The Story of the Soil Part 10

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"Well, that wouldn't go far toward replacing the 171 pounds removed from the soil by the corn, oats, and wheat, that's sure," was Mr.

Thornton's comment.

"It is worse than that," Percy repeated. "Land that will furnish 48 pounds of nitrogen for a crop of oats or wheat will furnish more than 10 pounds for a crop of cowpeas. At the end of such a four-year rotation such a soil would be about 200 pounds poorer in nitrogen per acre than at the beginning, if all crops were removed and nothing returned."

"How much would it cost to put that nitrogen back in commercial fertilizer?" asked Mr. Thornton.

"That depends, of course, upon what kind of fertilizer is used."

"Well, most people around here who use fertilizer buy what the agent calls two-eight-two, and its costs about one dollar and fifty cents a hundred pounds; but it can be bought by the ton for about twenty-five dollars."

"'Two-eight-two' means that the fertilizer is guaranteed to contain two per cent. of ammonia, eight per cent. of available 'phosphoric acid,' and two per cent. of potash."

"Ammonia is the same as nitrogen, is it not?"

"No, it is not the same," replied Percy. "Ammonia is a compound of nitrogen and hydrogen. In order to have a clear understanding of the relation between ammonia and nitrogen we only need to know the combining weights of the elements. The smallest particle of an element is called an atom. Hydrogen is the lightest of all the elements and the weight of the hydrogen atom is used as the standard or unit for the measure of all other atomic weights; thus the atom of hydrogen weighs one."

"One what?" interrupted Mr. Thornton.

"No one knows," replied Percy. "The atom is extremely small, much too small to be seen with the most powerful microscope; but you know all things are relative and we always measure one thing in terms of another. We say a foot is twelve inches and an inch is one-twelfth of a foot, and there we stop with a definition of each expressed in terms of the other, and both depending upon an arbitrary standard that somebody once adopted; and yet, while the foot is known in most countries, it is rare that two countries have exactly the same standard for this measure of length.

"We do not know the exact weight of the hydrogen atom, but we do know its relative weight. If the hydrogen atom weighs one then other atomic weights are as follows:

12 for carbon 14 for nitrogen 16 for oxygen 24 for magnesium 31 for phosphorus 32 for sulfur 39 for pota.s.sium 40 for calcium 56 for iron

"This means that the iron atom is fifty-six times as heavy as the hydrogen atom. These atomic weights are absolutely necessary to a clear understanding of the compounds formed by the union or combination of two or more elements.

"One other thing is also necessary. That is to keep in mind the number of bonds, or hands, possessed by each atom. The atom of hydrogen has only one hand, and the same is true of pota.s.sium. Each atom of oxygen has two hands; so that one oxygen atom can hold two hydrogen atoms in the chemical compound called water (H-O-H or H20).

Other elements having two-handed atoms are magnesium and calcium.

Strange to say, the sulfur atom has six hands but sometimes uses only two, the others seemingly being clasped together in pairs. I will write it out for you, thus:

Hydrogen sulfid: H-S-H or H2S

Sulfur dioxid: O=S=0 or S02

"The carbon atom has four hands, and atoms of nitrogen and phosphorus have five hands, but sometimes use only three. Thus, in the compound called ammonia, one atom of nitrogen always holds three atoms of hydrogen; so, if you buy seventeen pounds of ammonia you would get only fourteen pounds of nitrogen and three pounds of hydrogen. This means that, if the two-eight-two fertilizer contains two per cent. of ammonia, it contains only one and two-thirds per cent. of the actual element nitrogen, and a ton of such fertilizer would contain thirty-three pounds of nitrogen. In other words it would take six tons of such fertilizer to replace the nitrogen removed from one acre of land in four years if the crop yields were fifty bushels of corn and oats, twenty-five bushels of wheat, and two tons of cowpea hay."

"Six tons! Why, that would cost a hundred and fifty dollars! Well, well, I thought I knew we couldn't afford to keep up our land with commercial fertilizer; but I didn't think it was that bad. Almost forty dollars an acre a year!"

"It need not be quite that bad," said Percy. "You see this two-eight-two fertilizer contains eight per cent. of so-called 'phosphoric acid' and two per cent. of potash, and those const.i.tuents may be worth much more than the nitrogen; but, so far as nitrogen is concerned, the two hundred pounds would cost from thirty to forty dollars in the best nitrogen fertilizers in the market, such as dried blood or sodium nitrate."

"Well, even that would be eight or ten dollars a year per acre, and that is as much as the land is worth, and this wouldn't include any other plant food elements, such as 'phosphoric acid' and potash."

"No, that much would be required for the nitrogen alone if bought in commercial form. I understand that the farmers who use this common commercial fertilizer, apply about three hundred pounds of it to the acre perhaps twice in four years. That would cost about eight dollars for the four years, and the total nitrogen applied in the two applications would amount to 10 pounds per acre."

"It is not quite correct to call 'phosphoric acid' and potash plant food elements. They are not elements but compounds."

"Like ammonia, which is part nitrogen and part hydrogen?"

"The problem is somewhat similar, but not just the same," Percy replied. "These compounds contain oxygen and not hydrogen."

"Well, I understand that both oxygen and hydrogen are furnished by natural processes, the oxygen from carbon dioxid in the carbon cycle, and the hydrogen from the water which falls in rain."

"That is all true, but you really do not buy the hydrogen or oxygen.

While they are included in the two-eight-two guarantee, the price is adjusted for that. Thus the cost of nitrogen would be just the same whether you purchase the fertilizer on the basis of seventeen cents a pound for the actual element nitrogen, or fourteen cents a pound for the ammonia."

"Yes, I see how that might be, but I don't see why the guarantee should be two per cent. of ammonia instead of one and two-thirds per cent. of nitrogen, when the nitrogen is all that gives it value."

"There is no good reason for it," said Percy. "It is one of those customs that are conceived in ignorance and continued in selfishness. It is very much simpler to consider the whole subject on the basis of actual plant food elements, and I am glad to say that many of the state laws already require the nitrogen to be guaranteed in terms of the actual element, a few states now require the phosphorus and pota.s.sium also to be reported on the element basis."

"That is hopeful, at least," said Mr. Thornton. "Now, if I am not asking too many questions or keeping you here too long, I shall be glad to have you explain two more points that come to my mind: First, how much of that two hundred pounds of nitrogen can I put back in the manure produced on the farm; and, second, just what is meant by potash and phosphoric acid?"

Percy made a few computations and then replied: "If you sell the wheat; feed all the corn, oats, and cowpea hay and half of the straw and corn fodder, and use the other half for bedding; and, if you save absolutely all of the manure produced, including both the solid and liquid excrement; then it would be possible to recover and return to the land about 173 pounds of nitrogen during the four years, compared with the 200 pounds taken from the soil."

"I can't understand that," said Mr. Thornton. "How can that be when one of the crops is cowpeas?"

"In average live-stock and dairy farming," Percy continued, "about one-fourth of the nitrogen contained in the food consumed is retained in the milk and animal growth, and you can make the computations for yourself. It should be kept in mind, moreover, that much of the manure produced on the average farm is wasted. More than half of the nitrogen is in the liquid excrement, and it is extremely difficult to prevent loss of the liquid manure. There is also large loss of nitrogen from the fermentation of manure in piles; and when you smell ammonia in the stable, see the manure pile steaming, or colored liquid soaking into the ground beneath, or flowing away in rainy weather, you may know that nitrogen is being lost. How many tons of manure can you apply to your land under such a system of farming as we have been discussing?"

"Well, I've figured a good deal on manure," was the reply, "and I think with four fields producing such crops as you counted on, that I could possibly put ten or twelve tons to the acre on one field every year."

"That would return from 100 to 120 pounds of nitrogen;" said Percy, "instead of the 173 pounds possible to be returned if there is no loss. There are three methods that may be used to reduce the loss of manure: One of these is to do the feeding on the fields. Another is to haul the manure from the stable every day or two and spread it on the land. The third is to allow the manure to acc.u.mulate in deep stalls for several weeks, using plenty of bedding to absorb the liquid and keep the animals clean, and then haul and spread it when convenient."

"I'm afraid that last method would not do at all for the dairy farmer," said Mr. Thornton. "You see we have to keep things very clean and in sanitary condition."

"Most often the cleanest and most sanitary method the average farmer has of handling the manure in dairying," said Percy, "is to keep it buried as much as possible under plenty of clean bedding; and one of the worst methods is to overhaul it every day by 'cleaning' the stable, unless you could have concrete floors throughout, and flush them well once or twice a day, thus losing a considerable part of the valuable excrement. If you allow the manure to acc.u.mulate for several weeks at a time, it is best to have sufficient room in the stable or shed so that the cows need not be tied. If allowed to run loose they will find clean places to lie down even during the night.

"In case of horses, the manure can be kept buried for several weeks if some means are used to prevent the escape of ammonia. Cattle produce what is called a 'cold' manure, while it is called 'hot'

from horses because it decomposes so readily. One of the best substances to use for the prevention of loss of ammonia in horse stables is acid phosphate, which has power to unite with ammonia and hold it in a fixed compound. About one pound of acid phosphate per day for each horse should be sprinkled over the manure. Of course the phosphorus contained in the acid phosphate has considerable value for its own sake, and care should be taken that you do not lose more phosphorus from the acid phosphate applied than the value of all the ammonia saved by this means. Porous earth floors may absorb very considerable amounts of liquid from wet manure lying underneath the dry bedding, and the acid phosphate sometimes injures the horses' feet; so that, as a rule, it is better to clean the horse stables every day and supply phosphorus in raw phosphate at one-fourth of its cost in acid phosphate."

"Before we leave the nitrogen question," said Mr. Thornton, "I want to ask if you can suggest how we can get enough of the several million dollars' worth we have in the air to supply the needs of our crops and build up our land?"

"Grow more legumes, and plow more under, either directly or in manure."

"That sounds easy, but can you suggest some practical system?"

"I think so. I know too little of your conditions to think I could suggest the best system for you to adopt; but I can surely suggest one that will supply nitrogen for such crop yields as we have considered: Suppose we change the order of the crops and grow wheat, corn, oats, and cowpeas, and grow clover with the wheat and oats, plowing the clover under in the spring as green manure for corn and cowpeas. If necessary to prevent the clover or weeds from producing seed, the field may be clipped with the mower in the late summer when the clover has made some growth after the wheat and oats have been removed. Leave this season's growth lying on the land. As an average it should amount to more than half a ton of hay per acre.

The next spring the clover is allowed to grow for several weeks. It should be plowed under for corn on one field early in May and two or three weeks later the other field is plowed for cowpeas. The spring growth should average nearly a ton of clover hay per acre. In this way clover equivalent to about three tons of hay could be plowed under. Clover hay contains 40 pounds of nitrogen per ton; so this would supply about 120 pounds of nitrogen in addition to the 173 pounds possible to be supplied in the manure. This would make possible a total return of 293 pounds, while we figured some 200 pounds removed. Of course if you save only 100 pounds in the manure the amount returned would be reduced to 220 pounds."

"There are two questionable points in this plan," said Mr. Thornton, " one is the impossibility, or at least the difficulty, of growing clover on this land. The other point is, How much of that 120 pounds of nitrogen returned in the clover is taken from the soil itself? I remember you figured 86 pounds of nitrogen in two tons of cowpea hay, but you also a.s.sumed that about 29 pounds of it would be taken from the soil."

"Yes, that is true," Percy replied, "at least 29 pounds and probably more. You see the cowpeas grow during the same months as corn and on land prepared in about the same manner. If the soil will furnish 75 pounds of nitrogen to the corn crop, and 48 pounds to the oats and wheat, it would surely furnish 29 pounds to the cowpeas. Of course this particular amount has no special significance, but the other definite amounts removed in corn, oats, and wheat aggregate 171 and the 29 pounds were added to make the round 200 pounds.

Perhaps 210 pounds would be nearer the truth, in which case the soil would furnish about half as much nitrogen to the cowpea crop as to the corn crop. This is reasonable considering that corn is the first crop grown after the manure is applied. You will remember that only one-tenth of the total nitrogen of the cowpea plant remains in the roots and stubble?"

"Yes, that's what we figured on."

"The cowpea is an annual plant. It is planted, produces its seed, and dies the same season. It has no need to store up material in the roots for future use. Consequently the substance of the root is largely taken into the tops as the plan approaches maturity. It is different with the clover plant. This is a biennial with some tendency toward the perennial plant. It lives long and develops an extensive root system, and its stores up material in the roots during part of its life for use at a later period. About one-third of the total nitrogen content of the clover plant is contained in the roots and stubble. This means that the roots and stubble of a two-ton crop of clover would contain about forty pounds of nitrogen, or more than we a.s.sumed was taken from the soil by the cowpeas. But there is still another point in favor of the clover. The cowpeas make their growth during the summer months when nitrification is most active, whereas the clover growth we have counted on occurs chiefly during the fall and spring when nitrification is much less active, consequently the clover probably takes even a larger proportion of its nitrogen from the air than we have counted on."

"That is rather confusing," said Mr. Thornton, "you say the cowpea grows when nitrification is most active, and yet you say that it takes less nitrogen from the air than clover. Isn't that somewhat contradictory?"

The Story of the Soil Part 10

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