The Spirit of God As Fire Part 12

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Remember, the Saviour said:

"I go to prepare a place for you, that where I am there ye may also be. To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of G.o.d. The same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father and before his angels. He that overcometh shall inherit all things, and I will be his G.o.d, and he shall be my son." "WHOSOEVER WILL, LET HIM COME." "I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the _water of life_ freely." "THEY SHALL LIVE FOR EVER AND EVER."

There the redeemed of the Lord shall, with their blessed Saviour, "inherit the kingdom," where the glory of G.o.d illumines the "city,"

and throws its radiance over all the vast realm. O what a delightful place for a permanent "_Home!_" How singularly different it contrasts with our residence on earth. Here we have to endure toil, pain, and death; there, rest, happiness, and eternal life. See here the care-worn, weary husband, toiling and striving against contending billows and waves of misfortune, to earn a support for a helpless, dependent family; perhaps his strivings are the more difficult because of pain of body or anguish of mind. Disease in some form may be preying upon his vitality, even through long years of existence, and he knows that it will eventually conquer, and consign him to his grave. Or, if bodily health prevails, the mind may be tortured and distracted at witnessing the sufferings of a beloved wife, or children, as one by one they are smitten down or s.n.a.t.c.hed away by death; or still more poignant the grief and anguish he endures because of the alienation of affections, or family tumults, of strifes and contentions. See that wife and mother lingering by the bedside of a devoted, yet now dying husband, or clasping to her tortured and heaving bosom the lifeless form of a beloved child, and yet powerless to save the one or call back the other. These are the heart-struggling in the tempest of life. Soon they will be over. A few years more, at most, and then all will be still; this mortality will be silent in the grave.

But of that "home in heaven." "Glorious things are spoken of thee, O City of G.o.d." There love, peace, and joy forever reigns. There is the "full fruition" and realization of "the hope of the glory of G.o.d."

There "their lines have fallen to them in pleasant places." There they realize "fulness of joy," and their heritage "pleasures for evermore."

There they find "that inheritance which is incorruptible, undefiled, and that fadeth not away." There they have a home in an enduring city, whose foundations are eternal. There the palms of victory; and crowns of glory. There they walk the gold-paved streets of the city, or wander at pleasure in the 'Garden of the Lord,' or amidst forests green, or pleasant groves. There the crystal fountains play their sparkling waters in the light of eternal day, and the "river of life"

flows "from beneath the throne of G.o.d," onward and onward, meandering through, and encircling the vast realm of that heavenly empire. There perennial spring, and never-fading flowers. There old age and decrepitude are never known, but all clothed upon with "garments of righteousness," will live and dwell in perpetual immortal youth, through the ever-recurring cycles of endless eternity. Angels of G.o.d are there. The Prophets, Apostles, and Martyrs are there; ministers of G.o.d are there; some of our kindred friends are there; others of them will _soon_ be there. The redeemed of earth, who were accepted of the Lord are there, and the remainder of the "ransomed hosts," are now pressing on, or coming after, and _will all be there_, and form an innumerable company which no one can number, each can form pleasant a.s.sociations there, never to be broken up, "For nothing shall disturb in all the holy mountains." Reader, are you striving for that HAPPY HOME?


The Sun is held by all Philosophers and Astronomers to be the central pivot of the solar system, and the _loadstone power of attraction_, which governs, steadies, and controls all its surrounding planet-worlds in their orbits. So great is its power of attraction, that a counter-balancing force was necessary to keep the machinery of Nature in order. This force is produced by the attracting power of the various planet-worlds, placed in proper positions in surrounding s.p.a.ce, and thus furnis.h.i.+ng the _centrifugal_, to counterbalance the _centripetal_ force _ascribed_ to the Sun, by which means our earth, and the other planets, are kept whirling in their elliptical orbits, and thus each prevented from being drawn by the superior centripetal or attracting power of that globe into certain destruction by the fires of the _Sun_.

This is the hypothesis, we believe, of every Philosopher and Astronomer of the present day.

Now let us examine this hypothesis, and see if it does not foreshadow and sustain our own.

In the first place, it is _true_ that the _"loadstone power of attraction" is there_: but it is _within_ what all denominate the SUN, and by _this_ the surrounding planets are controlled. But this power _is not the Sun_. For what all denominate the Sun, is that which gives out light and heat. The Sun is _fire_, _heat_, and _brightness_ or light. Fire, or heat, is _ethereal_; has no such power of attraction: but on the contrary, is repelling and dissipating. There is no solid substance in fire; it is an invisible agency--save when it is concentrated. It would be an unreasonable hypothesis to conclude that the fires of the Sun were fed on combustible material. The Sun may have been just the same as it is now, for untold _billions of years_--possibly from all eternity--and G.o.d, by His Word has revealed the fact that it will continue forever--even as long as His throne.

Hence, if produced by combustion, its material would be constantly wasting away, and, as Prof. Olmsted says, "the products of combustion would obscure its light." Therefore, as there is no tangible source, and all agree that G.o.d Himself was, and still is its source, we hold that our hypothesis, that it is a fixed volume of _Photospheric-ethereal_, or _spirit-fire_, is correct. That it is one of Jehovah's attributes; ever existing and performing its offices in creative and enduring Nature; never increasing nor diminis.h.i.+ng.

Now, this being the only reasonable, and--as we believe--correct hypothesis, of the origin, nature, and element of the _Sun_--the Sun being the brightness we see in looking at it--_where_ and _what is the loadstone power of attraction_, which reaches out millions of miles into s.p.a.ce, and controls vast worlds, steadying each in its own orbital path, while they are flying round at the rate of from fifty thousand, to one hundred thousand miles an hour? We think the answer plain, and that all can comprehend it. This Earth is a solid body, and _all such_ possess, within themselves, the power of attraction.

Therefore, the laws of Nature reveal the fact to us, that _the great central and controlling power of attraction_ attributed to the _Sun_, is the vast INNER GLOBE we have been contemplating; a globe, or world, more than a million times the size of this Earth. Leading Astronomers have agreed on the existence of such a body within; and far separated--by a non-luminous atmosphere or void--from the outer _photosphere of ethereal fire_. That globe we hold is--_beyond a doubt_--the "HEAVENLY WORLD" spoken of throughout the Holy Scriptures, and is the final and eternal home of the righteous.

We see wisdom displayed, and find law and order in every thing we comprehend which pertains to G.o.d and Nature. Phenomena, which for long ages were mysteries, are now, through the lights of science, being fully comprehended and made plain to all. And, by reasoning from a.n.a.logy, new arts and sciences are comprehended, while each additional light gained flashes upon some other hidden mystery, and reveals in it nothing but _law_ and _order_, in all its arrangements.

The progress made of late in the arts and sciences is wonderful indeed; yet this is only the progress of the mind of man, and the enlightenment of his intellect. And we believe that the next decade of years will develop _facts_ which might startle the minds of the wisest of to-day to contemplate.

That vast world--surrounded by the Sun--controls this Earth and its other surrounding planets. From that world, and Sun--in its offices--we derive every blessing while on Earth, and we cannot doubt but that when we find our future, IT WILL BE THERE. The righteous to dwell _within_ where, we have shown you, the Sun does not or cannot s.h.i.+ne; but where the _glory of G.o.d_ is the light of the holy place, and yet we have the evidence that one of the offices of the _Sun_ will be the punishment of the wicked who cannot enter that HEAVENLY WORLD.

"_Whoso is wise will observe these things._" Psalms, cvii.


Gentle reader, we are about to take our leave of you. We have penned the lines which compose this volume at short intervals obtained recently from a laborious professional life. Our mind has been duly impressed with the correctness of the views we have advanced. Indeed, to disbelieve them, would seem to disbelieve Divine revelations, and let the mind become again shrouded with impenetrable mystery in regard to the place of our future habitation, and of the manner and mode of the spirit's transit thither after the death of the body. All should remember that they will be held accountable for the light and knowledge they receive.

We feel fully a.s.sured that our hypothesis as to the location of Heaven--as also that of h.e.l.l--is well founded and fully sustained by G.o.d's own revelations, both as recorded in the Bible, and as seen in visible nature. As to the "Spirit of G.o.d as fire," we have presented such evidence as Divine revelations have furnished us, and only added to these such as _reason_, as the perceptive faculties of all, do or may comprehend, and we do not see wherein the _Christian World_ can found any objections to our conclusions.

That there might be culled from the Bible a few pa.s.sages which may seem not to reflect our views is natural, when we consider how it is interspersed with the views and versions of various historical writers in the chronicling of events. But we believe Divine revelations furnish sufficient _positive evidence_ to sustain us; such evidence as the _reason_ of every enlightened and reflecting mind will comprehend and approve. We believe this knowledge should--nay, doubtless, _will_--have a salutary and beneficial effect upon the minds and hearts of all. We now leave all as a _personal matter with you_. That you _will have a future_ you cannot doubt. We therefore beseech you to remember "that G.o.d will not be mocked" with impunity; neither can he be deceived.

"_For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. He that soweth to the flesh, shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reap life everlasting._"

Hear the Preacher of G.o.d (Eccl. xii. 13, 14):

"_Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear G.o.d and keep His commandments; for this is the whole duty of man. For G.o.d shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil._"




It might reasonably be expected that as we have advanced a new hypothesis as to the location of _Heaven_, and also of _h.e.l.l_, that we should also give our views as to what we deem the correct faith and principles of the _true Christian Religion_. You will see in our "_Preface_" that we have not designed to make our book sectarian in behalf of any one of the different Protestant organizations. And, not being a minister of the Gospel, we leave the great and important work of thus directing the mind to those whose rightful mission it is to instruct. True, our views upon this subject are foreshadowed in these pages, but we believe the time has now come when there should be a _general review_ by all leading Divines. That they should take under consideration all new lights afforded by the sciences--especially the science of Astronomy--and bring these to bear with philosophical reason upon Divine Revelations and Bible truths; and thereby comprehend more fully the nature of G.o.d, and his requirements of man in order to salvation. We think that by such action on their part, that most, even if not all of the minor sectarian differences of opinion can be removed, and that all can unite as one great Family of the Church of G.o.d on Earth; and that mysteries which have hitherto shrouded the minds of the to the necessary faith and practice in a true religion--may thereby be removed, and all the world of mankind be brought to a saving knowledge of the truth, and "know the Lord, whom to know aright is Eternal Life."

We know that, at first thought, this may seem to be a great undertaking; and, however desirable, some may entertain doubts as to its accomplishment, and therefore hesitate to move in the matter; yet we believe that it can, and, sooner or later, will be accomplished, and that the final results will prove worthy the life efforts of every Christian minister on this Earth.

Neither ministers, their flocks, nor the entire human family now on the Earth, have long to live, nor time to delay in this great matter.

One decade of _ten_ short years, and about _one third of all now living_ will have pa.s.sed away, while _thirty years_ will close the drama of life with _one thousand millions_, or most of the present inhabitants of this globe, and all must find their future state of existence. Many of us can look back over thirty years past, and realize that the time has been _short_. So, also, will be the few remaining years allotted to any of us. Therefore, it becomes all to heed well the warning voice of Him who hath said:

"_Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest._"

All the different church organizations _cannot be right_ in their present faith and practice, however lenient they may profess to be toward each other, or even _hope_ that such is the case. This were impossible. G.o.d has designed to establish _one true universal Church_ on this Earth, and HE WILL DO IT, though it should sweep away every such organization now in existence, and even obliterate their every land-mark. We do not say that there is not now in each, more or less, of the germ of _truth_, nor that from these scattered fragments may not yet be gathered that which shall const.i.tute the body and life of the whole. There may be a struggle first with the powers of darkness, yet this GREAT CHURCH WILL BE ESTABLISHED AND PREVAIL.

The lights of true science, which are revealing more fully G.o.d's own revelations, we believe, will _force_ a change to a more _universal system of religion_. The mind will comprehend more of the Great Jehovah, and of His will and plan of salvation. Therefore, we believe it to be the duty of all Christian ministers to move in this matter.

They should investigate and comprehend all the new lights afforded them, and thereby be enabled to make plain the revelations of G.o.d; remove all mystery; establish His Eternal Truth, and teach all minds and hearts to "look up through Nature to Nature's G.o.d."

This will not be the work of only a day, or a week, nor yet of any one individual; but the work of _time_, with the _united efforts_ of leading minds of the age, and we hope that its commencement will not long be delayed.

It must be acknowledged that the _plans_ of salvation, as now taught by the many different Protestant Church organizations, are all, more or less, mystery to the outside world. Hence, _Infidelity_ has in this highly colored reasons--at least to sustain their a.s.sertions against the _truth_ of the _Christian religion_, and so also have the JEWS.

This fact no one can reasonably deny. The mind of man--his thinking, _reasoning_ faculty--must be convinced by evidence before he can be brought to believe, and in this great and important matter he _must believe_ before he will act.

The _Mind_ must be left free and _untrammelled_, and governed only by _enlightened reason_. This should be the course pursued by all teaching ministers. LIGHT, LIBERTY, and ETERNAL LIFE should be the watchwords of those who stand upon the "Walls of Zion!" The mind must be taught to _love_ G.o.d in all His Immaculate perfections, and to serve Him through that love which "_casteth out all fear_." St. Paul says, "_G.o.d hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of_ LOVE _and of a sound mind._" John tells us, "_There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out all fear; because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love._" And yet in PERFECT LOVE, we shall _always_ have the "fear of G.o.d before our eyes;" we shall ever fear to offend Him, and thereby fulfil every commandment given us _to_ fear Him. But "HE THAT DWELLETH IN G.o.d, DWELLETH IN LOVE."

We believe that if the Christian ministry throughout would properly present the claims of G.o.d to the _love_ of the human heart, there would soon be a turning of the to Him, such as has never been witnessed since the beginning of the world.

That by the teachings of so many different creeds, their widely different faith and doctrines, the mind of man in general has become bewildered; and that mystery, deep, dark, almost impenetrable, hangs--more or less--over all, we cannot deny. See the numerous different Church organizations, founded and presided over by men of intellect and learning; each claiming to be established by _Scriptural authority!_ and yet in their faith and teachings, all conflicting, more or less, with each other. We cannot doubt the honesty and sincerity of these ministers, nor of their church members; yet may not many of them be "blind leaders of the blind?" To each of these, all other organizations, faith, and doctrine seem a mystery; and if a mystery to those who are striving after light and truth in the way of life and salvation, is it not far more of mystery to those outside, who have not been educated into any system of religious belief? The truth is, _enlightened reason_ condemns this exhibition as the "Church of G.o.d," for it has become "a stumbling block" in the road to truth and the way of salvation. When we go to the founders and leaders of these different organizations, and ask, why all these conflicting elements? the majority of them will answer, remember that Christ hath said, "I am the vine, ye are the branches," and add a garbled quotation from the writings of St. Paul, "_Great is the mystery of G.o.dliness_."

Now there is but one _true vine_, and all its branches will bring forth the same "good fruits of righteousness" by which all shall be known. And as to _mystery_, let us see what the great apostle of the Gentiles did say.

"_And without controversy great is the mystery of G.o.dliness; G.o.d was manifested in the flesh, justified in the_ _Spirit, seen of angels; preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, and received up into glory._"

There we have all of it, and, taken together, it explains itself to every intelligent mind, and thus, properly comprehended, removes _all mystery_, and implies the necessary faith and plan of salvation.

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