The Most Ancient Lives of Saint Patrick Part 25
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_The Acts of St. Patrick after he had Returned._
And after his long journey was finished, he consoled his people with his presence; and he appointed unto the Lord's field thirty bishops which he had chosen and in foreign countries had consecrated, for that the harvest was many, and the laborers few. Therefore began he the more frequently to a.s.semble holy synods of bishops, to celebrate solemn councils, and whatsoever he found contrary to the ecclesiastical inst.i.tutes or the Catholic faith, that did he take away and annul; and whatsoever he found accordant to the Christian law, to justice, or to the sacred canons, and consonant to good morals, that did he direct and sanction. And daily he shone with innumerable miracles, and whatsoever with his lips he appointed or taught, that did he confirm by most signal miracles; whence it came to pa.s.s that all deservedly admired him, by whose kindness all the inhabitants of that island are through ages blessed; as in the sequel more fully shall we endeavor to show.
_Of the Threefold Plagues of Hibernia._
Even from the time of its original inhabitants, did Hibernia labor under a threefold plague: a swarm of poisonous creatures, whereof the number could not be counted; a great concourse of demons visibly appearing; and a mult.i.tude of evil-doers and magicians. And these venomous and monstrous creatures, rising out of the earth and out of the sea, so prevailed over the whole island that they not only wounded men and animals with their deadly sting, but slayed them with cruel bitings, and not seldom rent and devoured their members. And the demons, who by the power of idolatry dwelled in superst.i.tious hearts, showed themselves unto their wors.h.i.+ppers in visible forms; often likewise did they, as if they were offended, injure them with many hurts; unto whom, being appeased with sacrifices, offerings, or evil works, they seemed to extend the grace of health or of safety, while they only ceased from doing harm. And after was beheld such a mult.i.tude of these, flying in the air or walking on the earth, that the island was deemed incapable of containing so many; and therefore was it accounted the habitation of demons, and their peculiar possession.
Likewise the crowd of magicians, evil-doers, and soothsayers had therein so greatly increased as the history of not any other nation doth instance.
_The Threefold Plague is driven out of Hibernia by Saint Patrick._
And the most holy Patrick applied all his diligence unto the extirpation of this threefold plague; and at length by his salutary doctrine and fervent prayer he relieved Hibernia of the increasing mischief. Therefore he, the most excellent pastor, bore on his shoulder the staff of Jesus, and aided of the angelic aid, he by its comminatory elevation gathered together from all parts of the island all the poisonous creatures into one place; then compelled he them all unto a very high promontory, which then was called Cruachan-ailge, but now Cruachan-Phadruig; and by the power of his word he drove the whole pestilent swarm from the precipice of the mountain headlong into the ocean. O eminent sign! O ill.u.s.trious miracle! even from the beginning of the world unheard, but now experienced by tribes, by peoples, and by tongues, known unto all nations, but to the dwellers in Hibernia especially needful! And at this marvellous yet most profitable sight, a numerous a.s.sembly was present; many of whom had flocked from all parts to behold miracles, many to receive the word of life.
Then turned he his face toward Mannia, and the other islands which he had imbued and blessed with the faith of Christ and with the holy sacraments; and by the power of his prayers he freed all these likewise from the plague of venomous reptiles. But other islands, the which had not believed at his preaching, still are cursed with the procreation of those poisonous creatures. And he converted innumerable evil-doers unto the faith; but many who continued obstinate, and hardened in their perverseness, he destroyed from the face of the earth (as we have already recorded); and from the men of Hibernia, whom he made servants unto the true and living G.o.d, prayed he of the Lord that the visions of the demons and their wonted injuries should be driven away; and he obtained his prayer.
_Without Earthly Food the Saint completeth a Fast of Forty Days._
And that in Hibernia or in the other islands which had received his blessing no poisonous animal should continue or revive, nor the wonted troop of demons therein abide, the saint completed without earthly food a fast of forty days. For he desired to imitate in his mystical fast Moses, who was then bound by the natural law, or rather Elias the prophet, appointed under the law; but most desiring to please the great Founder of nature, the Giver of the law and of grace, Jesus Christ, who in Himself had consecrated such a fast. Therefore he ascended the high mountain in Conactia, called Cruachan-ailge, that he might there more conveniently pa.s.s the Lent season before the Pa.s.sion; and that there, desiring and contemplating the Lord, he might offer unto Him the holocaust of this fast. And he disposed there five stones, and placed himself in the midst; and therein, as well in the manner of his sitting as in the mortification of his abstinence, showed he himself the servant of the cross of Christ. And there he sat solitary, raising himself above himself; yet gloried he only in the cross, which constantly he bore in his heart and on his body, and ceaselessly he panted toward his holy Beloved; and he continued and hungered in his body, but his inward man was satisfied, and filled, and wounded with the sweetness of divine contemplation, the comfort of angelic visitation, and the sword of the love of G.o.d: "For the word of G.o.d is quick and powerful, and sharper than a two-edged sword, piercing even unto the separation of the body and the spirit," wherewith the saint was wounded, even unto holy love.
_He banisheth the Demons forth of the Island._
And the demons grieved for their lost dominion, and a.s.sailing the saint they tormented him in his prayers and his fastings; and they fluttered around him like birds of the blackest hue, fearful in their form, their hugeness, and their mult.i.tude, and striving with horrible chatterings to prevent his prayer, long time they disturbed the man of G.o.d. But Patrick being armed with His grace, and aided by His protection, made the sign of the cross, and drove far from him those deadly birds; and by the continual sounding of his cymbal, utterly banished them forth of the island. And being so driven away, they fled beyond the sea, and being divided in troops among the islands which are alien unto the faith and love of G.o.d, there do they abide and practise their delusions. But from that time forward, even unto this time, all venomous creatures, all fantasies of demons, have through the merits and the prayers of the most holy father Patrick entirely ceased in Hibernia. And the cymbal of the saint, which from his frequent percussions thereof appeared in one part broken, was afterward repaired by an angel's hand; and the mark is beheld on it at this day. Likewise on the summit of this mountain many are wont to watch and to fast, conceiving that they will never after enter the gates of h.e.l.l; the which benefit they account to be obtained to them of G.o.d through the merits and the prayers of Patrick. And some who have thereon pa.s.sed the night relate them to have suffered grievous torments, whereby they think themselves purified of all their sins; and for such cause many call this place the Purgatory of Saint Patrick.
_Troops of Angels appear unto the Saint._
And G.o.d, the ruler of all, who after darkness bringeth light, compa.s.sionated his servant; and so soon as the evil spirits were driven forth, a mult.i.tude of angels poured around the place with exceeding brightness, and with wondrous melody they comforted the saint. And he, having finished his fast of forty days, offered the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving unto G.o.d, who had vouchsafed to mortal man the virtue of so great abstinence, and had bestowed such mercies through the intercession of Him. And moreover he rejoiced in the angelic salutation. Then being led by the angels, he descended from the mountain, and smote his cymbal, the sound whereof the Lord caused to be heard through all parts of Hibernia. Thence, let none of the faithful doubt that every man even over the whole world will hear the sound of the last trumpet. And raising his hands, Saint Patrick blessed the island and all the dwellers therein, and commended them unto Christ.
Now understand ye how it was the custom of Patrick, as of the other ancient saints who abided in the islands, to have with them cymbals, for the expulsion of evil spirits, for their own bodily exercise, to proclaim the hours of the day and night, and for I know not what other causes. One thing, however, is certain, that many miracles are known to have been performed by the sound or the touch of these cymbals.
Therefore at the Lord's Supper, the blessed Patrick going forth of his retirement into public view, rejoiced with his presence the whole church of the saints who were born of his preaching unto Christ. And there he discharged his episcopal office, the which he always joined with those sacred seasons; and thus went he forward in the work of salvation.
_The Saint t.i.theth Hibernia and the Dwellers therein._
Then at the Paschal tide, his accustomed devotions being finished, he went round the whole island with a holy mult.i.tude of his sons whom he had brought forth unto Christ; and everywhere teaching the way of the Lord, he converted to, or confirmed in, the faith the dwellers therein.
And all the islanders, unto whom had come even the knowledge of his name, for this so strange and wondrous miracle surrendered themselves to him and to his doctrine, as to an angel of light, and devoutly they obeyed him for their peculiar apostle. Then this most excellent husbandman, seeing the hardness of the Lord's field to be softened, and the thorns, the thistles, and the tares rooted forth, labored to fertilize it so much the more abundantly with the increase of profitable seed, that it produced good fruit not only to the increase of thirty or sixty, but even of an hundred-fold. Therefore he caused the whole island to be divided with a measuring line, and all the inhabitants, both male and female, to be t.i.thed; and every tenth head, as well of human kind as of cattle, commanded he to be set apart for the portion of the Lord. And making all the men monks, and the women nuns, he builded many monasteries, and a.s.signed unto them for their support the t.i.the of the land and of the cattle. Wherefore in a short s.p.a.ce so it was that no desert spot, nor even any corner of the island, nor any place therein, however remote, was unfilled with perfect monks and nuns; so that Hibernia was become rightly distinguished by the especial name of the Island of Saints. And these lived according to the rule of Saint Patrick, with a contempt of the world, a desire of heaven, a holy mortification of the flesh, and an abandonment of all pleasure; equalling the Egyptian monks in their merit and in their number, so that with their conversation and example they edified far distant countries. And in the days of Saint Patrick, and for many ages of his successors, no one was advanced unto the episcopal degree or the cure of souls, unless by the revelation of the divine Spirit or by some other evident sign he was proved worthy thereof.
_The different States of Hibernia are in a Heavenly Vision shown unto the Saint._
And the man of G.o.d anxiously desired and earnestly prayed that he might be certified of the present and the future state of Hibernia, to the end that he might be a.s.sured of the faith, or of the value that his labors bore in the sight of G.o.d. Then the Lord heard the desire of his heart, and manifested the same unto him by an evident revelation; for while he was engaged in prayer, and the heart of his mind was opened, he beheld the whole island as it were a flaming fire ascending unto heaven; and he heard the angel of G.o.d saying unto him: "Such at this time is Hibernia in the sight of the Lord." And after a little s.p.a.ce he beheld in all parts of the island even as mountains of fire stretching unto the skies. And again after a little s.p.a.ce he beheld as it were candles burning, and after a while darkness intervened; and then he beheld fainter lights, and at length he beheld coals lying hidden here and there, as reduced unto ashes, yet still burning. And the angel added: "What thou seest here shown, such shall be the people of Hibernia." Then the saint, exceedingly weeping, often repeated the words of the Psalmist, saying: "Whether will G.o.d turn himself away for ever, and will he be no more entreated? Shall his mercy come to an end from generation to generation? Shall G.o.d forget to be merciful, and shut up his mercy in his displeasure?" And the angel said, "Look toward the northern side, and on the right hand of a height shalt thou behold the darkness dispersed from the face of the light which thenceforth will arise." Then the saint raised his eyes, and behold, he at first saw a small light arising in Ulydia, the which a long time contended with the darkness, and at length dispersed it, and illumined with its rays the whole island. Nor ceased the light to increase and to prevail, even until it had restored to its former fiery state all Hibernia. Then was the heart of the saint filled with joy, and his heart with exultation, giving thanks for all these things which had been shown unto him: and he understood in the greatness of this fiery ardor of the Christian faith the devotion and the zeal of religion, wherewith those islanders burned. By the fiery mountains he understood the men who would be holy in their miracles and their virtues, eminent in their preachings and their examples; by the lessening of the light, the decrease of holiness; by the darkness that covered the land, the infidelity which would prevail therein; by the intervals of delay, the distances of the succeeding times. But the people think the period of darkness was that in which Gurmundus and Turgesius, heathen princes of Norwegia, conquered and ruled in Hibernia; and in those days, the saints, like coals covered with ashes, lay hidden in caves and dens from the face of the wicked, who pursued them like sheep unto the slaughter. Whence it happened that differing rites and new sacraments, which were contrary to the ecclesiastical inst.i.tutes, were introduced into the church by many prelates who were ignorant of the divine law.
But the light first arising from the north, and after long conflict exterminating the darkness, those people a.s.sert to be Saint Malachy, who presided first in Dunum, afterward in Ardmachia, and reduced the island unto the Christian law. On the other hand, the people of Britain ascribe this light to their coming, for that then the church seemed under their rule to be advanced unto a better state; and that then religion seemed to be planted and propagated, and the sacraments of the church and the inst.i.tutes of the Christian law to be observed with more regular observance. But I propose not the end of this contention, neither do I prevent it, thinking that the discussion and the decision thereof should be left unto the divine judgment.
_The Answer of Saint Patrick to Secundinus._
And oftentimes the Saint Secundinus sat in the a.s.sembly of the holy men, conversing together of the acts and the virtues of Saint Patrick.
And when one of them affirmed that Patrick was the most holy of all living men, Secundinus answered, "Verily, he would be the most holy, had he not too little of that brotherly charity which it becometh him to have." And this saying, uttered in the presence of so many of his disciples, was not long concealed from the saint. Therefore it came to pa.s.s that when Saint Patrick and Secundinus afterward met together, the master enquired of his disciple, the metropolitan of his suffragan, why he had spoken such a word of him, or rather against him. And Secundinus replied, "So did I say, because thou refusest the gifts offered unto thee of rich men, and wilt not accept farms and inheritances, wherewith thou mightest sustain the great mult.i.tude of the saints which are gathered unto thee." Then Saint Patrick answered and said, "For the increase of charity is it that I do not accept these works of charity; inasmuch as were I to receive all that are offered unto me, I should not leave even the pasturage of two horses for the saints which will come after us." Then Secundinus repenting of the word which he had spoken, entreated forgiveness of the saint; and he, with his wonted kindness, accorded it unto his penitence.
_Secundinus composeth a Hymn in Honor of Saint Patrick._
And Secundinus, who was exceeding wise and learned, said unto Saint Patrick that he desired to compose a hymn in honor of a saint who was yet living. This he said, for that the saint of whom he purposed to write was Patrick himself; and therefore concealed he the name in silence. Then answered the saint: "Verily, it is worthy, and fit, and right, and profitable, that the people should tell the wisdom of the saints, and that the congregation should speak of their praise; but yet is it more becoming that the subject of our praise should not be praised until after his death. Praise thou therefore the clearness of the day, but not until the evening cometh; the courage of the soldier, but not until he hath triumphed; the fortune of the sailor, but not until he hath landed; for the Scripture saith, Thou shalt praise no man in his lifetime. Nevertheless, if so thy mind is fixed, what thou proposest to do, that do thou quickly; for death draweth nigh unto thee, and of all the bishops which are in Hibernia, shalt thou be the first to die." Therefore Secundinus composed a hymn in honor of Saint Patrick, and after a few days, according to the word of the saint, he died; and he was buried in his own church, in a place which he called Domnhach-Seachlainn, and by manifold miracles showeth himself to live in Christ. And this hymn are many of the islanders daily wont to sing, and from its repet.i.tion they affirm many and great wonders to have happened; for divers, while singing this hymn, have pa.s.sed unseen through their enemies who were thirsting for their blood, and who were stricken with that sort of blindness which physicians term acrisia.
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