The Library of Work and Play: Gardening and Farming Part 30

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------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANNUALS FOR HEAVY SOILS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME COLOUR TIME HEIGHT SPECIAL POINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ G.o.detia Red July 1-2 ft. Easy to grow. An English White Oct. favourite: blooms freely.

Sweet Pea Variety July 4-6 ft. Plant early in the spring in Oct. a sunny spot. Keep flowers well clipped for constant bloom.

Petunia Magenta May 1-2 ft. Ma.s.s or use in borders. Give plenty of sun. Good for the outdoor window box.

Sweet White July 1/2 ft. Sow thickly in the borders.

Alyssum Sept. Blooms freely. Grows in every soil.

Pot Orange June 1-1/2 ft. Blooms freely. Looks well Marigold Yellow Frost in Stiff effect as a cut flower.

------------------------------------------------------------------------ SEVEN FAVOURITE ANNUALS FOR CUT FLOWERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME COLOUR TIME HEIGHT SPECIAL POINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sweet White July 1/2 ft. Use in low bowls for table Alyssum Red Sept. decorations.

China Aster White July 1 ft. Lasts long after cutting.

Blue to Oct.


Baby's White June 2-3 ft. Use in bouquets with other Breath Rose Oct. flowers.

Coreopsis Yellow June 1-2 ft. Place by themselves in tall Brown Nov. vases.

Nasturtium Scarlet June 1-5 ft. Cut freely for constant Yellow Oct. bloom. Use in great in low vases.

Pansy Purple May 1/2-1 ft. Cut closely. Place in low Blue June dishes.

Yellow White

Pink White May 1 ft. Lasts well after cutting.

Maroon Aug.

Rose ------------------------------------------------------------------------

------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANNUALS THAT BLOOM AFTER FROST ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME COLOUR TIME HEIGHT SPECIAL POINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sweet Alyssum White July 1/2 ft. Withstands early frosts.

Sept. Good border plant.

Candytuft Red June to 1/2 ft. Sow at intervals through White Sept. the summer. Good cut flower.

Cornflower Rose June 2-3 ft. Good for cut flowers.

Blue Blooms freely.


Marigold Yellow June 1/2 - 2 Better for garden effects Browns Aug. ft. than for cut flowers.

Annual Phlox Yellow May 1/2 - 1 Self sows. Good all round Reds Aug. ft. plant.


Ten-weeks White June 1 1/2 A second sowing made in stock Purple July ft. May flowers the same Pink season.

------------------------------------------------------------------------ FRAGRANT ANNUALS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME COLOUR TIME HEIGHT SPECIAL POINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mignonette Green May 1 ft. Beautifully fragrant. Do Oct. not transplant. Good to use as a break for clas.h.i.+ng colours.

Sweet Peas White July 4-6 ft. Free bloomer. Try variety Scarlet Oct. _Lathyrus odorata._ Blue Yellow

Ten- weeks Pink June 1 ft. Good for cut flowers.

stock Purple July Fragrant at night.


Sweet Sultan White June 2 ft. _Centaurea moschata_ good Yellow Aug. for cut flowers.


Sweet Alyssum White July 1/2 ft. _Alyssum maritimun._ Low Sept. growing, border plant.

------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANNUALS THAT RE-SOW THEMSELVES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME COLOUR TIME HEIGHT SPECIAL POINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Morning glory Reds July 15-30 ft. Grows rapidly. Makes a Blues Oct good screen.


Poppy Pink June 1/2-2 ft. _Papaver Rhocas_ and P.

Scarlet Sept. _somniferum_.


Phlox Yellow May l/2-1 ft. _Phlox Drummondii._ Reds Aug. Need much water.


Pot Marigold Orange June 1-2 ft. _Calendula officinalis_ Yellow Oct. Likes a warm soil.

------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANNUALS THAT CLIMB ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME COLOUR TIME HEIGHT SPECIAL POINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Balloon Vine White Aug. 10 ft. Grows rapidly. Good screen.

j.a.panese Hop Incon- July 8-20 ft. Rapid grower. Looks well spicuous Oct. growing along old fences.

Moon-flower White July 15-30 ft. Night bloomer. Grows Sept. rapidly.

Morning Glory Purple June 20 ft. Rapid grower. Good White Aug. screen.

------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANNUALS FOR SHADY PLACES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME COLOUR TIME HEIGHT SPECIAL POINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ G.o.detia White July 1-2 ft. The flowers are showy.

Red to Oct.

Musk Yellow June 1/2-1 ft. Need moisture and coolness.

to Aug

Nemophila Blue June 1-3 ft. Moisture, partial shade and White to Oct. coolness.

The Library of Work and Play: Gardening and Farming Part 30

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