The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation Volume Xiii Part 42

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40 It appears from a pa.s.sage in Chapter xvii. of this Discourse that Hakluyt had seen an original ma.n.u.script account of Cartier's second voyage in the Royal Library at Paris.

M212 The Prynces of England called the defenders of the faithe.

41 This t.i.tle was conferred on Henry VIII. by Leo X. by a bull dated the fifth of the Ides of October 1521, for his book "a.s.sertio Septem Sacramentorum adversus Martin Lutherum," etc., printed by Pynson, 1521.

M213 Plantings fyrste necessarye.

42 Friar Luys Cancel of Balvastro was, with other friars, sent to Florida by Philip II. in 1549, where they were ma.s.sacred and eaten.

(See Eden's version of Gomara's Historia general, cap. xiv. Woods.)

M214 A question of the adversary.

43 For an account of this earliest colony of Protestantism in America, consult Bayle's _Dictionnaire_, Art. _Villegagnon_ and _Ricker_; Cotton Mather, _Magnalia_, Book I., Southey's History of Brazil; De Thou, Maimbourg, etc.

44 Dr. Woods thinks Hakluyt is mistaken in saying ministers went out with Ribault to Florida. It is indeed hardly likely that Coligny would have thus alienated the sympathy of Charles IX.

45 Master Wolfall was the name of the minister who accompanied Frobisher, (see vol. xii. of this edition, p. 81), and Master Francis Fletcher was with Drake in his voyage round the world in 1577-80. His notes of the voyage were republished by the Hakluyt Society in 1854.

M215 Barbary

46 See the accounts of Voyages to Barbary given in Vol. xi. of this Edition.

M216 The Domynions of the Kinge of Spayne.

47 See Vol xi. of this Edition.

M217 France.

48 Hakluyt was chaplain to the English Amba.s.sador in Paris for five years.

M218 Flaunders.

M219 Estlande.

M220 Denmarke.

49 Russye.

50 This is Ivan III., surnamed _the Great_; he asked Queen Elizabeth in marriage in 1579.

M221 In the first volume of Ramusius, fol. 374, pag. 2.

51 When Hakluyt speaks of Florida, he means not only the peninsula so called now, but as far north as 36 degrees. The most northerly European colony in 1584 was situated south of the present town of Savannah. It was probably St. Augustine.

52 The work alluded to is Ribault's "The whole and true discoverye of Terra Florida.... Prynted at London by Rouland Hall for Thomas Hacket. 1563." A copy is in the British Museum. The French version is one of the lost books of the world.

M222 Sylke wormes exceedinge faire.

M223 The gentleness of the people.

M224 Harvest twise yn the yere.

M225 Pepper groweth here; yt is longe pepper.

53 This "Joyfull Newes" was a translation by Frampton of the "Historia Medicinal ... de nuestras Indias," (1574), of Nicholas Monardes, a learned Spaniard, who died in 1578. The English version was published in 1577. (C.D.) A copy is in my library.

M226 These apples growe in Italy, and are yellowe like a pipen.

54 Probably Jean Parmentier, of Dieppe.

M227 Excellent colours for dyenge.

55 Not improbably the old seaport of _Brouage_, near La Roch.e.l.le, now deserted. This appears to be the only notice extant of an expedition by de La Roche in 1584. For an account of his later expedition, consult Parkman, _Pioneers of France_, pp. 210-212.-C.D.

56 The full account in English of de Coronado's travels is given by Hakluyt in this collection. Hakluyt probably was ignorant of Spanish, as be always quotes the French or Italian versions.

57 Captain Richard Whitbourne, of Exmouth, in his Preface to "A Discourse and Discovery of Newfoundland," London, 1620, says he was an eye-witness to Sir H. Gilbert's taking possession of the countrey-C.D.

58 This work was reprinted in full by Hakluyt in this collection. _See ante._

M228 Letters the last yere, in Latin, out of Newfoundelande.

59 Also reprinted in full in the collection. _See ante._

M229 Afterwardes they sett the woodds on fire, which burnt three weekes together.

M230 Greate heate in Newfoundelande in sommer.

60 This voyage of Cortereale took place in 1500.

61 In all these Italian quotations, the edition by Dr. Deane has the word _e_ or _ed_ spelled _et_, a curious blunder.

62 In a "True Discourse of the late voyages of discoverie," written by George Best, who accompanied Frobisher, London, 1578, and reprinted by the Hakluyt Society.

M231 A singuler commoditie for dyenge of Englishe clothe. Thinges incident to a navy.

M232 Prevention to be taken hede of.

M233 Idle persons mutynous and desire alteration in the state.

63 This is a lost book. Emden was the capital of East Friseland. With reference to the removal of the English merchants at Antwerp to Emden, consult Strype's Life of Grindall, Oxford, cap, ix.

64 No less than seven editions of Sleidan's _De quatuor monarchiis_ were printed by the Elzeviers alone, a proof of the popularity of the work. An English translation by John Daus was published in London in 1560.

M234 Six hundred thousand pounde gayned yerely by Englishe wolles.

65 Reprinted in Hakluyt's "Divers Voyages," 1582.

M235 Objection. Aunswer.

66 See Myles Phillip's Voyage, _post_. Also consult Nicholas, _Pleasaunt Historie of the Conquest of the Weast India_, 1578, pp.


M236 The benefits of plantings aboute Cape Bryton or Newfounde lande.

67 Utrecht.

The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation Volume Xiii Part 42

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