A Dash from Diamond City Part 39

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Ingleborough drew in his breath with a hiss, and once more stood on his guard with his comrade right in the darkness, and in front of the two ponies, where a good view of the stream outside and the corner rock fringed with ferns could be obtained.

For voices could be heard as of two men talking together, while plash, plash, plash their footsteps in the water echoed for some moments from the rocky sides of the chasm, before they came leisurely into sight round the corner and stood knee-deep looking straight into the cave, little thinking of the peril in which they were, for a couple of rifles covered them, and the slightest pressure upon the triggers would have sent the long thin bullets upon their errand to pierce the Boers through and through.

But no pressure came, those within the cavern seeing clearly enough from the men's careless manner that they felt perfectly safe and were upon no unusual errand.

They were roughly enough clad, and their outer garments showed that they had been slept in for some time and exposed to all kinds of weather; but there was something about their mien, and more in the words they let fall, which showed them to belong to a superior type of Boer.

"Yes, there it is," said one of the two in Boer-Dutch, "just as it was ten years ago when I was here on a hunting trip. The source is perennial, and beautiful water. That's why I wanted Dietz to come out of our way."

"Does it go in far?"

"About a hundred yards, and there the water suddenly gushes out of the floor; but there are some nasty holes about, plunging down no one knows how deep, and I shouldn't like to venture in without a light."

"Why didn't we bring a lantern?"

"Because we don't want to go burrowing into the kopje."

"Speak for yourself. I do!" said the second man. "Here, I've got plenty of matches--come along."

"No, thank you," said the first. "One never knows what may be in a place like that."

West pinched his companion's arm.

"What is likely to be there?"

"Who can tell? A lioness and her full-grown cubs, perhaps, or a pack of jackals! Worse still, snakes or some of the wandering bushmen with bows and poisoned arrows."

"Hardly likely!" said the second Boer.

"I think very likely," said the first speaker, peering so steadfastly into the cavern that for a few moments West felt certain that they were seen. "One of the Kaffir tribes would not enter that place to save their lives."


"Because they believe that a great water demon hides in the spring who rises up and seizes anyone who approaches, drags him down, and devours him."

"All of which must be perfectly true!" answered the other Boer, with a sneer. "Of course you are a believer?"

"I'm a full believer in its being dangerous to go into caves without proper lights," said the first speaker coldly, "and I think we are undergoing risks enough every day from the rooineks' rifles and their lancers' spears, without chancing a fall down some horrible pit."

"Where there is a water demon!" said his companion, with another sneer.

"Just for the sake of gratifying a little idle curiosity."

"Oh, very well then! I don't like to come to such a natural curiosity without exploring; so here goes alone."

The next moment the first speaker had stretched out his hand and barred his companion's way with his rifle.

"What do you mean by that?" cried the Boer.

"To stop you going."

"What!" cried the other. "I shall go if I please!"

"No!" said the first speaker sternly. "I order you not!"

"You--you order me?" cried the other wrathfully.

"Yes; recollect that you are a soldier for the time being, and under my command. I order you not to go, for we have too much need of all our brave burghers to defend the country to let any man risk his life in a foolhardy adventure."


"Silence!" said the other sternly. "I am going back. Had I known of this, I would not have let you come!"

"Look here," said the other insolently, "we are not on duty now, and once for all I tell you that while I serve I am not going to put up with bullying from any man who is a step above me in the ranks."

The first speaker looked at him sternly, and Ingleborough placed his lips close to West's ear.

"Look here," said Ingleborough, "if we shoot, both take aim at that obstinate brute, and give the other a chance to run for his life!"

A nod was the only answer, as both listened to what was said further.

"You fellows, because you get made field-cornets by a bit of luck, don't know how to contain yourselves, and--"

"Back to your horse!" said the first speaker, the veins in whose forehead stood out in a network beneath his flap-brimmed hat, while his voice sounded full of suppressed fury.

"Back yourself!" cried the other. "I'll obey your orders in the field, but we of the Free State are getting tired of the overbearing ways of you men of the Transvaal. Put down your rifle, sir! By all that's holy, if you hold it towards me in that threatening way, I'll send a Mauser bullet through you. If I die for it, I will."

At that moment, just as there seemed to be every possibility of a deadly encounter between the two men, there was a loud hail from beyond the rock, and, as it was not replied to, another cry was heard, in company with loud echoing splashes in the water, and half-a-dozen Boers waded into sight, evidently in a high state of excitement.

"Hullo there!" shouted the foremost, "didn't you hear us call? We began to think you had fallen into an ambus.h.!.+ Quick, back with you: there's a patrol of the rooineks out yonder coming this way, the mounted men with the spiked poles."

"Many or few?" said the man addressed as the field-cornet, and, apparently forgetting his anger in the excitement, he began to hurry away from the cavern mouth, talking loudly the while. "I'll see! If they'll come on, we'll stay here; if not, we might try and surround them and capture the whole gang!"

The next minute the walls of the gully were echoing the hurried splas.h.i.+ng made by the party, as the last of them turned the corner and disappeared across the veldt.

"Phew! What a pity!" said Ingleborough, taking off his hat to wipe his forehead.

"A pity!" cried West. "What: the news that some of our people are near?"

"No, no; I meant that the row came to an end. I was in hopes that we were going to have a new version of the Kilkenny cats, and two enemies of Old England were going to tear each other to pieces and leave only a tail behind."

"Oh, be serious, Ingle!" said West excitedly. "We might venture out now."

"Don't be ras.h.!.+ We've got to find out what they mean to do."

"Come along then, and let's leave the horses where they are. We must try and climb up somewhere to see what is going on."

"Very well, but take care! These are awfully breakneck walls to mount."

A Dash from Diamond City Part 39

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A Dash from Diamond City Part 39 summary

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