The Tale of Terror Part 14

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[79: Scott, Introduction to _The Abbot_, 1831.]

[80: _William G.o.dwin: His Friends and Contemporaries_, 1876, vol.


p. 304.]

[81: _Caleb Williams_, ch. x.]

[82: _William G.o.dwin: His Friends and Contemporaries_, vol. i.



[83: _Political Justice_, bk. ii, ch. ii.]

[84: _William G.o.dwin: His Friends and Contemporaries_, vol. i.


330-1; Preface to 1st edition, 1799.]

[85: _Hermippus Redivivus_; or _The Sage's Triumph over Old Age and the Grave_ (translated from the Latin of Cohausen, with annotations), 1743. Dr. Johnson p.r.o.nounced the volume "very entertaining as an account of the hermetic philosophy and as furnis.h.i.+ng a curious history of the extravagancies of the human mind," adding "if it were merely imaginary it would be nothing at all."]

[86: _St. Leon_, vol. iv. ch, xiii.]

[87: _St. Leon_, Bk. iv, ch. v.]

[88: _Lives of the Necromancers_, 1834, Preface. "The main purpose of this book is to exhibit a fair delineation of the credulity of the human mind. Such an exhibition cannot fail to be productive of the most salutary lessons."]

[89: _St. G.o.dwin: A Tale of the 16th, 17th and 18th Century_, by Count Reginald de St. Leon, 1800, p. 234.]

[90: Dowden, _Life of Sh.e.l.ley_, vol. i. p. 10.]

[91: Dowden, _Life of Sh.e.l.ley_, vol. i. p. 44.]

[92: Hogg, _Life of Sh.e.l.ley_, vol. i. p. 15.]

[93: Cf. Castle of Lindenberg story in _The Monk_, and ballad of Alonzo the Brave.]

[94: A versification of the story of the Wandering Jew, Bleeding Nun and Don Raymond in _The Monk_.]

[95: This poem was borrowed from Lewis's _Tales of Terror_ (without Sh.e.l.ley's knowledge), where it is ent.i.tled _The Black Canon of Elmham, or St. Edmond's Eve_.]

[96: Letter to Edward Fergus Graham, Ap. 23, 1810 (_Letters_, ed.

Ingpen, 1909, vol. i, pp. 4-6).]

[97: Letter to John Joseph Stockdale, Nov. 14, 1810.]

[98: Mme. de Montolieu, _Caroline de Lichfield_, translated by Thos.

Holcroft, 1786.]

[99: Mme. de Genlis, translated by Rev. Beresford, 1796.]

[100: Peter Middleton Darling, _Romance of the Highlands_, 1810.]

[101: Regina Maria Roche, _The Discarded Son, or The Haunt of the Banditti_, 1806.]

[102: Agnes Musgrave, _Cicely, or The Rose of Raby_.]

[103: Aphra Behn, _The Nun_.]

[104: Charlotte Smith, _Ethelinde, or The Recluse of the Lake_, 1790.]

[105: _The Relapse: a novel_, 1780.]

[106: _Tales of the Hall_.]

[107: Crebillon, _Les egarements du Coeur et de l'Esprit_.]

[108: _The Borough_, Ellen Orford, Letter xx.]

[109: _The Borough_, xx, ll. 56 _seqq._]

[110: _Parish Register_.]

[111: _William and Helen_, 1796.]

[112: _House of Aspen_, 1799 (Keepsake, 1830). _Doom of Devorgoil_, 1817 (Keepsake, 1830).]

[113: Scott, _Lives of the Novelists_ (on Clara Reeve and Mrs.

Radcliffe and Maturin).]

[114: Keepsake, 1828.]

[115: Keepsake, 1828.]

[116: _Journal_, Feb. 23, 1826.]

[117: List of books read 1814-1816.]

[118: _Fantasmagoriana: ou Recueil d'Histoires d'Apparitions, de Spectres, de Revenans, trad. d'Allemand par un Amateur_.

Paris, 1812.]

[119: _Diary of John William Polidori_, June 17, 1816.]

[120: Byron, _Letters and Journals_, 1899, iii. 446. Mary Sh.e.l.ley, _Life and Letters_, 1889, i. 586. Extract from Mary Sh.e.l.ley's _Diary_, Aug. 14, 1816.]

[121: Nov. 15, 1823, _Life and Letters of Mary Wollstonecraft Sh.e.l.ley_ (Marshall), ii. 52.]

[122: _Life and Letters_, ii. 88. ]

[123: _Romancist and Novelist's Library_.]

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