The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation Volume Xiii Part 20

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The 23. we were in great danger of a wracke on a breach called the Cape of Feare.(87)

(M277) The 24. we came to anker in a harbour, where we caught in one tyde so much fish as would haue yeelded vs twentie pounds in London: this was our first landing in Florida.

The 26. we came to anker at Woc.o.kon.

The 29. wee weighed anker to bring the Tyger into the harbour, where through the vnskilfulnesse of the Master whose name was Fernando, the Admirall strooke on ground, and sunke.

(M278) The 3. we sent word of our arriuing at Woc.o.kon, to Wingina at Roanoak.

The 6. M. Iohn Arundel was sent to the maine, and Manteo with him: and Captaine Aubry and Captaine Boniten the same day were sent to Croatoan, where they found two of our men left there with 30. other by Captaine Reymond, some 20. dayes before.

The 8. Captaine Aubry and Captaine Boniten returned, with two of our men found by them, to vs at Woc.o.kon.

The 11. day the Generall accompanied in his Tilt boate with Master Iohn Arundell, Master Stukeley, and diuers other Gentlemen, Master Lane, Master Candish, Master Hariot, and twentie others in the new pinnesse, Captaine Amadas, Captaine Clarke, with ten others in a s.h.i.+pboat, Francis Brooke, and Iohn White in another s.h.i.+p-boate, pa.s.sed ouer the water from Woc.o.kon to the maine land victualled for eight dayes, in which voyage we first discouered the townes of Pomeiok, Aquascogoc and Secotan, and also the great lake called by the Sauages Paquique,(88) with diuers other places, and so returned with that discouery to our Fleete.

The 12. we came to the Towne of Pomeiok.

The 13. we pa.s.sed by water to Aquascogok.

The 15. we came to Secotan, and were well entertained there of the Sauages.

The 16. wee returned thence, and one of our boates with the Admirall was sent to Aquascogok, to demaund a siluer cup which one of the Sauages had stollen from vs, and not receiuing it according to his promise, wee burnt, and spoyled their corne, and Towne, all the people being fled.

The 18. we returned from the discouery of Secotan, and the same day came aboord our Fleete ryding at Wococon.

The 21. our Fleete ankering at Wococon, we weyed anker for Hatoraske.

The 27. our Fleete ankered at Hatorask, and there we rested.

The 29. Grangino brother to king Wingina came aboord the Admirall, and Manteo with him.

(M279) The 2. the Admirall was sent to Weapomeiok.

The 5. M. Iohn Arundell was sent for England.

The 25. our Generall weyed anker, and set saile for England.

About the 31. he tooke a Spanish s.h.i.+p of 300. tunne richly loaden, boording her with a boate made with boards of chests, which fell asunder, and sunke at the s.h.i.+ps side, a.s.soone as euer he and his men were out of it.

(M280) The 10. of September, by foule weather the Generall then s.h.i.+pped in the prize, lost sight of the Tyger.

(M281) The 6. the Tyger fell with the Landes end, and the same day came to anker at Falmouth.

The 18. the Generall came with the prize to Plymmouth, and was courteously receiued by diuers of his wors.h.i.+pfull friends.

The names of those as well Gentlemen as others, that remained one whole yeere in Virginia, vnder the Gouernement of Master Ralph Lane.

Master Philip Amadas, Admirall of the countrey.

Master Hariot.

Master Acton.

Master Edward Stafford.

Thomas Luddington.

Master Maruyn.

Master Gardiner.

Captaine Vaughan.

Master Kendall.

Master Prideox.

Robert Holecroft.

Rise Courtney.

Master Hugh Roger.

Master Thomas Haruie.

Master Snelling.

Master Anthony Russe.

Master Allyne.

Master Michael Polison.

Iohn Cage.

Thomas Parre.

William Randes.

Geffery Churchman.

William Farthow.

Iohn Taylor.

Philip Robyns.

Thomas Philips.

Valentine Beale.

Thomas Foxe.

Darby Glande.

Edward Nugen.

Edward Kelley Iohn Gostigo.

Erasmus Clefs.

Edward Ketcheman.

Iohn Linsey.

Thomas Rottenbury.

Roger Deane.

Iohn Harris.

Francis Norris.

Matthew Lyne.

Edward Kettell.

Thomas Wisse.

Robert Bis...o...b...

William Backhouse.

William White.

Henry Potkin.

Dennis Barnes.

Ioseph Borges.

Dougham Gannes.

William Tenche.

Randall Latham.

Thomas Hulme.

Walter Mill.

The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation Volume Xiii Part 20

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The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation Volume Xiii Part 20 summary

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