The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation Volume Xiii Part 39

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M14 Theodoret in eccle. lib. 5. cap 20.

M15 Theodoretus cap. 26. eodem lib.

M16 1170. Owen Guyneth was then Prince of Northwales.

M17 Nullum tempus occurrit Regi. This Island was discouered by Sir Humfrey and his company, in this his last iourney.

2 Montezuma.

M18 Mutezuma his Oration to his subiects in presence of Hermando Cortes, which Oration was made about the yeere 1520.

M19 M. Oliuer Dalbony. M. Edward Reow. M.R.H. M.I.A.

M20 c.o.x the master.

_ 3 Marginal note_.-Clothiers. Woolmen. Carders. Spinners. Weauers Fullers. Sheermen. Diers. Drapers. Cappers. Hatters, &c. and many decayed townes repayred.

M21 The idle persons of this realme shall by occasion of this iourney bee well imployed and set on worke.

M22 Hempe doeth growe neere S. Laurence riuer naturally.

M23 Read the beginning of the booke int.i.tuled Diuers touching the discouery of America.

M24 Beasts for pleasure.

M25 Hides solde for forty s.h.i.+llings a piece.

M26 Great grapes. Wine of the Palme tree.

M27 Commodities found in August last.

M28 2 Corinth. 9.

M29 This bargen cannot be uniust, where both parties are gainers.

4 Equator

M30 2. Decad. lib. 5. fol. 77. of the West Indies in English. Canoa is a kind of boat. 3. Decad. lib. I. fol. 97. About the yere of our Lord 1511.

M31 Conquest of the West Indies. fol. 43. and 45. English.

M32 A marueilous victorie.

5 Louis Cadamosto, a Venetian, born about 1422, sailed from Madeira in 1455. under the auspices of Dom Henry, son of King John of Portugal.

He discovered Senegal, Cape Verd, and Gambia River. In a second voyage, in 1456, he pushed as far as the Saint Dominic River. On his return to his native land in 1464, he published an account of his travels.

M33 Ceffella accompted to be the place where the n.o.ble and wise king Salomon did fetch his gold.

6 Vasco da Gama was the first to double the Cape of Good Hope. Died at Cochin, 24th December 1525.

7 Alonzo, Duke of Albuquerque, an illegitimate descendant of the Kings of Portugal, established the Portuguese power on the East Coast of Africa, in Arabia, the Persian Gulf, further India, the Moluccas, etc. As Viceroy of the East Indies, his justice and chivalrous nature won the love and respect of all, and many years after his death, which happened in 1515, the natives used to make pilgrimages to his tomb to pray for justice against his cruel successors.

8 Ceylon.

M34 These are the furthest parts of the world from England. At these Islands hath sir Francis Drake bene, where the fame of the Queenes most excellent Maiestie was renowmed.

M35 Remember the great arrest of the Hollanders. An. 1598.

M36 Commodities of this voyage in shortnesse.

M37 Commodities of the countrey more then those of Moscouie.

M38 The seuerall merchandise.

M39 A lake of salt in Vasques his voyage.

_ 9 Marginal note_.-The ewer of metal brought by M. Fromisher, caused two seuerall supplies, the two yeeres next following; whereof the latter was of thirteene tall s.h.i.+ps.

M40 Master Carliles owne experience M41 The Frenchmens trade renewed in Canada, in the yeere 1581.

M42 The South part best for inhabiting and traffique.

M43 The furnis.h.i.+ng foorth of 100. men for one yeere will cost 4000. li.

M44 The fleete of Canada.

M45 The markes of the harbour of the Isle Ramea.

M46 An Isle like a Floure de lice.

M47 A banke of sand.

M48 The maine a shold coast.

M49 Lisle Blanche. The place where they killed 1500. Morses.

M50 Sands and sholds. A smal Island conteining a league of ground.

M51 A hard hauen.

M52 Markes to come into the hauen.

M53 The barre.

M54 The best anchorage.

M55 Another entrance. The Isle of Cormorants.

10 This page refers to Vol. III. of the Edition of 1812. For Jacques Cartier's voyage, see farther on.

11 A very curious account of the Unicorn is to be found in Goldsmid's Myths of Ancient Science, 1886.

M56 The voyage of M. Drake of Apsham to Ramea.

M57 The Isle of Ramea, or Menquit.

M58 The English men land vpon Cape Briton.

M59 They goe on sh.o.r.e in another place.

M60 The people of the countrey came downe to our men.

M61 Blacke dogs.

M62 A secret trade to the Southwest of Cape Briton.

M63 Soundings to the South and Southwestward of Cape Briton.

M64 They sayle 50 or 60 leagues to the South-West of Cape Briton.

M65 Great store of Seales, Porposes, Whales and Cods.

M66 They continue on the coast from Cape Briton Westwards full eleuen weekes.

M67 An huge Whale pursued their s.h.i.+p by the s.p.a.ce of many dayes till one of their men fell ouerboord.

12 Probably a Shark.

M68 The Islands of the Martyers. The Isles of S. Peter.

M69 They land on the Isle of Natiscotec.

M70 The Isle of Menego.

M71 The 2 Islands of Birdes.

M72 Store of Morsses.

M73 In Bryans Island excellent ground for corne and meadow.

M74 Another harbourough in Ramea.

M75 A skirmish betweene the French men and vs.

M76 A new treason of the Britons.

M77 The bar of the hauen of Ramea.

M78 They depart from Ramea.

M79 Isle Blanch or the White Isle.

M80 The riuer of Cape Briton.

M81 Their arriuall in the Isle of Cape Briton.

M82 The Chancewel cast away 18 leagues within Cape Briton.

M83 Woods on the Isle of Cape Briton.

The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation Volume Xiii Part 39

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The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation Volume Xiii Part 39 summary

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