The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation Volume Xi Part 11
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The Negros here shewed vs that a moneth since there were 3 s.h.i.+ps that fought together, and the two s.h.i.+ppes put the other to flight: and before that at the castle of Mina there were 4 s.h.i.+ps of the Portugals which met with one Frenchman, which Frenchman caused them all to flee, which s.h.i.+ppe we tooke to be the Roebarge: for the Frenchmen of our company iudged her to be thereabout that time with her also. And further, that after her went a s.h.i.+ppe of twelue score named the Shaudet all alone, and after her a s.h.i.+p of fourescore, and both for the Mina. And there were two others also which they left, one at Cape Verde called the Leuriere of Diepe, and another at the riuer De Sestos, besides these 3 which all this time be in our company, whose names be these:
The Espoier of Hableneff which is the Admirall, whose captaine is Denis Blundell.
The Leuriere of Roan Viceadmirall, whose master is Ierome Baudet.
The other is of Hunfleur whose master is called Iohn de Orleans.
The sixteenth day I went along the sh.o.r.e with two of the Frenchmen, and found a Baie and a fresh riuer, and after that went to a towne called Hanta, twelue leagues beyond the Cape. At this towne our Negros were well knowen, and the men of the towne wept for ioy when they saw them, and demanded of them where Anthonie and Binne had bene: and they told them that they had bene at London in England, and should bee brought home the next voyage. So after this, our Negros came aboord with other Negros which brought a weight with them, which was so small that wee could not giue them the halfe of that which they demaunded for it.
The Negros here told vs that there were fiue Portugall s.h.i.+ppes at the Castle, and one, and that the Portugals did much harme to their Countrey, and that they liued in feare of them, and we told them againe, that we would defend them from the Portugals whereof they were very glad.
The 17 day we went a and the Frenchmen with vs, but did no great good, the Negros were so vnreasonable, we sold 80. Manellios for one ounce of gold.
[Sidenote: The Negros brought home by our men.] Then wee departed and went to Shamma, and went into the riuer with fiue boates well appointed with men and ordinance, and with our noises of trumpets and drummes, for we thought here to haue found some Portugals but there were none: so wee sent our Negros on, and after them went diuers of vs, and were very well receiued, and the people were very glad of our Negros, specially one of their brothers wiues, and one of their aunts, which receiued them with much ioy, and so did all the rest of the people, as if they had bene their naturall brethren: we comforted the captaine and told him that hee should not feare the Portugals, for wee would defend him from them: whereupon we caused our boats to shoote off their bases and harquebusses, and caused our men to come on sh.o.r.e with their long bowes, and they shot before the captaine, which he, with all the rest of the people, wondred much at, specially to see them shoot so farre as they did, and a.s.saied to draw their bowes but could not. When it grew to be late, we departed to our s.h.i.+ps, for we looked euery houre for the Portugals. And here the Negros shewed vs that there was an English s.h.i.+p at the Mina, which had brought one of the Negros againe, which Robert Gaynsh tooke away.
The 18 day we went into the riuer with no lesse strength then before, and concluded with the Negros to giue them for euery Fuffe two yardes and three nailes of Cloth, and to take for it one angel-duckat: so that we tooke in all 70 Duckats, whereof the Frenchmen had fortie, and wee thirtie.
The nineteenth day wee went a sh.o.r.e euery man for himselfe, and tooke a good quant.i.tie of gold, and I for my part tooke foure pound and two ounces and a halfe of gold, and our Hartes boate tooke one and twentie ounces. At night the Negros shewed vs that the next day the Portugals would be with vs by land or by Sea: and when we were ready to depart, we heard diuers harquebusses shoote off in the woods by vs which wee knew to bee Portugals, which durst come no neerer to vs, but shot off in the woods to see if they could feare vs and so make vs to leaue our traffique.
The 20 day we manned our fiue boats, and also a great boat of the Frenchmens with our men and the Admirals, 12 of them in their murrians and corsets, and the rest all well appoynted, with foure trumpets, a drumme and a Fife, and the boate all hanged with streamers of Silke and pendants very faire, and went into the riuer and traffiqued, our man of warre lying off and on in the riuer to waft vs, but we heard no more of the Portugals. This day the Negros told vs that there were certain s.h.i.+ps come into Hanta, which towne is about two leagues to the Westward of this place.
This 21 day we manned our boats againe and went to a place a league from this to the Westwards, and there found many Negros with another Captaine, and sold at the same rate that wee had done with the others.
The 22 day we went ash.o.r.e againe and traffiqued in like sort quietly, and I tooke 4 pound and six ounces of gold.
The 23 day about night the Negros with their captaine came to vs and told vs that the king of Portugals s.h.i.+ps were departed from the Castle, meaning the next day to plie to the windward to come to vs, giuing vs warning to take heed to our selues: we told them againe that wee were very glad of their comming, and would be ready at all times to meet them, and to a.s.sure them that wee were glad of it, wee sounded our trumpets, and shot off certaine bases whereof the Negros were very glad, and requested vs that if the Portugals sought to hinder our traffique, to shew them all the extremitie that we could, promising vs that if they came by land, they would aduertise vs thereof.
The 24 we went a sh.o.r.e with our trumpets and drummes, and traffiqued, and I bade the captaine of the towne to dinner.
[Sidenote: Fiue sailes of Portingals descried.] The 25 day we being a sh.o.r.e, our s.h.i.+ps had descried fiue sailes of the king of Portugals, and our s.h.i.+ps shot off ordinance to call vs away, and we threw euery man his caske ash.o.r.e for water, and went to our s.h.i.+ps, and by that time we had weighed and giuen order one to another what to do, it was night, so that that night nothing was done. We set saile and lay close all night to get the wind if we could: we were neere some of them, and one shot off a piece which wee iudged to be the Admirall of the Portugals, to cause the rest to come and speake with him: so all this night we made our selues ready for fight.
The 26 we came in with the sh.o.r.e and had sight of the Portugals where they rid at anker, and we bare with them, and we gaue all our men white scarffes, to the ende that the Frenchmen might know one the other if we came to boording: but the night came vpon vs that we could not fetch them, but we ankered within demie-Culuering shot of them.
[Sidenote: The fight with the Portugals.] The 27 day we weighed and so did the Portugals, and about eleuen of the clocke wee had the wind of them, and then we went roome with them, which when they pereeiued, they kept about to the sh.o.r.e againe, and wee after them, and when they were so neere the sh.o.r.e that they could not well runne any further on that boord, they kept about againe, and lay to the Seaward, and then we kept about with them, and were a head of them, and tooke in our topsailes and taried for them: and the first that came vp was a small barke which sailed so well that she cared not for any of vs, and caried good ordinance: and as soone as she came vp, she shot at vs, and ouershot vs, and then she shot at the Admirall of the Frenchmen, and shot him through in two or three places, and went forth a head of vs, because we were in our fighting sailes: then came vp another carauell vnder our Lee in like case which shot at vs and at the Frenchman, and hurt two of his men and shot him through the maine maste. And after them came vp the Admirall vnder our Lee also, but he was not able to doe vs so much harme as the small s.h.i.+ppes, because he caried ordinance higher then they, neither were we able to make a good shot at any of them, because our s.h.i.+ppe was so weake in the side, that she laid all her ordinance in the Sea: [Sidenote: The French forsake our men.] wherefore we thought to lay the great s.h.i.+p aboord, and as soone as the French Admirall went roome with him, be fell a sterne and could not fetch him, and after he fell asterne of two carauels more and could fetch none of them, but fell to Leeward of them all: and when he was to Leeward, he kept about to the sh.o.r.eward, and left vs, and then we put out our topsailes and gaue them chase, and both the other Frenchmen kept the wind, and would not come neere vs, and our owne s.h.i.+p was a sterne so that she could not come to vs: and after we had folowed them about two houres to the seaward, they kept about againe towards the sh.o.r.e, thinking to pay vs as they went along by, and to haue the wind of the French Admirall which before ran in towards the sh.o.r.e, and we kept about with them, and kept still the wind of them thinking that our Viceadmiral and the other would haue folowed vs as wee willed them to do: but after that the Portugall was past by them, and euery one had shot at vs and our Viceadmirall, both our Viceadmirall and the two Frenchmen, and our owne left vs in the laps, and ran to seaward, and we ran still along, and kept the wind of them to succour the French Admirall, who was vnder all of their Lees, and when they met with him, euery one went roome with him, and gaue him the broad side, and after they cast about againe, and durst not boord him, because they sawe vs in the weather of them, or els without doubt they had taken or sunke them, for three of them which were the smallest went so fast that it was not possible for a s.h.i.+p to boord them, and caried such ordinance that if they had had the weather of vs, they would haue troubled 3 of the best s.h.i.+ps that we had, and as for their Admirall and Viceadmirall they were both notablie appointed.
When the Frenchman was cleare of them, hee laie as neere the winde as hee could, and wee followed them still towardes the sh.o.r.e, and there the Admirall ranne to Sea after the rest, and left vs all alone: and when the Portugals perceiued that we were alone, and gaue them chase, they kept about with vs and we with them, to keepe the wind of them, and we ranne still within base shot of them, but they shot not at vs, because we had the weather of them, and sawe that they could do vs no hurt: and thus we folowed one another vntil night, and in the night we lost them, but as for all the rest of our s.h.i.+ps, they packed on all the sailes that they could and ranne to sea, and as they themselues confesse, they praied for vs, but as for helpe at their hands we could haue none.
The 28 day we met with our Viceadmirall, our, and two of the Frenchmen, and the third was fled which was a s.h.i.+p of fourscore tunne, and belonged to Roan: and when I had the sight of the rest of our s.h.i.+ps, I tooke our skiffe and went to them to know why they lost vs in such a case, and Iohn Kire made me answere that his s.h.i.+p would neither reare nor steere, and as for the, Iohn Dauis made me answere that she would doe nothing, and that he could cary her no further, for her rudder was broken, so that the Hart was glad to towe her. Then I went to the French Admirall, and found himselfe to be a man of good stomacke, but the one halfe of his men were sicke and dead: and then I talked with the smaller Frenchman, and hee made me answere that he could doe nothing, saying, that his s.h.i.+p would beare no saile, and had 16 of his men dead and sicke, so he made vs plaine answere that he was able to doe nothing. After this the Frenchman durst not anker for feare of the Portugales.
The 29 day the master of the came to vs and sayd that they were not able to keepe her any longer, and then wee viewed her and seeing there was no remedie, her rudder with all the iron worke being broken both aloft and belowe, wee agreed to breake her vp and to put the men into the Hart.
So wee tooke out of her foure bases, one anker, and certaine fire wood, and set her on fire, and afterwards ran along the coast.
The thirtie day we went in to the sh.o.r.e, and spake with certaine Negros, who told vs that some French s.h.i.+ppes had bene there, but wee could not bargaine with them they were so vnreasonable.
The 31 day I went to sh.o.r.e but did not traffike.
The 1 day of Februarie we weighed, seeing we could not bring the Negros to any reason, and came to another place which standeth vpon an hill.
The third day I went to a towne foure leagues from vs, and shot off two pieces, and the Captaine came to vs, and I sent Thomas Rippen a land who knew the Captaine, and a.s.soone as he came on sh.o.r.e, the Captaine knew him and diuers of the Negros who then began to aske for mee, and hauing told the Captaine that I was in the boate, hee made no longer tarying but by and by caused two boates to be put to the Sea, and came to me himselfe, and when he sawe me, he cryed to me before hee came to the boat and seemed to be the gladdest man aliue, and so did all the companie that knew mee, and I gaue him a reward as the maner of the Countrey is, and caused the Frenchman to giue another, promising the next day to giue him wine: and that night because it was late, he would not talke of any price but left me a pledge, and tooke another of me and so departed.
The 4 day going on sh.o.r.e, I found that the s.h.i.+ps of France which had bin there, had done much hurt to our markets but yet I tooke fiue ounces and a halfe of gold.
The fift day I tooke eight ounces and one eight part of gold: but I saw that the Negros perceiued the difference in Cloth betwixt ours and that which the Frenchmen had, which was better, and broader then ours: and then I told captaine Blundel that I would goe to the Leeward, because I perceiued that being there where his Cloth was sold, I should do no good, whereof hee was sorie.
The 6 day there came an almade and Negros aboord me, requesting me to come to their towne for they had much gold and many marchants: and so I went and found their old Captaine gone, and another in his place: but this night wee did no good, because the marchants were not come downe: so he required a pledge which I let him haue, and tooke another of him.
The 7 day George our Negro came to vs, who had followed vs at the least 30 leagues in a small boat, and when he came, the Negros and we soone concluded of price. I tooke this day fiue pound and one ounce, and 3 quarters of gold. This Negro we had left at Shamma at the time of the fight, who said that he saw the fight being on sh.o.r.e, and that when we were gone from the Portugals, the Portugals came into their riuer, and told them that the Englishmen had slaine two Portugals with a piece, which was in deed out of our s.h.i.+p, and they required harbour there, but the captaine of Shamma would not suffer them.
The 8 day we tooke nineteene pound three ounces and a halfe.
The 9 day we tooke two pound six ounces and a halfe.
The 10 day three pound.
[Sidenote: The Frenchmen bridled by the English.] The 11 day came to vs Ierome Bawdet the Viceadmiral of the Frenchmen and his, and he shewed vs that where we left them there was no good to be done, and sayd he would goe to the Eastward, but we told him hee should not: and thereupon commaunded him to goe to his company which he was appointed to bee with, which hee refused to doe vntill wee had shot three or foure pieces at their, and when the s.h.i.+p sawe that, she kept about, and ranne to Seaward, and durst come no neerer to vs, so the went after her. We tooke this day one pound fiue ounces.
The 12 day there came one of the Frenchmens to vs laden with cloth, and would haue made sale, but I would not suffer him, and therefore tooke him and sent him aboord of our s.h.i.+p, and caused him to ride there all day. We tooke fiue pound six ounces and a halfe.
The 14 day we tooke of some Negros 4 ounces of gold.
The 16 we came to another towne.
The 17 day I went a sh.o.r.e and vnderstood that 3 of the Portugall s.h.i.+ps were at the Castle, and the other two at Shamma. The captaine of this towne was gone to the princ.i.p.all towne, to speake with their king, and would returne shortly as they told me, and so he did, and brought me a weight and measure, and I sent a man to see that princ.i.p.all towne, and their king. The Portugall s.h.i.+ps rid so neere vs, that within 3 houres they might be with vs, yet were all contented to tary for sales.
The 18 day certaine of the kings seruants came to vs, and we tooke one pound two ounces, and one eight part of gold.
The 10 day we tooke fiue pound one ounce.
The 20 day one pound and foure ounces.
The 21 I tooke foure pound and one ounce, and the Negroes enquired for fine cloth, and I opened two pieces which were not fine enough, as they sayd, but seeing that we had no other, they bought of them. At night I prouided a gift, or present, and sent one marchant and a mariner with it to the king, to certifie him of our want of victuals, by reason whereof we could not stay long: for in deed we searched our s.h.i.+p, and the most part of our beere was leaked out of all our barrels.
The 22 day we tooke three ounces and a halfe.
[Sidenote: The offer of the king to the English to build a Fort.] The 23 our men came from the king Abaan, and told vs, that he had receiued them very friendly, but he had litle gold, but promised, if we would tary, to send into all his countrey for gold for vs, and he willed our men at their comming home to speake to our king to send men and prouision into his countrey, to build a castle, and to bring Tailors with them, to make them apparell, and good wares, and they should be sure to sell them: but for that present the Frenchmen had filled them full of cloth.
This towne standeth about foure leagues vp in the land, and is by the estimation of our men, as big in circuit as London, but the building is like to the rest of the countrey. They haue about this Towne great store of the wheate of the Countrey, and they iudge, that on one side of the towne there were one thousand rikes of Wheate, and another sorte of Corne which is called Mill, which is much vsed in Spaine.
[Sidenote: A pretie deuise to descrie the enemie.] About this towne they keepe good watch euery night, and haue to warne the watchmen certaine cordes made fast ouer their wayes which lead into the town, and certaine bels vpon them, so that if any man touch the cordes, the bels ring, and then the watchmen runne foorth of their watch houses to see what they be: and if they be enemies, if they the cord, they haue prouision with certaine nets hanged ouer the wayes, where they must, to let fall vpon them, and so take them, and otherwise then by the wayes it is not possible to enter the towne, by reason of the thickets and bushes which are about the same, and the towne is also walled round about with long cords, and bound together with sedge and certaine barkes of tree.
[Sidenote: The kings friendly entertainment of our men.] When our men came to the towne, it was about fiue of the clock in the morning, for there they trauell alwayes in the night by reason of the heate of the day: and about nine of the clocke, the king sent for them, for there may no man come to him before he be sent for, and then they would haue carried their present with them: but the Negros told them, that they must bee three times brought before him, before they might offer their gift: and when they came to him, he talked with them, and receiued them very friendly and kept them about half an hour, and then they departed, and after that sent for them againe three times, and last of all, they brought him their present, which he receiued thankfully, and then caused a pot of wine of Palme to be brought foorth, and made them drinke: and before they drinke, both here and in all the Countrey, they vse certaine ceremonies.
[Sidenote: Their ceremonies in drinking.] First, they bring foorth their pot of drinke, and then they make a hole in the ground, and put some of the drinke into it, and they cast the earth vpon it, which they digged forth before, and then they set the pot vpon the same, then they take a little thing made of a goord, and with that they take out of the same drinke, and put it vpon the ground in three places, and in diuers places they haue certaine bunches of the pils of Palme trees set in the ground before them, and there they put in some drinke, doing great reuerence in all places to the same Palme trees.
All these ceremonies first done, the king tooke a cup of gold, and they put him in wine, and hee dranke of it, and when he dranke, the people cried all with one voice, Abaan, Abaan, with certaine other words, like as they cry commonly in Flanders, vpon the Twelfe night, The kinning [sic--KTH] drinks: and when he had drunke, then they gaue drinke to euery one, and that done, the king licensed them to depart, and euery one that departeth from him boweth 3 times towards him, and waueth with both hands together, as they bow, and then do depart. The king hath commonly sitting by him 8 or 10 ancient men with gray beards.
This day we tooke one pound and 10 ounces of gold.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation Volume Xi Part 11
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