The Middle of Things Part 23

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"And so is this, and perhaps much more so," said Viner, making a second exhibit. "That's a sheet of brown wrapping-paper with the name and address of a famous firm of wholesale druggists and chemical manufacturers on one side--printed. It's another likely thing for Hyde to possess, and to carry about, isn't it?"

"And the same bitter, penetrating smell about it!" said Felpham.

"Hyde, of course, if Drillford is correct, had all this paper in his pocket when he went into that shed," said Viner. "But I have a different idea, and a different theory. Here," he went on, folding his discoveries together neatly, "you take charge of these--and take care of them. They may be of more importance than we think."

He went home full of thought, restored the sisters to something like cheerfulness by a.s.suring them that the situation was no worse, and possibly rather better, and spent the rest of the evening in his study, silently working things out. Viner, by the time he went to bed, had evolved an idea, and it was still developing and growing stronger when he set out next morning to accompany Mr. Pawle to Lord Ellingham's solicitors.



Carless and Driver practised their profession of the law in one of the old houses on the south side of Lincoln's Inn Fields--a house so old that it immediately turned Viner's thought to what he had read of the days wherein Inigo Jones exercised his art up the stately frontages, and duels were fought in the gardens which London children now sport in. In one of these houses lived Blackstone; in another Erskine; one ancient roof once sheltered John Milton; another heard the laughter of Nell Gwynn; up the panelled staircase which Mr. Pawle and his companion were presently conducted, the feet of many generations had trod. And the room into which they were duly conducted was so old-world in appearance with its oaken walls and carving and old-fas.h.i.+oned furniture that nothing but the fact that its occupants wore twentieth century garments would have convinced Viner that he had not been suddenly thrown back to the days of Queen Anne.

Lord Ellingham was already there when they arrived--in conference with his solicitor, Mr. Carless, a plump, rosy, active gentleman who wore mutton-chop whiskers and--secretly--prided himself on his likeness to the type of fox-hunting squire. It was very evident to Viner that both solicitor and client were in a state of expectancy bordering on something very like excitement; and Mr. Carless, the preliminary greetings being over, plunged at once into the subject.

"I say, Pawle," he exclaimed, turning at once to his fellow-pract.i.tioner, "this appears to be a most extraordinary business! His lords.h.i.+p has just been telling me all about the two calls he had yesterday--first from two men whom he'd never seen before--then from you two, who were also strangers. He has also told me what both lots of his callers had to say, and hang me if I ever heard of two such curious unfoldings coming one on top of the other. Sounds like a first-cla.s.s mystery!"

"You forget," remarked Mr. Pawle with a glance at Lord Ellingham, "that we don't know--Mr. Viner and myself--what it was that his lords.h.i.+p's first couple of callers told him. He left that until today."

Mr. Carless looked at his client, who nodded his head as if in a.s.sent to something in the glance.

"Well, as I'm now in possession of the facts," said he, "I'll tell you, Pawle--His Lords.h.i.+p has given me a clear account of what his first callers said, and what you and Mr. Viner added to it. The two men whom you saw coming away from Ellingham House were Methley and Woodlesford, two solicitors who are in partners.h.i.+p in Edgware Road--I know of them: I think we've had conveyancing business with them once or twice. Quite a respectable firm--in a smallish way, you know, but all right so far as I know anything of them. Now, they came to Lord Ellingham yesterday afternoon with a most extraordinary story. His lords.h.i.+p tells me that he learned from your talk with him yesterday afternoon that you are pretty well acquainted, you and Mr. Viner, with his family history, so I'll go straight to the point. What do you think Methley and Woodlesford came to tell him? You'd never guess!"

"I won't try!" answered Mr. Pawle. "What, then?"

Mr. Carless smiled grimly.

"That the long-lost Lord Marketstoke was alive and in England!" he said.

"Here, in fact, in London!"

Mr. Pawle smiled too. But his smile was not grim--it was, rather, the smile of a man who hears what he has been expecting to hear.

"I thought it would be something of that sort!" he exclaimed. "Aye, I fancied that would be the game!"

"You think it a game?" suggested Mr. Carless.

"And a highly dangerous one--as somebody will find out," responded Mr.

Pawle. "But--what did these fellows really say!"

"His lords.h.i.+p will correct me if I miss anything pertinent," answered Mr.

Carless with a glance at his client. "They said this--that they had been called upon by a gentleman now staying at one of the private residential hotels in Lancaster Gate, who was desirous of legal a.s.sistance in an important matter and had been recommended to them by a fellow-boarder at the hotel. He then told them that though he was now pa.s.sing under the name of Cave--"

"Ah!" exclaimed Mr. Pawle, with a snort which denoted a certain sort of surprised satisfaction. "Ah, to be sure! Cave, of course! But I interrupt you--pray proceed."

"I see your point," remarked Mr. Carless with a smile. "Well--although he was pa.s.sing under the name of Cave, he was, in strict reality, the Lord Marketstoke who disappeared from England many years ago, who was never heard of again, and whose death had been presumed. He was, therefore, the rightful Earl of Ellingham, and as such ent.i.tled to the estates. He proceeded to tell Methley and Woodlesford his adventures.

"He had, he said, never at any time from boyhood been on good terms with his father: there had always been mutual dislike. As he grew to manhood, his father had thwarted him in every conceivable way. He himself as a young man, had developed radical and democratic ideas--this had caused a further widening of the breach. Eventually he had made up his mind to clear out of England altogether. He had a modest amount of money of his own, a few thousands which had been left him by his mother. So he took this and quietly disappeared.

"According to his own account he became a good deal of a rolling stone, going to various out-of-the-way parts of the earth, and taking particular pains, wherever he went, to conceal his ident.i.ty. He told these people Methley and Woodlesford, that he had at one time or another lived and traded in South Africa, India, China, j.a.pan and the Malay Settlement--finally he had settled down in Australia. He had kept himself familiar with events at home--knew of his father's death, and he saw no end of advertis.e.m.e.nts for himself. He was aware that legal proceedings were taken as regards the presumption of his death and the administration of the estates; he was also aware of the death of his younger brother and that t.i.tle and estates were now in possession of his nephew--His Lords.h.i.+p there. In fact, he was very well up in the whole story, according to Methley and Woodlesford," said Mr. Carless, with a smile. "And Lord Ellingham believed that Methley and Woodlesford were genuinely convinced by him."

"Seemed so, anyway, both of 'em," agreed Lord Ellingham.

"However," continued Mr. Carless, "Methley and Woodlesford, like you and I, Pawle, are limbs of the law. They asked two very pertinent questions.

First--why had he come forward after this long interval? Second--what evidence had he to support and prove his claim?"

"Good!" muttered Mr. Pawle. "And I'll be bound he had some excellent replies ready for them."

"He had," said Mr. Carless. "He answered as regards the first question that of late things had not gone well with him. He was still comfortably off, but he had lost a lot of money in Australia through speculation. He replied to the second by producing certain papers and doc.u.ments."

"Ah!" exclaimed Mr. Pawle, nudging Viner. "Now we're warming to it!"

"And according to what Methley and Woodlesford told Lord Ellingham,"

continued Mr. Carless, "these papers and doc.u.ments are of a very convincing nature. They said to His Lords.h.i.+p frankly that they were greatly surprised by them. They had thought that this man might possibly be a bogus claimant, who had somehow gained a thorough knowledge of the facts he was narrating, but the papers he produced, which, he alleged, had never been out of his possession since his secret flight from London, were--well, staggering. After inspecting them, Methley and Woodlesford came to the conclusion that their caller really was what he claimed to be--the missing man!"

"What were the papers?" demanded Mr. Pawle.

"Oh!" replied Mr. Carless, looking at his client. "Letters, certificates, and the like,--all, according to Methley and Woodlesford, excellent proofs of ident.i.ty."

"Did they show them to Your Lords.h.i.+p?" asked Mr. Pawle.

"Oh, no! they only told me of them," answered Lord Ellingham. "They said, of course, that they would be shown to me, or to Mr. Carless."

"Aye!" muttered Mr. Pawle. "Just so! Yes, and they will have to be shown!"

"That follows as a matter of course," observed Mr. Carless. "But now, Pawle, we come to the real point of the case. Methley and Woodlesford, having informed His Lords.h.i.+p of all this when they called on him yesterday afternoon then proceeded to tell him precisely what their client, the claimant, as we will now call him, really wanted, for he had been at some pains, considerable pains, to make himself clear on that point to them, and he desired them to make themselves clear to Lord Ellingham, whom he throughout referred to as his nephew. He had no desire, he told them, to recover his t.i.tle, nor the estates. He did not care a cent--his own phrase--for the t.i.tle. He was now sixty years of age. The life he had lived had quite unfitted him for the positions and duties of an English n.o.bleman. He wanted to go back to the country in which he had settled. But as t.i.tle and estates really were his, he wanted his nephew, the present holder, to make him a proper payment, in consideration of the receipt of which he would engage to preserve the silence which he had already kept so thoroughly and effectively for thirty-five years. Eh?"

"In plain language," said Mr. Pawle, "he wanted to be bought."

"Precisely!" agreed Mr. Carless. "Of course, Methley and Woodlesford didn't quite put it in that light. They put it that their client had no wish to disturb his nephew, but suggested, kindly, that his nephew should make him a proper payment out of his abundance."

Mr. Pawle turned to Lord Ellingham.

"Did they mention a sum to Your Lords.h.i.+p?" he asked.

"Yes," replied Lord Ellingham, with a smile at Carless. "They did--tentatively."

"How much?" asked Mr. Pawle.

"One hundred thousand pounds!"

"On receipt of which, I suppose," observed Mr. Pawle dryly, "nothing would ever be heard again of your lords.h.i.+p's long-lost uncle, the rightful owner of all that Your Lords.h.i.+p possesses?"

Lord Ellingham laughed.

The Middle of Things Part 23

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