The Nursery Rhymes of England Part 23

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Robert Rowley rolled a round roll round, A round roll Robert Rowley rolled round; Where rolled the round roll Robert Rowley rolled round?


My grandmother sent me a new-fas.h.i.+oned three cornered cambric country cut handkerchief. Not an old-fas.h.i.+oned three cornered cambric country cut handkerchief, but a new-fas.h.i.+oned three cornered cambric country cut handkerchief.


Three crooked cripples went through Cripplegate, and through Cripplegate went three crooked cripples.


Swan swam over the sea-- Swim, swan, swim; Swan swam back again, Well swam swan,


Hickup, hickup, go away!

Come again another day; Hickup, hickup, when I bake, I'll give to you a b.u.t.ter-cake.


Hickup, snicup, Rise up, right up!

Three drops in the cup Are good for the hiccup.





There was an old woman, as I've heard tell, She went to market her eggs for to sell; She went to market all on a market-day, And she fell asleep on the king's highway.

There came by a pedlar whose name was Stout, He cut her petticoats all round about; He cut her petticoats up to the knees, Which made the old woman to s.h.i.+ver and freeze.

When this little woman first did wake, She began to s.h.i.+ver and she began to shake, She began to wonder and she began to cry, "Oh! deary, deary me, this is none of I!

"But if it be I, as I do hope it be, I've a little dog at home, and he'll know me; If it be I, he'll wag his little tail, And if it be not I, he'll loudly bark and wail."

Home went the little woman all in the dark, Up got the little dog, and he began to bark; He began to bark, so she began to cry, "Oh! deary, deary me, this is none of I!"


There was an old woman who lived in a shoe, She had so many children she didn't know what to do; She gave them some broth without any bread, She whipped them all well and put them to bed.


Old woman, old woman, shall we go a shearing?

Speak a little louder, sir, I am very thick of hearing.

Old woman, old woman, shall I love you dearly?

Thank you, kind sir, I hear you very clearly.


There was an old woman sat spinning, And that's the first beginning; She had a calf, And that's half; She took it by the tail, And threw it over the wall, And that's all.


There was an old woman, her name it was Peg; Her head was of wood, and she wore a cork-leg.

The neighbours all pitch'd her into the water, Her leg was drown'd first, and her head follow'd a'ter.


A little old man and I fell out; How shall we bring this matter about?

Bring it about as well as you can, Get you gone, you little old man!


There was an old woman, And she sold puddings and pies; She went to the mill, And the dust flew in her eyes: Hot pies and cold pies to sell!

Wherever she goes,-- You may follow her by the smell.


Old Mother Niddity Nod swore by the pudding-bag, She would go to Stoken Church fair; And then old Father Peter said he would meet her Before she got half-way there.


There was an old woman Lived under a hill; And if she's not gone, She lives there still.

The Nursery Rhymes of England Part 23

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