time" shall come, and then if we are ready when our "Lord and master calls," we, too, shall find a permanent home with the "redeemed of the Lord" in that "_heavenly world_," and then with St.

Paul, we may see "the glory which shall be revealed."


"_And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth; and he measured the city with a reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal._"

Rev. xxi.

Twelve thousand furlongs const.i.tutes, by our measurement, 1,500 miles.

Thus we see that the city lieth four-square, and its height is equal to its length or breadth of foundation. The base surface covers a superficial extent of 2,250,000 square miles. The extent of the city will give us over 3,375,000,000 cubic miles. One cubic mile alone will afford measurement of s.p.a.ce for over 15,000,000 rooms 20 feet square, and the entire square of the city would afford about 50,625,000,000,000,000 rooms of similar dimensions.

But we are not justifiable in the belief other than that it is a city of vast proportions, and one of grandeur and beauty. We are told that it is a "city of many mansions." Let us therefore contemplate it in this light, and estimate that only _one-fiftieth_ portion of its vast s.p.a.ce is occupied by mansions; the balance open s.p.a.ce, streets, avenues, and courts. Such mansions would thus afford over 1,000,000,000,000,000 rooms 20 feet square.

We will now compute the number of inhabitants who have lived and died on the earth for 6,000 years past; the number living on it at present, and estimate how long of future time would be required to furnish one soul to occupy each room. It is estimated that there are at present 1,000,000,000, and that this number die during each period of thirty years. Now if all should find a home there, it would require more than _thirty millions of years_, at the same ratio, to furnish one soul for each room thus computed in those mansions. And if we estimate that only _one-hundredth_ part of the s.p.a.ce is occupied by mansions, it would even then require 15,000,000 of years to thus people them.

But we are a.s.sured that the wicked shall not enter there. That "wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat." We are therefore led to the inevitable conclusion, that by far the larger number of those who have lived and died on this earth, have failed to find their home in that "city of which glorious things are spoken."

Contemplating, as we have, the vast magnitude of that city, we are justifiable in the conclusion that there is ample provision of mansions there, as the dwelling-place for other intelligences beside those from this earth; probably the home and abode of the angels; possibly, for inhabitants of the other planets belonging to the same solar system with our own earth, as all receive light and animation from the same sun, and all are governed and controlled by the load-stone power of attraction of that vast globe.

Again, may it not be that all that has been revealed to us, is simply that which relates to _our_ future habitation, and that the city we have been contemplating is for the abode of the righteous from this earth? May there not be many other cities of equal, or even greater magnitude within that vast empire--even one such allotted to the inhabitants of _each separate planet_, and that each may have a king and ruler provided by the Creator of all? For all that we can comprehend of _our_ Saviour--who is to be our king and ruler--is, that he came from G.o.d the Father to ransom the inhabitants of this earth, and offer life and salvation to all who should believe in Him "with a heart unto righteousness." Remember, he said, "_In my Father's house are many mansions._" And added, "_I go to prepare a place for_ YOU, _that where I am there ye may be also._"

The New Testament Scriptures teach the sublime truth that the great interest of our blessed Saviour is the salvation and happiness of those whom He denominates his children from this earth; those for whom He died, and who shall believe in Him "unto everlasting life."

Hence, from all his teachings we believe this suggested hypothesis correct. The Psalmist says, "_There are set thrones of Judgment_,"

while the Apostles speak of "_thrones and dominions; princ.i.p.alities and powers_." There is ample room in that "Heaven" for all.


"The Angels of G.o.d."--Heb. 1. 6.

So far as revealed to us by record of the Bible, the original or native inhabitants of Heaven are called "Angels." These are also called "messengers of G.o.d," and from all the lights we have, it would seem that their occupation and employment is to act as messengers; execute the commands of Jehovah, and to wors.h.i.+p, and magnify the name of their Creator. Their perpetual residence, it seems, is in Heaven, yet from the manifestations of repeated visits to our earth, we can but suppose they are G.o.d's messengers, oft sent to _other_ worlds to do His pleasure.

It would seem that they are possessed of intellectuality next to Jehovah himself, yet all knowledge is not given unto them. It also appears that there is a vast difference in their grades and positions.

We read of Archangels, of Michael, and Gabriel, of the Sons of G.o.d.

They are sometimes called "Stars." Thus, we read of "the morning stars which sang together." We also read of Cherubim and Seraphim. And it may be that some of the most exalted among them occupy thrones, and have control of "dominions," "princ.i.p.alities," and "powers." We are told that "Michael and _his_ angels" fought the "Great Dragon and his angels." Thus we see that they were the leaders, or had command over many angels.

We are also justified in the belief that they are princes and peers, and belong to the Court; possibly form the ministerial cabinet, and are attendants in the council chambers of heaven.

We have seen, through revelations, how oft--under the earlier dispensation--they visited our earth, to bear messages from G.o.d to the prophets, and to His people; to warn or announce His threatenings, or execute His commands in judgments upon the wicked. As angels they are "_Spirits_," and as commissioned "ministers" oft appeared as "_flames of fire_."

From the revelations made to us, we know they are spiritual creatures of G.o.d, and that their nature is _immaterial_, or that they have existence in highly _etherealized_ bodies, which can be transported at pleasure to any remote or distant region of Jehovah's empire, with a celerity surpa.s.sing--possibly--the flight of electricity itself.

Angels, as "_spirits_," are immortal, and hence will live forever. And thus also our own spirits must live forever, because derived from the _spirit-life_ of G.o.d. Revelations furnish us abundant evidence of the _spirit_ nature of angels. They were oft present and speaking with the prophets, and were yet _invisible_, as also within doors where locks and bars precluded the possibility of substance, or of earth-life animation entering. And yet again, we have evidence of their appearing in tangible form, and could be seen, and felt, and we read of their being "entertained as men unawares." When, however, they appeared as _angels_, we learn that their bodily aspect was that of transcendent beauty; their face and form resplendent with light, and a halo, as of Divinity itself, shone around them.

It seems that angels have ever manifested a deep and abiding interest in behalf of our Earth, and of man. We are told that they celebrated the creation of this world "with songs of praise and shouts of joy."

At the time of the birth of the Saviour, an angel from G.o.d appeared to the shepherds, who were watching their flocks by night, and announced the "glad tidings of great joy, and immediately there appeared with the angel, a mult.i.tude of the heavenly hosts" sounding loud the anthem of praise, "Glory to G.o.d in the highest, peace on Earth and good-will to men." How strange this incident! The tongues of men were silent in this the hour of dawn of their redemption, and the angels alone heralded the event, and sang the anthem of praise. An angel subsequently warned Joseph to seek a place of safety for the "Infant of days," as "Herod, the King, would seek to destroy the young child's life."

During the Saviour's sojourn on Earth, how oft did angels appear and minister unto Him; even "strengthening Him," when His human nature staggered under the load of the sins of a guilty world. And when--seemingly--the "star of Bethlehem" had set, and the hope of the world seemed lost; when the promised Messiah was entombed; when dismay seized upon, and thick darkness shrouded the minds of all who had followed the Saviour; when even the Marys who loved Him, repaired at early dawn to shed their tears at His sepulchre: Behold! "_The angel of the Lord was there_;" had "rolled away the stone and sat upon it."

He did not need to inquire their errand, but said unto them: "I know it is Jesus whom ye seek, he is not here, for He is risen." Oh, see what interest the angels have ever manifested in our behalf! "_Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister unto those who shall be the heirs of salvation?_"


"_An innumerable company of angels._" Heb. xii. 22.

Of the number of the angels we can form no proper conception. That their numbers are very great, we have evidence through Divine revelations. We are told that when the Law was given from Mount Sinai, there was in attendance upon the great Author of all "thousands of angels." Daniel, speaking of their attendance upon the "Ancient of Days" says, "thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him." When the star appeared in the "east," and led the wise men to Bethlehem where lay the promised hope of a peris.h.i.+ng world, there appeared a mult.i.tude of the heavenly hosts, singing with sweet melody the anthem of redemption, and praises to G.o.d in the highest. When Peter unsheathed his sword to smite the servant of the High Priest who came to arrest his Master, the Saviour restrained him and said: "_Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels._" While St. Paul speaks of an "innumerable company of angels in the heavenly Jerusalem."


"_Bless the Lord, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word._"--Ps. ciii. 20.

Of the amazing strength of angels, we can form no adequate conception.

"G.o.d is a Spirit," and by His Spirit hath created all things. We have seen that His angels are spirits, and that these spirits are _ethereal_ in their nature, so far as finite mind can comprehend. And yet their strength is wonderful to contemplate. St. John represents them as holding the four winds of heaven, and controlling the elements with a supernatural power. Commissioned by Jehovah for the purpose, an angel destroyed seventy thousand people of the tribes of Judah and Israel in three days. And again, an angel destroyed, in one night, one hundred and eighty-five thousand of a mighty army. It would seem that by permission, or at command, they are capable of exercising a power almost omnipotent. In the last days, great power shall be given them.

They shall pour out the vials of Jehovah's wrath, smite earth and seas, cause the stars to fall, and even _chain the great dragon and cast him into the bottomless pit_.


We will now consider another feature of the capacity of the angels, one that is fraught with deepest interest to the human mind, as it will give us some light of probabilities attending our future, when our spirits shall be released from our mortal bodies. This is the celerity, velocity, or rapidity of their movements.

These celestial creatures seem to possess the power of transporting themselves with a celerity incomprehensible to finite mind. That it is equal, even if not more rapid than _electricity_, we cannot doubt. We incline to the opinion, however, that the velocity of their movement is, at pleasure, the same as that of the flight of _electricity_; and so also with our spirits, after leaving the body. No one can fully comprehend the _nature_ of electricity. We know that it exists, and to some extent we can control and use it as an agency for useful purposes; yet it is an existing element in nature, even as fire is. We may concentrate and use it, and we may profess to understand the combination of agencies which produce it. Yet all resolves itself back again into the simple fact that it is an _element existing in nature_, and its source is that of all else--the GREAT FIRST CAUSE OF ALL THINGS.

Electricity is of more rapid flight than any other element or agency we can--even partially--comprehend in nature. If we had a wire laid around this Earth, it is estimated that a current of _electricity_ would belt the globe in about the _tenth part_ of a second of time, or travel at nearly the speed of _three hundred thousand miles_ a second, and would reach the Sun--_ninety-five millions of miles distant_--in a fraction over _five minutes of time_. The discovery and application of electricity is the most wonderful phenomenon that has ever been grasped by the human intellect, and we contend it is one of Jehovah's _invisible_ agencies in nature, which He has permitted man to comprehend in part, and thus to prepare the mind to comprehend more fully the infinity of His power, and the nature of our relation to Him. Hitherto, even the mind of faith has stood bewildered in regard to the transit of the soul, after death, to the place of its future habitation. Astronomers, by the aid of that wonderful gift of G.o.d to man--the telescope--have penetrated the borders of the far-distant sidereal regions; have caught rays of light which, it is now rendered probable, left their native nebulae, or suns, more than _five hundred thousand years_ ago, and have travelled at the rate of 192,000 miles a second ever since, and are now successively beaming upon the a.s.sisted eye. Now, it would require more than _three hundred thousand years_ for a current of electricity to travel thence, even at the rate of 300,000 miles each second of time. And yet, although far distant regions have been penetrated and partially surveyed, still, nowhere within the trackless and boundless domain of illimitable s.p.a.ce have Astronomers descried an object which they could denominate "Heaven."

We say, considering all these circ.u.mstances, and that it would require three hundred thousand years, travelling with the rapidity of three hundred thousand miles a second, to reach the extent of s.p.a.ce surveyed by the eye through the telescope, and yet the supposition that heaven was still _far out beyond_; the mind of faith has ever been bewildered as to the locality of the place, and of the time, or period of eternity required to reach it. And yet it was right and proper that Christians should hold firm to faith in G.o.d; that He _had_ provided a place of happiness for his people, and also provided the necessary agencies for transporting them thither. But now, when we consider that every blessing vouchsafed to man is derived from heaven, or the Sun--which is G.o.d's agency--when we have contemplated the nature of G.o.d's manifestations in the bestowment of his blessings, and visitations of his judgments; when we see how soon, at His bidding, His messengers can descend from heaven to earth to execute His commands, and the daily intimate relations in ancient times between His angels residing in heaven, and His prophets and people on earth; how instantaneously they were present when emergency demanded--for when "Daniel bowed, and his prayer went up to heaven, the angel Gabriel came with the answer from G.o.d while he was still on his knees, and yet speaking,"--and accepting the hypothesis we have laid, that our heaven is the vast globe descried by Astronomers within that encircling photosphere of ethereal fire, which is denominated the "Sun," our veiled faith of the past takes a sudden bound and lights upon--an almost _fully revealed reality_; we can now partially comprehend the mode, and short s.p.a.ce of time required for the transit of our immortal spirits to that heavenly world. It is reasonable to suppose that spirit can pa.s.s with the velocity of electricity, and travelling thus, we have seen that to reach that world within the Sun, will require but about _five minutes_. Well hath the apostle said, "to be absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord."

There are fixed laws, and a certain _reality_, in all things pertaining unto Jehovah and His vast creations throughout His own Universe, and it is not unreasonable to suppose that he has designed that we should comprehend His laws relating to us, and thereby understand His own plain revelations. We therefore believe that reason, founded upon revelations, sustains our hypothesis, as to the location of heaven--as also of h.e.l.l--and that the Spirit of G.o.d is--in some of its offices--as _fire_. And we cannot doubt but that, henceforth, these views will be sustained by the intelligence of the world; and that still more of seeming mystery will be comprehended, and new light opened to the mind upon the subject, while all will tend to the glory of G.o.d, and the salvation of the human family.


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