A Voyage Towards the South Pole and Round the World Volume Ii Part 18

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Cocoa-nut _oil_, E'rede,vae.

Cocoa leaves, E,ne'ha_oo_.

Coition, E'y.

_The sense of_ Cold, Ma'r_ee_de.

A Comb, Pa'horo, s. Pa'herre.

Company, _acquaintance, gossips_, Tee'a.

Compliance _with a request, consent_, Mad_oo_,ho'why.

Computation, _or counting of numbers_, Ta't_ou_.

A Concubine, Wa'h_ei_ne Moebo, s. Etoo'n_ee_a.

Confusedness, _without order_, E'vah_ee_a.

Consent, _or approbation_, Mad_oo_,ho'why.

Contempt, _a name of contempt given Wah_ei_ne,p_oo_'ha.

to a maid, or unmarried woman_, Conversation, Para_ou_,maro, s.


_A sort of_ Convolvulus, _or bird-weed, common in the islands_, Oh_oo_e.

Cook'd, _dress'd; not raw_, Ee'_oo_, s. E_ee_'wera.

To Cool _one with a fan_, Taha'r_ee_.

Cordage _of any kind_, Taura.

The Core _of an apple_, Boe.

A Cork, _or stopper of a bottle or gourd sh.e.l.l_, Ora'h_oo_e.

A Corner, E'pecho.

Covering, _the covering of a fish's gills_, Pe_ee_'eya.

Covetousness, _or rather one not inclined to give_, Pee,peere.

A Cough, Ma're.

To Court, _woo a woman_, Ta'raro.

Coyness _in a woman,_ No'noa.

A Crab, Pappa.

Crab, _a large land-crab that climbs the cocoa-nut trees for fruit_, E'_oo_wa.

A Crack, cleft, or fissure, Mot_oo_.

Crammed, _lumbered, crowded_, Ooa,p_ee_a'pe,s.Ehotto.

The Cramp, Emo't_oo_ t_oo_.

A Cray-fish, O'_oo_ra.

To Creep _on the hands and feet_, Ene'_ai_.

Crimson _colour_, _Oo_ra _oo_ra.

Cripple, _lame_, T_ei_'t_ei_.

Crooked, _not straight_, O_o_o'p_ee_o.

To crow _as a c.o.c.k_, A'a _oo_a.

The Crown _of the head_, T_oo_'p_oo_e.

To cry, _or shed tears_, Ta_ee_.

_A brown_ Cuckoo, _with black bars and a long tail, frequent in the isles_, Ara'were_wa_.

To cuff, _or slap the chops_, E'par_oo_.

Curlew, _a small curlew or whimbrel found about the rivulets_, Torea.

Cut, _or divided_, Mot_oo_.

_To_ cut _the hair with scissars_, O'tee.


A Dance, H_ee_va.

Darkness, Poee'r_ee_, s. Po_oo_'r_ee_ To Darn O'ono A Daughter, Ma'h_ei_ne.

Day, _or day-light_, Mara'marama, s.

A'_ou_, s. A'a_ou_.

Day-break, Oota'tah_ei_ta.

Day, _to-day_, A_oo_'n_ai_.

Dead, Matte roa.

_A natural_ Death, Matte noa.

Deafness, Ta'r_ee_a, t_oo_r_ee_.

Decrepid, Epoo't_oo_a.

Deep water, Mona'.

A Denial, _or refusal_, Eh_oo_'noa.

To desire, _or wish for a thing_, E_ooee_.

A Devil, _or evil spirit_, E't_ee_.

Dew, Ahe'a_oo_.

A Diarrhoea, _or looseness_, Hawa, hawa.

To_ dip _meat in salt water instead of_ Eaw_ee_'wo _salt, (an Indian custom_,) Dirt, _or nastiness of any kind_, E'repo.

Disapprobation, Eh_oo_noa.

A Disease, _where the head cannot be E'p_ee_.

held up, perhaps the palsy_, To disengage, _untie or loosen_, Ea_oo_'w_ai_.

Dishonesty, E_ee_'a.

Displeased, _to be displeased, vexed, or Ta_ee_'va.

in the dumps_, Dissatisfaction, _to grumble, or be Fa_oo_'oue.

dissatisfied_, Distant, _far off_, Roa.

_To_ distort, _or writhe the limbs, body, Faee'ta.

lips, etc.

To distribute, _divide or share out_, At_oo_'ha.

A District, Matei na.

A Ditch, Eo'h_oo_.

To dive _under water_, Eho'p_oo_.

A Dog, _Oo_'r_ee_.

A Doll _made of cocoa-plants_, Ad_oo_'a.

A Dolphin, A'_ou_na.

Done, _have done; or that is enough_, A'teera.

_or there is no more_, A Door, _Oo_'b_oo_ta.

Double, _or when two things are in_ Tau'r_oo_a.

_one, as a double canoe_, Down, _or soft hair_, E'waou, To draw _a bow_, Etea.

To draw, _or drag a thing by force_, Era'ko.

Dread, _or fear_, Mattou.

Dress'd, _or cooked, not raw_, Ee'_oo_.

_A head_ Dress, _used at funerals_, Pa'ra_ee_.

To dress, _or put on the cloaths_, Eu, hau'ho_oo_ t'Ahoo.

To drink, A_ee_'n_oo_.

Drop, _a single drop of any liquid_, _Oo_,ata'hai.

To drop, _or leak_, Eto't_oo_r_oo_, s.


Drops, _as drops of rain_, To'potta.

Drowned, Parre'mo.

A Drum, Pa'hoo.

Dry, _not wet_, _Oo_'maro.

A Duck, Mora.

A Dug, _teat, or nipple_, E_oo_.

Dumbness, E'fao.

A Voyage Towards the South Pole and Round the World Volume Ii Part 18

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