An Epitome of the Homeopathic Healing Art Part 5
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Common Headache,
If the face is red, and the arteries of the neck and temples throb violently, give _Bell._ If there is paleness and faintness, _Pulsatilla_ is the remedy, especially if the forehead is affected. If the pain is mostly in the back of the head, _Nux_ is to be used; if in the front, and is sharp, affecting the eyes, _Aconite_; if at the angles of the forehead, with a sense of pinching, _Arnica_; if a sense of fullness and pressing outwards, or with an enlarged feeling, _Macrotin_; if intermitting or remitting, _Mercurius_; if there is ringing in the ears, _China_. Headache from fright should have _Aconite_.
For that kind of _headache_ that often occurs during the prevalence of fevers, and is not unfrequently a premonitory symptom of an attack of fever, I have found _Baptisia_ and _Podophyllin_ to be specifics. I give them alternately, every two hours a dose, until the headache ceases. It often subsides in a few minutes after the first dose of either, though I have sometimes failed with one alone and succeeded in the same cases afterwards with both in alternation. _I have no doubt_ but that they act in many cases, as _Prophylactics_, entirely warding off and preventing fevers, or at least arresting them at the premonitory stage.
_Podophyllin_ is a most valuable remedy for headache.
Nose Bleed--Epistaxis.
If it arises from fullness of the vessels of the head, with throbbing of the temples, redness of the face and eyes, _Belladonna_ is the remedy.
If fever is present, _Aconite_ must be alternated with _Bell._
In females or children who have habitual nose-bleed, _Pulsatilla_ and _Podophyllin_ are to be used alternately, night and morning. During the paroxysm of bleeding, _Arnica_ should be used, one dose repeated in a half hour if it continues.
If it is produced by over-exertion, _Rhus_ is the proper remedy. If it occurs in the _early stage_ of fever, _Aconite_ and _Bell._; in the latter stage, _Rhus_ and _Phos._ are to be used. _Hamamelis_ will frequently arrest nose-bleed _immediately_ after one or two doses.
It is difficult to determine the presence of _worms_ in children, much more in adults, yet both are affected by them occasionally. In children, there is more or less fever and restlessness, screaming out in sleep, starting, pain in the bowels, vomiting, choking, diarrhoea, picking at the nose, fetid breath, voracious and variable appet.i.te.
_Santonine_ is a remedy which I have used for years, and I have treated many hundreds of cases, with such unvariable success, that I feel disinclined to use or to recommend any other. It brings away the worms entire, and relieves the patient of all morbid symptoms immediately, or in much less time than any other remedy of which I have any knowledge.
It seems to act specifically upon the worms, causing them to leave the bowels by being evacuated with the feces, without producing any sensible impression upon the bowels, the evacuations remaining natural, if they were so, or becoming so, if deranged, and the worms coming away not quite lifeless.
I have often prescribed this remedy for children suffering under intermittent or remitting, and even typhoid fever, in the summer season, when there were not present any well defined symptoms of worms, and yet the fever would soon abate, and in due time worms appear in the fecal evacuations. It often arrests entirely intermittent fever, when worms are present, and are the probable cause of the fever.
I give either the crude salt in from one-fourth to one-half grain doses, or a trituration of one grain to four of sugar, giving in the latter case, from one to two grains of the trituration. Give one dose at bed-time, or in an urgent case at any other time, but never repeat the dose under thirty-six hours, and in an ordinary case, under forty-eight hours.
This is _the_ medicine _par excellence_ for worms. It may be repeated once a week, when there is a tendency in the patient to the development of worm symptoms, or, in other words, the breeding of worms. The idea held out by some that it is hurtful, or unimportant to remove the worms, in itself considered, is simply _nonsense_, and _worse_, for children are sometimes sacrificed to this idea.
This may arise from various causes, but a common one is sudden cold. If it arises from cold, and there is general fever, or if the ear is red, or the side of the head and ear hot, _Bell._ and _Baptisia_ should be given in alternation, every hour, or in a violent case, more frequently.
These remedies will soon relieve such cases. Cloths wrung out of hot water should be laid over the ear, or the side of the head steamed, or it may be laid into water quite warm, with good effect.
Where the disease is a chronic affection, and the patient is subject to frequent attacks of pain in the ear, especially on a change of the weather, from dry to moist, _Mercurius_ is the proper remedy, especially if it is worse at night, when warm in bed.
If it arises from a shock or blow, _Arn_. is to be used. In scrofulous persons, whether there is ulceration or not, _Phosphorus_ and _Pulsatilla_ are the remedies.
Children and even adults, not unfrequently suffer from earache, without any known cause sufficient to account for it. On examination into the ear you will often find either the cavity filled or nearly so, with a hard black substance, (the insp.i.s.sated "earwax") almost as hard as horn, or else the ear will be quite empty, and the sides of the cavity _dry_ and red, though perhaps not properly in a state of inflammation.
The natural condition of the cavity as it can be seen by straining the ear outwards and backwards a little in a strong sun light, is moist, the surface covered slightly with a yellowish, greasy, soft substance (the cerumen) "earwax." When this is wanting or in excess, or its character changed, it is evidence of disease, and pain is likely to occur. The
for this condition is to remove the acc.u.mulation when that exists, as the first step. But this must be first softened by pouring some warm oil, pure olive oil, or good pure sperm oil, into the ear, and repeat it two or three times a day for several days, until it is so far softened as to be easily removed with the probe end of common small tweezers, having a spoon-bowl point.
When there is dryness, moisten the surface with oil. In either case, it is best, for a while, to protect the delicate surface from the air, by putting oiled wool into the external ear.
If the ear was filled, give _Mercurius_ once a day until there appears a natural secretion. If dry, use _Belladonna_.
It is difficult to determine the cause of toothache, and more difficult to select the remedy. It often depends upon decay of the tooth, and exposure of the nerve to air, and contact with food or drinks, or even saliva, which irritate and produce pain.
_Pulsatilla_ will as often relieve such cases as any other remedy, yet if it has been aggravated by a recent cold, _Bell._ and _Nux V._ may be better. If the nerve is not exposed, and there is a disposition to a return of the pain on exposure to cold air, or a change of weather, the pain being of a _rheumatic_ character, give _Rhus_ and _Macrotin_ in alternation. These will relieve many cases. For decayed teeth, the pain being dull aching, with soreness, use _Chamomilla_. The body of the tooth, that is the dentine, sometimes becomes very sensitive when there is no decay or cavity, the pain being experienced when some hard substance hits, or the air or water, either cold or hot, comes in contact with the tooth. The temporary pain will generally yield to _Arnica_, and in most instances, the daily use of _Arnica_ at the first decimal dilution, applied to the surface, and upon the jaws, will effect a cure.
The _chloride of Zinc_ applied to the surface of such teeth for a few moments will destroy the sensitiveness of the dentine.
Teeth that are ulcerated at the roots, or have ulcerated gums around them, the teeth being decayed, should be extracted at once, for, besides the pain and inconvenience they cause, they are a _very prolific_ source of _disturbance_ to the digestive organs, from the positive poison generated by the decaying process.
If people will use soft brushes upon the teeth with soap and water, followed by rinsing with simple water only, after each meal, brus.h.i.+ng both inside and out and crossways, so as to clean between them, they will be saved much pain and decay, and disease of other parts, arising from foul and diseased teeth.
Teething of Children.
Affections arising from teething of children, are often of a serious character. The most prominent of which is _Diarrhoea_. _Fever_ frequently accompanies the diarrhoea, and _convulsions_ occasionally occur. _Aconite_ and _Chamomilla_ should be used in alternation, every one or two hours, according to the violence of the fever, and if convulsions occur, or are threatened, as will be known by twitching, starting, and screaming, use _Nux_ and _Bell_. These may be given in rotation with the others, following the remedies, one after the other, every hour. I have relieved the most alarming cases in a day by this method of procedure, that had not yielded to either of the single remedies for several days, given as directed in the books; the patient growing worse continually. If the gums over the teeth look white and the teeth, (one or more,) are near the surface, the gums should, by all means, be cut. Press the point of a lancet or penknife down upon the top of the gum, until the tooth is plainly felt, and be sure to make the cut as wide as the tooth. Rub the gums with _Arnicated water_ once or twice a day. _Pulsatilla_ should be given at night and _Chamomilla_ in the morning, during the whole summer while the child is teething, as a prophylactic against the fever and diarrhoea that is likely to occur.
It will generally save all trouble.
If the diarrhoea is profuse, watery and light colored or brown, give _Phos. acid_ and _Veratrum_ alternately, as often as the discharges occur. For the restlessness of infants at night, _Coffea_ is the specific.
This is a disease peculiar to nursing children. The mouth becomes sore, and the tongue, lips, and fauces are covered with a white crust, looking like milk curds, which, when removed, leaves the surface red, inflamed and very tender. It sooner or later, extends to the stomach and bowels, producing severe and dangerous diarrhoea.
Of all the medicines known to our Materia Medica, none, according to my experience, will in the least, compare with the _Eupatorium aromatic.u.m_.
It is almost, if not quite certain to relieve speedily in all cases. I say this, not only from my own experience and observation, but from the testimony of several other h.o.m.oeopathic Physicians, who have, within the last year, used it.
It should be given at the first or second dilution, once in four or six hours, and three or four drops of the tincture put into a teaspoonful of water, and the mouth occasionally washed with the mixture.
In summer, where agues prevail, and the child is feverish and restless, _China_ will aid in the cure, to be given once in six hours between the doses of the _Eupatorium_. If the diarrhoea is obstinate, the discharges colored, and the child is sick at the stomach, give _Podophyllin_ with the other remedies.
Inflammation of the Eyes--Ophthalmia.
For common Ophthalmia, in the early stages, while there is more or less fever and headache, with flushed face, bloodshot eyes and throbbing of the temporal arteries, _Bell._ and _Aconite_ should be used alternately every two hours, and a wash made with ten drops of tincture of Aconite to one gill of pure water, applied to the eyes as hot as the patient can bear. This application should be repeated every two hours, in a violent case, until the eyes are easy, and then about twice a day until all inflammation and redness pa.s.s off. This will relieve a large proportion of cases in from one to four days.
If, however, the case continues obstinate for a longer time, or has been of a week or more standing before the treatment is commenced, in the place of Bell., or after using it one or two days, use _Hydrastus_ with the _Aconite_, giving them alternately at intervals of two to six hours, according to the stage of the case--more frequently as the symptoms are more urgent, using washes prepared of each separately, as directed for Aconite, except that the Hydrastus wash may be twice as strong; and apply each about half as often as the same medicine is taken internally.
The wash should, in all cases of acute inflammation of the eyes, be as hot as it can be borne. Let it be put into the eyes so as to come directly in contact with the inflamed surface.
An Epitome of the Homeopathic Healing Art Part 5
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