Hurricane Hurry Part 13

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"A truce had been agreed on, and while we were acting with perfect good faith and peaceableness, your people most unjustifiably attempted to destroy us. I give you half an hour to remove the women and children, and then expect the consequences of your treachery," said he, drawing his sword-belt tighter round his waist, and turning on his heel with a look of scorn.

"Hear me, sir," said the old gentleman, stepping forward. "We had, on my honour, nothing whatever to do with the outrage of which you complain. The people who attacked you were those whose vessels you have so wantonly destroyed. They came to revenge themselves. When they found that we had pledged ourselves to preserve the peace they returned quietly homewards. If you wish to complete the watering of your s.h.i.+ps we will in no way molest you, and we will supply you with all the provisions you require."

"So you said before," replied Captain Hudson. "How can I depend on the fulfilment of your agreement?"

"I for one, and I dare say others will be ready to remain in your hands as hostages till our agreement is fulfilled," answered the old gentleman.

Captain Hudson, who was generous as he was brave, would not listen to this proposal; but, stretching out his hand, he answered frankly, "No, no, sir; I will not put you or your friends to this inc nvenience. I fully trust to your word. Go on sh.o.r.e, and keep your combatively-inclined countrymen from attacking us, unless they want to have your town burnt, and by the evening we shall probably have relieved you of our company."

I never saw people's faces brighten up more rapidly than did those of our rebel visitors when they heard these words. It was like the clearing away of a thunder-cloud from the sky in summer. They were ready to promise all sorts of things, and to supply us with all we desired; and, to do them justice, they amply fulfilled their word. We completed our water, got an abundant supply of fresh provisions, and sailed again that evening on our cruise.

On the 21st of July we took a schooner from Bilboa to Boston with cordage and canvas, and on the 22nd re-took a brig from Quebec to London in ballast; on which day the Amazon parted company and sailed with the prizes for New York.

On the 24th we took a schooner from Boston to the West Indies with fish and lumber; on the 25th a brig from Martinique with rum and; on the 26th a schooner from Boston to the West Indies with lumber, and on the same day chased a large s.h.i.+p close into Boston light-house; but she effected her escape into the harbour.

On the 31st the Amazon rejoined us, and informed us that she had on her pa.s.sage recaptured a large s.h.i.+p from Jamaica to London with rum and sugar, which had been made prize of by the rebels, and that she had sent her into Halifax.

On the 1st of August, at sunrise, a schooner was reported in sight. We accordingly made sail in chase; but she seemed in no ways inclined to be captured, and, setting every st.i.tch of canvas she could carry, she began to walk through the water at a great rate. We soon saw that we should have to put our best leg foremost to come up with her. This to the utmost of our power we did.

I have already described many chases, so I will not enter into particulars. Hour after hour pa.s.sed, and we seemed to be no nearer to her; still we had not lost ground, and, from her pertinacity in endeavouring to get away from us, we of course fancied that she was the more worth having. The longest day must have an end, and so had this.

At its termination, when night was coming on, we were very little nearer the chase than at daybreak. Still we hoped that a s.h.i.+ft of wind might enable us to get up with her, or that a calm might come on and allow us to reach her with our boats. But neither one thing nor the other occurred. Night came down upon us, and not the sharpest pair of eyes on board could pierce through the dark mantle which shrouded her. Some thought they saw her stealing off in one direction; others declared they saw her steering an opposite course. The result was that when morning broke, our expected prize had escaped us, and we were compelled to stand back and rejoin our consorts, like a dog with his tail between his legs.

We had hopes, however, of being able in some degree to indemnify ourselves for our loss, when, on the 2nd of August, about two hours before daylight, the shadowy outline of a s.h.i.+p was seen dead to leeward between us and the land, the wind being somewhere from the south-west.

Now she was there, ghostlike and indistinct, a spirit gliding over the face of the waters; now as I looked she had disappeared and I could scarcely believe that I had seen her.

"Can you make her out?" said I to Grampus, who was a quarter-master in my watch. The old man hollowed his hands round his eyes and took a long steady gaze into the darkness ahead.

"I did see her just a few minutes afor' you spoke to me, sir, but smash my timbers if I sees her now!" he exclaimed, suiting the action to the word. "Where is she gone to?"

"She has altered her course or a bank of mist is floating by between us," I suggested.

"That's it, sir," said he; "I wouldn't be surprised but what she'd heave in sight again afor' long, except she's one of those craft one hears talk of, aboard of whom there's no living man with flesh and blood to work them. If so be she is, I'd rather not fall in with her."

I laughed. "No fear of that," said I; "she has been reported to the captain, and we shall be making all sail in chase presently. We shall then soon find out what she's made of."

"Much as we did the schooner two days ago," muttered Grampus, as I left him. "I don't know what's come over the s.h.i.+p that she don't walk along faster."

The stranger had been reported to the captain, who very soon came on deck, when all sail was packed on the s.h.i.+p in chase. The stranger, for some time, did not appear to be aware of our vicinity; indeed, we could frequently scarcely make her out through the darkness. At length, however, she discovered that an ugly customer was near her, and lost no time in setting every st.i.tch of canvas she could carry, and running directly off before the wind. By this time we had got near enough to see that she was a s.h.i.+p, and of considerable size.

"That craft carries a good many hands, I suspect, by the smart way in which she made sail," I heard Mr Willis observe to the captain. "I should not be surprised if she proves a privateer, or so-called s.h.i.+p of war belonging to the rebel government. To my mind, we shall do well to treat all the rascals we find on board such craft as pirates, and trice them up to their own yard-arms."

"You forget, Mr Willis, that two can play at that game," answered the captain. "The rebels have pretty well shown that they are in earnest, and have established a right to respect at all events. I don't think hanging them will bring them to reason. Let us treat them as open and gallant enemies, and if we cannot make them fellow-subjects, at all events we may induce them to become some day our friends again. I confess to you I am sick of this sort of warfare. We must do our duty, and take, sink, and destroy all the craft belonging to the misguided people we find afloat, but there is neither honour nor glory to be obtained by the work, and as for the profit, I would rather be without it. Bah! I'm sick of such fratricidal work."

"I can't say that I see things quite in the light that you do, sir,"

said the first lieutenant. "The British Government make laws, and it is the duty of British people to obey them; and if they don't, it's our business just now to force them to it."

"Your logic is unanswerable, Willis," replied Captain Hudson, turning away with a sigh. "There can be no doubt what our duty is, however painful it may prove."

I believe that many officers thought and felt like my gallant and kind-hearted captain, and yet not a more loyal man, or a more faithful subject of his sovereign, ever stepped the deck of a s.h.i.+p of war.

As the first gleam of day appeared from beneath a dark canopy of clouds, and shone across the leaden water, its light fell on the royals and topgallant sails of a large s.h.i.+p, with studden sails alow and aloft, running before the wind directly for the American coast. Smoothly as she glided on, and rapidly as she ran through the water, in all the pride of symmetrical beauty, she was in a very critical position. As I looked at her I bethought me she presented no inapt simile to a careless youth rus.h.i.+ng over the sea of life regardless of all the dangers which surround him, and with the pit of destruction yawning before him. Haul her wind and fight us she dared not, for we should have blown her speedily out of the water; no friendly port that she could possibly make was under her lee. The only hope, therefore, her crew could have had of escaping was to run the s.h.i.+p on sh.o.r.e and to abandon her. This it was our object to prevent them doing. The usual devices for increasing our speed were resorted to. Every spar that could carry a sail was rigged, while the canvas almost swept the water on either side of us, but all to little purpose, it seemed. If we increased our speed, so did the chase, and not an inch was gained. As the day grew on, the breeze freshened, and at noon some on board a.s.serted that we had begun to overhaul her.

We were all of us on deck as often as we could, for she afforded far more subject of interest than the ordinary lumber-laden merchant craft it was our usual lot to chase. The clouds which had obscured the sky at sunrise rolled gradually away; the sun shone down on the blue ocean with undimmed splendour, glittering on the long lines of foam which the two s.h.i.+ps formed as they clove their way through it.

I was, among others, watching the chase when McCallum came up to me.

"Sumner wants to see you, Hurry," said he; "I think a little talk with you will do him good. He is very low, left so many hours by himself, and he does not sleep much."

Our young messmate had been progressing favourably, according to the doctor's report, since he was wounded, but he was nervous and fanciful, poor little fellow! and wanted more tender nursing than the rough, albeit kind-hearted, treatment he could obtain on board. Captain Hudson would gladly have landed him, could he have found any friends on sh.o.r.e willing to take charge of him; but as this was impossible, all circ.u.mstances would allow was done to make him comfortable. I sat myself down on a stool by the side of his cot, and told him all that was going forward on deck.

"I wish that I could be about and doing my duty again," said he; "I'm weary of being boxed up here below."

"I should be glad if you could get sent home, and have your mother and sister to nurse you till you are strong and well."

"Who told you that I had a sister?" he asked quickly.

"You did, surely, Harry," I answered; "how else should I have known it?"

"Oh, I never spoke about her, I'm sure!" said he earnestly. "She is such a little angel, Hurry, that I could not bear to have her name uttered by any of our fellows in the way they speak of each other's sisters and female friends."

"Trust me, indeed, I will never mention her," I answered, appreciating his delicacy, though I felt a strong desire to see the little girl he praised so highly. I did not reflect that her portrait was painted by a loving brother. I got him to talk more about her, and when his heart was opened he seemed never tired of the theme. He told me how she was two or three years older than himself; how she had watched over him and instructed him in all that was good, and how bitterly she grieved at his going away to sea, and much did he blame himself for having often appeared ungrateful for her love and affection. Often in a night-watch did my thoughts recur to Julia Sumner. It was a mids.h.i.+pman's fancy, and perhaps a folly, but it was very excusable, I cannot help thinking even at the present time.

Our conversation was interrupted by the report of one of our bow-chasers: I sprang on deck. We had got the chase within range of our guns, and we were not likely to let them remain inactive. Still she stood on; not a trace nor a sheet did she slack; and as our gunnery was not first-rate it must be owned, we could not as yet hope to do her much damage.

"We have gained on her considerably since you went below," said Delisle, whose gla.s.s was fixed on the chase, watching the effect of our shot.

"In another hour, if the wind holds, we shall get her well under our guns, and then she'll have very little more to say for herself."

"Land ahead!" shouted the look-out from aloft. I with others went to the mast-head to ascertain its distance. We judged it to be the land about Cape Cod, some fifteen miles or so away. It would take us a couple of hours to get up with it. Evening, however, was now coming on, and it would be dark before we could hope to reach it. We watched the chase more anxiously than ever; the prospect of bringing her to before she should reach the sh.o.r.e was every instant growing less. Those who manned her were no cowards. As we were watching her, her stern-ports opened, and a couple of shots came hissing by us. It was a desperate chance. Her object was to cripple us, and if she could do so, perhaps she hoped to haul her wind, and, favoured by the darkness, to creep away from between us and the sh.o.r.e. We fired our bow-chasers as often as we could in return, and more than one shot told with damaging effect.

Still every injury was repaired as soon as received. The land, seen under the glow of the setting sun, was growing more and more distinct, and by the time the shades of evening came over us we were near enough to distinguish it and the chase, now in dangerous proximity to its sands.

The chase had now lasted fifteen hours--another hour would decide the point. It soon pa.s.sed. It was a moment of intense interest. Every man was at his station. Hands were in the chains with the lead. We were nearer the coast than under other circ.u.mstances we would willingly have been. The chase stood on with everything set. One felt it a grievous pity that so beautiful a fabric should be doomed to destruction. Her striking would give us time to haul off. On she glided, her symmetry unimpaired. In another moment her tall masts rocked to and fro; a loud cras.h.i.+ng and tearing, even at that distance, reached our ears.

"Down with the helm!" shouted Captain Hudson. "Haul aft the starboard sheets! Flatten in the starboard braces! Give her the starboard broadside!"

These and other orders to bring the s.h.i.+p on a wind followed in quick succession amid the roar of our guns, which sent the shot cras.h.i.+ng into the unfortunate chase. As soon as the s.h.i.+p was put about she stood back on the other tack, pouring in a second and still more destructive broadside. Again the s.h.i.+p was put about; once more the starboard broadside was loaded, and as we came abreast of the stranded chase, fired into her with deadly effect.

"Boats away!" was now the order. The men, with by their sides and pistols in their belts, sprang into them. Mr Willis led the expedition: not a moment was to be lost. The stranger must be boarded before the crew could recover from the effects of our broadsides, or people would come off from the sh.o.r.e to defend her. She had fallen almost broadside on to the beach, and on the other side the sea was was.h.i.+ng over her. We pulled round, and boarded under her counter, cutla.s.s in hand. A slight resistance only was made by her captain and officers and some of the crew. A few were cut down, and the rest retreated forward, and escaped on sh.o.r.e by a warp, which had previously been carried there, no one attempting to stop them. As with lanterns in our hands, we wandered over the s.h.i.+p, everywhere signs were visible of the cruel effect of our broadsides. In the cabin lay an officer and two men. We thought they were wounded. We threw the light on their countenances; they had been dragged there by their s.h.i.+pmates to be out of the way, probably, and had died as they lay. Poor fellows! they had fought their last fight--they were dead. Not a thing was found on board. A glance showed Mr Willis that it would be impossible to get the s.h.i.+p off, so he ordered us to set fire to her in every direction.

Having done so, and left the dead bodies to be consumed in a not ign.o.ble funeral pile, we hurried to the boats. We had been taught by a former catastrophe not to delay too long. As we pulled away, the flames, climbing up the masts and spars; to which the canvas still hung, formed a magnificent pyramid of fire, which grew and grew in height till it seemed to reach the very skies. It was a fine spectacle, but a finer was to come. She was still burning when we got back to our s.h.i.+p, and the boats were hoisted in. I watched the conflagration from the deck.

The fire threw a ruddy glare over the sand-hills and the dark woods beyond, and by its light we could see people watching, undoubtedly with bitter hearts, the destruction of their property. Without a moment's warning, while the conflagration was at its height, the whole ma.s.s of flame seemed to be lifted together like a huge fire-work--then it spread far and wide, forming a fiery canopy of mushroom shape, and breaking into a thousand fragments, came hissing down into the surrounding ocean, while a few burning embers alone remained to mark the spot where the tall s.h.i.+p had lately been--a pretty night's work for the officers and crew of his Majesty's s.h.i.+p Orpheus. I don't know that the thought of what we had been about disturbed the rest of any of those who enjoyed the luxury of turning into their hammocks. The next morning a boat with a flag of truce was sent on sh.o.r.e to learn particulars of the vessel we had destroyed. A number of persons were collected in the neighbourhood of the wreck, and, as may be supposed, they did not look very affectionately at us; but flags of truce were always respected, in spite of the animosity which was daily increasing between the belligerents, and an officer stepped forward to know what we wanted.

We told him our errand. "Tell your captain," said he, "that he has done good service to his government, and saved the capture of many a rich merchantman, if I mistake not. The s.h.i.+p you have destroyed was the 'Wilks' privateer, mounting twenty guns--six-pounders--commanded by as brave a man as ever stepped, Captain John Williams, and bound into the English channel on a six-months' cruise. If it is any satisfaction to you, you may say that she was only off the stocks five weeks. There's the captain; he'll never break biscuit more, nor will several of our people who were drowned coming on sh.o.r.e. There's all that remains of poor Captain Williams."

He spoke with bitterness, and, lifting a flag, exposed the form of a man in an officer's uniform. He had been wounded, it appeared, by one of our broadsides, and carried on sh.o.r.e by his crew. I was not sorry, having received the information we were ordered to obtain, to get away from the scene of the catastrophe. This was our finis.h.i.+ng stroke in the Bay of Fundy. During our cruise there it appeared by the log-book that we had seen ninety rebel vessels of various descriptions, of which we had either taken or destroyed thirty-three sail--a highly satisfactory amount of mischief to have committed in so short a time--but it had no effect in making the Americans loyal, or increasing their love for their British brethren.



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