A Bundle of Ballads Part 10

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His legs were but a finger lang, And thick and nimble was his knee; Between his brows there was a span, Between his shoulders ell-es three.

He lifted a stane sax feet in height, He lifted it up till his right knee, And fifty yards and mair I'm sure, I wite he made the stane to flee.

"O, little wee man, but ye hae power!

And O, where may your dwelling be?"-- "I dwell beneath yon bonny bower.

O, will ye gae wi' me and see?"--

Sae on we lap, and awa' we rade Till we come to yon little ha', The kipples were o' the gude red gowd, The roof was o' the proseyla.

There were pipers playing in every neuk, And ladies dancing, jimp and sma'; And aye the owre-turn o' their tune Was, "Our wee wee man has been long awa!"

Out gat the lights, on cam the mist Ladies nor mannie mair could see, I turned about, and ga'e a look Just at the foot o' Benachie.


Will you hear a Spanish lady, How she wooed an Englishman?

Garments gay and rich as may be Decked with jewels she had on.

Of a comely countenance and grace was she, And by birth and parentage of high degree.

As his prisoner there he kept her, In his hands her life did lie; Cupid's bands did tie them faster By the liking of an eye.

In his courteous company was all her joy, To favour him in anything she was not coy.

But at last there came commandment For to set the ladies free, With their jewels still adorn-ed, None to do them injury.

Then said this lady mild, "Full woe is me; O let me still sustain this kind captivity!

"Gallant captain, show some pity To a lady in distress; Leave me not within this city, For to die in heaviness: Thou hast set this present day my body free, But my heart in prison still remains with thee."

"How should'st thou, fair lady, love me, Whom thou know'st thy country's foe?

Thy fair words make me suspect thee: Serpents lie where flowers grow."-- "All the harm I wish to thee, most courteous knight: G.o.d grant the same upon my head may fully light.

"Blessed be the time and season, That ye came on Spanish ground; If our foes ye may be term-ed, Gentle foes we have you found: With our city ye have won our hearts each one; Then to your country bear away that is your own."--

"Rest you still, most gallant lady; Rest you still, and weep no more; Of fair lovers there is plenty, Spain doth yield a wondrous store."-- "Spaniards fraught with jealousy we often find, But Englishmen through all the world are counted kind.

"Leave me not unto a Spaniard, You alone enjoy my heart; I am lovely, young, and tender, Love is likewise my desert: Still to serve thee day and night my mind is prest; The wife of every Englishman is counted blest."--

"It would be a shame, fair lady, For to bear a woman hence; English soldiers never carry Any such without offence."-- "I'll quickly change myself, if it be so, And like a page I'll follow thee, where'er thou go."--

"I have neither gold nor silver To maintain thee in this case, And to travel is great charges, As you know in every place."-- "My chains and jewels every one shall be thy own, And eke five hundred pounds in gold that lies unknown."

"On the seas are many dangers; Many storms do there arise, Which will be to ladies dreadful, And force tears from watery eyes."-- "Well in troth I shall endure extremity, For I could find in heart to lose my life for thee."--

"Courteous lady, leave this fancy; Here comes all that breeds the strife.

I in England have already A sweet woman to my wife: I will not falsify my vow for gold nor gain, Nor yet for all the fairest dames that live in Spain."

"O how happy is that woman, That enjoys so true a friend!

Many happy days G.o.d send her!

Of my suit I make an end: On my knees I pardon crave for my offence, Which did from love and true affection first commence.

"Commend me to thy lovely lady.

Bear to her this chain of gold, And these bracelets for a token; Grieving that I was so bold: All my jewels in like sort take thou with thee, For they are fitting for thy wife, but not for me.

"I will spend my days in prayer; Love and all her laws defy; In a nunnery will I shroud me Far from any compan-y: But ere my prayers have an end, be sure of this, To pray for thee and for thy love I will not miss.

"Thus farewell, most gallant captain!

Farewell, too, my heart's content!

Count not Spanish ladies wanton, Though to thee my love was bent: Joy and true prosperity go still with thee!"

"The like fall ever to thy share, most fair lad-ie!"


"Why does your brand sae drop wi' bluid, Edward, Edward?

Why does your brand sae drop wi' bluid, And why sae sad gang ye, O?"-- "O, I ha'e kill-ed my hawk sae guid, Mither, mither!

O, I ha'e kill-ed my hawk sae guid, And I had nae mair but he, O."-- "Your hawkis bluid was never sae reid, Edward, Edward: Your hawkis bluid was never sae reid, My dear son, I tell thee, O."--

"O, I ha'e kill-ed my reid-roan steed, Mither, mither!

O, I ha'e kill-ed my reid-roan steed That erst was so fair and free, O."-- "Your steed was auld, and ye ha'e got mair, Edward, Edward: Your steed was auld, and ye ha'e got mair, Some other dule ye dree, O."-- "O, I ha'e kill-ed my father dear, Mither, mither!

O, I ha'e kill-ed my father dear, Alas, and wae is me, O!"--

"And whatten pen-ance will ye dree for that, Edward, Edward?

And whatten pen-ance will ye dree for that?

My dear son, now tell me, O!"-- "I'll set my feet in yonder boat, Mither, mither I'll set my feet in yonder boat, And I'll fare over the sea, O."-- "And what'll ye do wi' your towers and your ha', Edward, Edward?

And what'll ye do wi' your towers and your ha', That were so fair to see, O?"--

"I'll let them stand till they down fa', Mither, mither: I'll let them stand till they down fa', For here never mair maun I be, O!"-- "And what'll ye leave to your bairns and your wife, Edward, Edward?

And what'll ye leave to your bairns and your wife, When ye gang over the sea, O?"-- "The warldis room, let them beg through life, Mither, mither: The warldis room, let them beg through life, For they never mair will I see, O!"

"And what'll ye leave to your ain mother dear, Edward, Edward?

And what'll ye leave to your ain mother dear?

My dear son, now tell me, O."-- "The curse of h.e.l.l fra me sall ye bear, Mither, mither!

The curse of h.e.l.l fra me sall ye bear,-- Sic counsels ye gave to me, O."


Lithe and listen, gentlemen, That be of freeborn blood; I shall you tell of a good yeom-an, His name was Robin Hood.

Robin was a proud outlaw, Whil-es he walked on ground, So curteyse an outlawe as he was one Was never none yfound.

Robin stood in Barnysdale, And leaned him to a tree, And by h-im stood Little John, A good yeom-an was he; And also did good Scath-elock, And Much the miller's son; There was no inch of his bod-y, But it was worth a groom.

Then bespake him Little John All unto Robin Hood, "Master, if ye would dine betime, It would do you much good."

A Bundle of Ballads Part 10

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