The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation Volume I Part 29

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Consecrated at Aslo in Norway by Salomon bishop of Aslo. 1349 Going beyond the seas he was drowned. 1356



Entreth his see. 1362 Dieth. 1364



Entreth his see. 1366 Dieth vpon the a.s.sumption of the Blessed Virgin, in the port of 1381 Bergen in Norway, falling downe from a packe of wares into the botome of the s.h.i.+p. He was buried at Bergen in the Church of our Sauiour.


Michael a Dane.

Entreth his see. 1385 Resigneth, and saileth into Denmarke. 1388


William a Dane.

Entereth the 1394 Dieth.



Arnerus sirnamed Mildur, that is to say Liberall. He was at one time Lord President of all Island, bishop of Schalholt, and vicebishop of Holen. He died. 1420


Ionas Gerichson.

Sueden either sirnamed or borne is made Bishop ouer the Church of 1432 Schalholt and afterward for certaine bolde attempts being taken by one Thorualdus de Modruuollum (as it is reported) and a great stone being bound to his necke, hee was cast aliue into the riuer of Schalholt, (which taketh name of the bridge) and was there strangled.



Bishop of Schalholt. 1445



Called the wise, bishop of Schalholt. 1472


Magnus sonne of Riolphus.

Bishop &c. 1489



Entreth the See. Then (liuing at one time with G.o.dschalchus bishop 1494 of Holen, who seemed worthy to be sirnamed cruel) he had the same commendations for mercy and iustice, that G.o.dschalchus had.

He died: or thereabout. 1519



Chosen in the yeere wherein Stephen deceased.

Entreth the see. 1522 While he was Bishop, the kings Lieutenant with some of his followers being inuited to Schalholt, in the time of the banquet was slaine by certaine conspirators because hee had in all places wickedly wasted the inhabitants and their goods. But Augmundus as the authour of that murther (although he purged himselfe with an othe) being transported into Denmarke there ended his life.



Elected, Augmundus yet liuing. 1540 Entred the see. 1541 He was the abolisher of Popish traditions about Priests marriages: his owne marriage being solemnized at Schalholt. 1544



Bishop &c. And the yeeres following. 1547


Gislaus Ionas.

This man presently, in the time of bishop Augmund began in his youth to be enflamed with the loue of true pietie, & of the pure doctrine of the Gospel, & being pastour of the Church of Selardal, diligently to aduance the same, by which meanes he did so procure vnto himselfe the hatred of Papists, as being constreined to giue place vnto their craft & crueltie, he departed ouer to Hamburg, from whence comming to Copen Hagen in Denmarke & painefully proceeding in his former study of diuintie, he liued in the familiaritie, and fauour of many, but specially of D. D. Peter Palladius: who was at that time bishop there. Afterward returning into his countrey, Martine gaue place 1556 vnto him of his owne accord. This man died also, hauing for the 1587 s.p.a.ce of 31. years or there abouts, professed the Gospel of Iesus Christ: neither did he helpe & further the Church of G.o.d by the sound of his voice much, but by all other meanes to the vtmost of his abilities, by teaching, preaching, writing, by his wealth & his counsel.


Otto Knerus.

A graue, G.o.dly, and learned man. Being Chosen he departeth his 1588 country. Hee is consecrated returneth, and entreth the sea, 1589 endeuouring himselfe in the labours of his function.

The Bishops of Holen In the yeere of Christ


Ionas sonne of Augrnundus.

Isleif his disciple. 1106 Consecrated beyonde the seas in the yeere of his age 64, his surname was Sanctus, vnto whose memorie the 3. of March was by the inhabitants in old time dedicated.

Dieth the 11. of the Kalends of May. 1121


Ketillus or Catullus.

Consecrated. 1121 Dieth. 1145



Being consecrated came into Island. 1147 Dieth. 1162



Consecrated 1163 Entreth his Episcopall see. 1165 Dieth. 1201


Gudmundus sirnamed Bonus.

Elected and consecrated. 1203 Dieth. 1237



Returneth consecrated. 1239 Dieth. 1246



Entreth the see. 1247 Dieth. 1260

The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation Volume I Part 29

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